Senior Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: Nobody Could Have Anticipated The Consequences Of October 7

I think "Mousa" has figured out that after what Hamas has brought down on Gaza that nobody is going to want them to be in charge in what's left of Gaza any more! You've got to be one stupid son of a bitch not to know that Israel's response was going to harsh. They deliberately provoked just that kind of a response and now they're "shocked" that it is harsh? shit...

Senior Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: Nobody Could Have Anticipated The Consequences Of October 7; We Did Not Expect A Barbaric World War against Us, In Violation Of International Law

"When the [Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam] Brigades did what they did on October 7, did they have expectations regarding the consequences of that attack?"
Mousa Abu Marzouk:
"Look, the consequences of the attack... Nobody in the whole world expected them to be so barbaric, and in such violation of all the international laws, treaties and norms. Nobody expected the [Israeli response] to be so barbaric, because, ultimately, the resistance fights soldiers. It is not fighting civilians with planes and tanks."
"What would you do if you had expected these consequences?"
Abu Marzouk:
"Nobody expected that all the Western powers, The U.S., and Britain, would wage world war against civilians. Nobody expected that.

Hust what did Mousa Abu Marzouk expect after the October 7th surprise attack?
I guess that Mousa Abu Marzouk was under the impression that Israel would roll over and allow the barbaric attack to take place and not retaliate.
The result of Marzouk's decision to attack was the massacre women and children. Yes, Hamas crossed the line and now they get to live with the consequences. Now they Pay the Piper
Hamas broke a ceasefire, committed atrocities, acted like a bunch of barbarians and now Marzouk leads with the victim card. Not buying it. This is what you wanted. You sowed the whirlwind.
For the record:
To the citizens in Gaza who today suffer. They do so because they did nothing to stop October 7 from happening. Now they have to suffer the consequences along with those who carried out the slaughters.
Bo one spoke up. Many people had to have been privy to the preparations. No doubt, many of those tight-lipped people thought the Israelis were going to “get theirs”. Well, someone is “getting theirs”, and it isn’t the Israelis.
In the meantime, the friends of Hamas, namely Hezbollah had done little to nothing in assistance to Hamas.
Jordan and Egypt refuse to accept Palestinian refugees. Even Syria and Iran have refused to accept Palestinians.
You slaughter, men, women, children, babies, the elderly ... and you couldn't anticipate the consequences? Really?
He is of course a shameless liar. This is precisely what they expected and hoped would happen. They see every single palestinian citizen death as a blessing from allah. They want to start a regional war against israel.

What can be done to rescue the civilians still there all of whom amount to hostages at this point?
I gotta wonder:

With all the protests in support of the Palestinians and the demands for a ceasefire, why don't these protestors call for Hamas to just surrender and release the hostages?

If they really want to save the Palestinians in Gaza, I'm sure Israel would stop their military offensive if Hamas would just surrender and release the hostages.

Somehow, that never seems to cross their minds. I guess they just figure that killing 1400 Israelis is O.K., that Hamas did nothing wrong, and this is all Israel's fault.

Asymmetric morality.
There is no wonder....these are empty NPCS hungry for purpose and hungry for identity. I understand the consternation of Palestinian people here who have relatives in Palestine now.

I don't understand the stupid common cause than anyone could find with a jihad oriented mentality such as Hamas.

These so-called sympathetic protesters are like the lost boys. Always looking for a cause celebrê to make noise about.
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Senior Hamas Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: Nobody Could Have Anticipated The Consequences Of October 7; We Did Not Expect A Barbaric World War against Us, In Violation Of International Law

"When the [Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam] Brigades did what they did on October 7, did they have expectations regarding the consequences of that attack?"
Mousa Abu Marzouk:
"Look, the consequences of the attack... Nobody in the whole world expected them to be so barbaric, and in such violation of all the international laws, treaties and norms. Nobody expected the [Israeli response] to be so barbaric, because, ultimately, the resistance fights soldiers. It is not fighting civilians with planes and tanks."
"What would you do if you had expected these consequences?"
Abu Marzouk:
"Nobody expected that all the Western powers, The U.S., and Britain, would wage world war against civilians. Nobody expected that.

Hust what did Mousa Abu Marzouk expect after the October 7th surprise attack?
I guess that Mousa Abu Marzouk was under the impression that Israel would roll over and allow the barbaric attack to take place and not retaliate.
The result of Marzouk's decision to attack was the massacre women and children. Yes, Hamas crossed the line and now they get to live with the consequences. Now they Pay the Piper
Hamas broke a ceasefire, committed atrocities, acted like a bunch of barbarians and now Marzouk leads with the victim card. Not buying it. This is what you wanted. You sowed the whirlwind.
For the record:
To the citizens in Gaza who today suffer. They do so because they did nothing to stop October 7 from happening. Now they have to suffer the consequences along with those who carried out the slaughters.
Bo one spoke up. Many people had to have been privy to the preparations. No doubt, many of those tight-lipped people thought the Israelis were going to “get theirs”. Well, someone is “getting theirs”, and it isn’t the Israelis.
In the meantime, the friends of Hamas, namely Hezbollah had done little to nothing in assistance to Hamas.
Jordan and Egypt refuse to accept Palestinian refugees. Even Syria and Iran have refused to accept Palestinians.
So he is essentially approving of the attack against innocent Israeli citizens and its rabid, animal like violation of.citizens. His only regret is that he didn't expect Israel to be so committed to justice in avenging the sub humans who attacked on Oct 7th. If this is the warped wisdom of a senior Hamas official I would hate to hear from a junior member.
Yes....they did...
Borders Don't Create Sanctuaries

When is Mossad going on an assassination tour to Qatar? That was beautifully thrilling in the movie Munich, even though the director tried to make it seem shameful. One of the actors later played Julius Caesar, the greatest Roman of them all. basically they're screwed.
They far outnumber Hamas. If they had the will, they would turn Hamas over.

Fact is, they don't. They elected Hamas to be their leaders. They filled the streets with dancing and signing, on the night of October 7.

And their sympathizers speak to the media and say things like, "The Israeli occupation must end, if there is to be peace."

Funny... we had this "peace" on October 6th. Wonder what happened?
They far outnumber Hamas. If they had the will, they would turn Hamas over.

Fact is, they don't. They elected Hamas to be their leaders. They filled the streets with dancing and signing, on the night of October 7.

And their sympathizers speak to the media and say things like, "The Israeli occupation must end, if there is to be peace."

Funny... we had this "peace" on October 6th. Wonder what happened?
I'm trying to wrap my head around what you're telling me and my mind keeps rejecting it. The concept of an entirely irredeemable populous is not an attractive image to the civilized mind. It leads to horrifying conclusions and hideous projections.
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I'm trying to wrap my head around what you're telling me and my mind keeps rejecting it. The concept of an entirely irredeemable populous is not an attractive image to the civilized mind. It leads to horrifying conclusions and hideous projections.
Not "entirely". Just such a high proportion that Hamas enjoys support and cover from the very people they are using as human shields.

Thought experiment for you:

A terrorist holes up with a suitcase nuke in a mall and surrounds himself with 300 hostages.

Law enforcement sends in a robot with a nice sized bomb and blows the terrorist, his now disabled nuke, and the hostages into a pink mist.

Whose hands is the blood of the dead hostages on?

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