Separation of church and state


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
No such thing. You can keep prayer out of public places but you cannot keep the influence of one’s religious belief form decision making and policies. Your religion is who you are. If you are a catholic and don’t believe in abortion or birth control you are not going to support birth control and abortions.
Separation of Church and States basically says that the government can't fund a religious institution and vice versa if I'm not mistaken. Probably to prevent a theocratical government of a sort.

The past 44 Presidents have been Christian or had Christian values. If there was "true" separation, then our Presidents would be Atheist.
There is no separation of church and state.

There is only the First Amendment and that states that the government will not impose a church that everyone will attend. In other words. No Church of the United States of America.

It helps to understand history and apply that knowledge to the real world.
I guess people can't read a very simple statement in the first amendment. It prohibits congress form establishing a national religion period end of story. The first 5 word of the amendment tells the whole story, "Congress shall make no law". It doesn't prohibit government from promoting religious values or allowing politicians or people from practicing their religion in the public square, those activities are not congressional laws establishing any religion. The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
I guess people can't read a very simple statement in the first amendment. It prohibits congress form establishing a national religion period end of story. The first 5 word of the amendment tells the whole story, "Congress shall make no law". It doesn't prohibit government from promoting religious values or allowing politicians or people from practicing their religion in the public square, those activities are not congressional laws establishing any religion. The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

Stop wasting your time! There is no way the anti-religion - ANY RELIGION - types will bother to even try to understand that there is no such thing as Separation of Church and State anywhere in the U.S. Constitution!

I guess people can't read a very simple statement in the first amendment. It prohibits congress form establishing a national religion period end of story. The first 5 word of the amendment tells the whole story, "Congress shall make no law". It doesn't prohibit government from promoting religious values or allowing politicians or people from practicing their religion in the public square, those activities are not congressional laws establishing any religion. The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

Stop wasting your time! There is no way the anti-religion - ANY RELIGION - types will bother to even try to understand that there is no such thing as Separation of Church and State anywhere in the U.S. Constitution!


Maybe, but truth is truth.
Liberals want to establish Atheism as the official religion of the United States.
I bet Americans who are opposed to the separation of church and state would start singing a different tune reeeeeaaal quick if another religion, like islam, began having greater influence.

It's clear you don't understand the establishment clause in the first amendment, it states all religious practices are protected, and simply forbids the federal government from establishing a national religion by law.
The people in power manipulate religion and the people who follow that religion to sometimes criminal extent. How many politicians run on a pro-life platform just so they can get the votes, and then set it at the lowest possible place in their agenda?

Yep, sometimes politicians lie, sometime they find their priorities are not shared by others whose cooperation is required to accomplish the task. That's politics.
Separation from church and state is to protect this nation from becoming Iran or any nation in Pre-Enligtenment Age Europe. When religion is as pervasive at the highest level as it is/was with those nations, freedoms are going to get curbed, period.

It's for that reason that I'm frankly very grateful for the separation of church and state. Because Christianity has such deep roots in the founding and history of this nation, it's only natural that its influence is felt in nearly all facets of our culture, our legal system and our government. It's something I acknowledge and respect, but nonetheless do not like.
Separation from church and state is to protect this nation from becoming Iran or any nation in Pre-Enligtenment Age Europe. When religion is as pervasive at the highest level as it is/was with those nations, freedoms are going to get curbed, period.

It's for that reason that I'm frankly very grateful for the separation of church and state. Because Christianity has such deep roots in the founding and history of this nation, it's only natural that its influence is felt in nearly all facets of our culture, our legal system and our government. It's something I acknowledge and respect, but nonetheless do not like.
I see you don't understand it at all.
Separation from church and state is to protect this nation from becoming Iran or any nation in Pre-Enligtenment Age Europe. When religion is as pervasive at the highest level as it is/was with those nations, freedoms are going to get curbed, period.

It's for that reason that I'm frankly very grateful for the separation of church and state. Because Christianity has such deep roots in the founding and history of this nation, it's only natural that its influence is felt in nearly all facets of our culture, our legal system and our government. It's something I acknowledge and respect, but nonetheless do not like.
I see you don't understand it at all.

Back up your assertion, please.
No such thing. You can keep prayer out of public places but you cannot keep the influence of one’s religious belief form decision making and policies. Your religion is who you are. If you are a catholic and don’t believe in abortion or birth control you are not going to support birth control and abortions.

As much as you want people to respect your religion, other people want you to respect that they are not part of the same religion. Pushing legislation on birth control is the equivalent of pushing the Catholic religion on non-catholics. Would you be okay with a law stating that all females in the workforce had to wear burqas?

It's fine to let your religion define who you are, but don't forget that there are other people with other religions, so don't let it define the law.
Separation from church and state is to protect this nation from becoming Iran or any nation in Pre-Enligtenment Age Europe. When religion is as pervasive at the highest level as it is/was with those nations, freedoms are going to get curbed, period.

It's for that reason that I'm frankly very grateful for the separation of church and state. Because Christianity has such deep roots in the founding and history of this nation, it's only natural that its influence is felt in nearly all facets of our culture, our legal system and our government. It's something I acknowledge and respect, but nonetheless do not like.
I see you don't understand it at all.

Back up your assertion, please.
Go to the top of the page and look at My initial post. It explains precisely what the 1st Amendment does.

The 1st is NOT a means by which we keep and control religious perspective nor a means of keeping religion out of our government.

It is one thing only. It prevents the Government from doing what the Kings of England did. Create a state sanctions (and required) church.

Anything more is just people attempting to impose their agenda upon everyone else.
There is no separation of church and state.

There is only the First Amendment and that states that the government will not impose a church that everyone will attend. In other words. No Church of the United States of America.

It helps to understand history and apply that knowledge to the real world.

No such thing. You can keep prayer out of public places but you cannot keep the influence of one’s religious belief form decision making and policies. Your religion is who you are. If you are a catholic and don’t believe in abortion or birth control you are not going to support birth control and abortions.

As much as you want people to respect your religion, other people want you to respect that they are not part of the same religion. Pushing legislation on birth control is the equivalent of pushing the Catholic religion on non-catholics. Would you be okay with a law stating that all females in the workforce had to wear burqas?

It's fine to let your religion define who you are, but don't forget that there are other people with other religions, so don't let it define the law.

Only regulations on birth control is the left trying to force people to buy it that have a religious objection to it. Isn't that ass backwards to what your implying?
There is no separation of church and state.

There is only the First Amendment and that states that the government will not impose a church that everyone will attend. In other words. No Church of the United States of America.

It helps to understand history and apply that knowledge to the real world.

Sure christine, that's if you ignore case law.
No such thing. You can keep prayer out of public places but you cannot keep the influence of one’s religious belief form decision making and policies. Your religion is who you are. If you are a catholic and don’t believe in abortion or birth control you are not going to support birth control and abortions.

As much as you want people to respect your religion, other people want you to respect that they are not part of the same religion. Pushing legislation on birth control is the equivalent of pushing the Catholic religion on non-catholics. Would you be okay with a law stating that all females in the workforce had to wear burqas?

It's fine to let your religion define who you are, but don't forget that there are other people with other religions, so don't let it define the law.

Only regulations on birth control is the left trying to force people to buy it that have a religious objection to it. Isn't that ass backwards to what your implying?

You're right, bad example. But the issue of catholic hospitals and universities rejecting birth control is another can of worms. If businesses can be exempt from certain regulations because they were started by a religion, then I have a few religions I'd like to start to help with some businesses ideas I have.

But my other main still stands as well. The issue of gay marriage is almost entirely made of christians pushing their beliefs into law (Defense of Marriage Act).

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