I mean, really, how blindly partisan and unfeeling do you have to be to refuse to join Trump in honoring D. J. Daniel, the 13-year-old boy who is battling cancer and who was given honorary Secret Service agent status by Trump during the SOTU address? I'm sure many of us have seen the viral videos of congressional Dems sitting, and even frowning and shaking their heads, during the standing ovation given to the young boy. Unreal.
I'm glad that some Democrats, such as Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), have condemned the disgraceful conduct of their fellow congressional Dems. Fetterman called it "unhinged petulance." Imagine if Republicans had refused to stand to honor a 13-year-old girl battling cancer who was honored by Biden with honorary teacher status in a SOTU address? I would join with Dems in condemning such rude, extreme partisan conduct.
Are there are Dems/liberals here who are willing to condemn this sorry display of extreme partisanship? Just one?
Rabid partisans such as Rachel Maddow actually criticized the honoring of D.J. Daniel.
DJ Daniel's father called out MSNBC's Rachel Maddow in a statement on Thursday, after calling President Trump's honoring of his son "disgusting."