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- Banned
- #101
Actually Jillian, I'll apologize. I'm being overly snarky and that shuts off any discussion.
What you should apologize for is the crap you wrote below...
My feeling about the Israeli/Palestinian situation is that there has been ongoing wrongs committed by both Israel and the Palestinians
Here we go with the moral equivalencies...
and the surrounding Arab states but you can't isolate those wrongs without taking into account all sides.
Uhhh, yes you can. Israel has been under perpetual attack for what, 70 years?
You seem to see only the fingers pointing at Israel and condemning Israel.
Given that there are 4 million jews aligned against 500 million arab muslims, with one vote in the UN vs. 57 for the muslims, that the fraud UN HRC is almost entirely made up of dictators allied against israel, yeah, that can make one feel a little outnumbered...
I keep seeing a lack of accountabillity for Israel's actions
As compared to who? Do you see what china has done to the Tibetans, Russians to Chechnya, N korea and iran to their own citizens, Muslims in sudan to the Christians, etc.? Where do you live, under a rock?
Israel is not a "victim" -
It has been for decades, and if you had an ounce of facts, you'd know it.
Israel has the most powerful and sophisticated military in the region and the most powerful ally in the world rubber stamping everything it does.
But I thought it got its ass kicked by the hez terrorists? Or the IDF is only powerful when people like you need it to be?
As for the US "rubberstamping everything israel does," - did it approve Olmert's begging to allow the IAF to bomb iran last year? No it did not.
Israel has a powerful American lobby that tries to control Israel's image to the American public and in the the American media.
The oil and saudi lobbies are 10x larger - yet we hear nothing from ppl like you about them.
The Palestinian situation is the albatross around Israel's neck that hinders it's image abroad and amongst it's own citizens in much the same way as Guantanamo did for the U.S..
Only to useful idiots and trash europeans who are appeasing their own muslim filthy hordes.
As for the Palestinians - I've said many times that they are no innocents- I've don't absolve them and their actions have hurt their own cause over and over again by their suicide bombers, using children and handicapped people as bombers, encouraging children to admire martyrs etc etc. Historically - they could have taken a peaceful resolution but they didn't but that was two generations ago now.
Oslo, and Sharm el-shek were 2 generations ago? WTF?
But right now, at this point in time, Israel is the Goliath, not the David and the Palestinians are a tragedy.
Only to the clueless and factless.
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