Sex with Ghosts

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Everyone has heard about teenage wet dreams. I have had 2 of these occurrences in my life. However, the first one was when I was approximately 22 years old. The second one was when I was 48. Both times this kind of freaked me out, especially since I was already an adult. Perhaps I am on the part of the sexual spectrum when where you are totally jacked 24/7? I don't know.

Now I am wondering if there is something else going on here. I am not a believer in the paranormal. I mean, I catch things moving in my house out of the corners of my eyes sometimes. But it does not really bother me. I just go about my business with the assumption that I am getting old and need better prescription glasses. If I saw a full-on apparition, that would probably freak me out. By fleeting glances of movement and strange noises do not. I simply write them off immediately as something logically explained.

Here is my theory about the wet dreams. I am thinking that I may have ghosts in the house (probably poltergeists since they are able to manipulate objects in the natural world). They may have been fucking with me, with the movements and noises I attributed to national sources. Because I did not respond to their spooky shenanigans with fright, they developed a sort of respect for me. Whatever is haunting me is most likely a sexually charged entity. The respect soon turned to attraction. This resulted in the spirt(s) pleasuring me.

This goes for both the house I was in at 22 (my parents' house) and the present house I own. Creepy does not really bother me. I am a very laid back sort of fella. I am also very practical. I just do not get into the ghost bullshit. But now I am not so sure. I have been listening to a lot of Art Bell's shows via "best of" podcasts lately while going to sleep.

Now, here is the part that is weird. I am thinking, why did the plasma pervs only molest me twice? Once at the old house and once at my present house? It is like they one-night-standed me. Perhaps worse, they got a taste of Rod, and they did not like it. I am confused as to whether I should feel like a dirty slut or if I should be wounded by their rejection of me. There is nothing wrong with my rod in size or girth. Any fine young chick would be grateful to sacrifice themselves on my sword.

I try not to think about this too much because it makes me feel somehow inadequate. I am not proud of this, but I have sometimes slept naked and on my back in an attempt to attract the specters. But this is dicey because I have dogs and cats in the house. I would just like to have some confirmation of what happened. Perhaps a seance?
I know of a haunted hotel in Prescott. But having sex with the ghost is extra.
What does a liberal ghost do when it accidentally gets pregnant?

It gets an Abootion.*

*insert rimshot here

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