Sexual deviant crowd performs drag queen shows in government schools

There's just no doubt about it anymore. Sexuality being seen by innocent American children is going to cause hair to grow on the palms of their hands.

One thing is certain, they no longer learn reading, writing, math and history in government schools. Instead, they are groomed by our sexual deviant crowd.
See; More than $200,000 spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools: Report

It is absolutely stunning how the sexual deviant crowd is given a green light in government schools to manipulate innocent and impressionable grade school children to accept their “lifestyle”.

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Lol, your link does not work. Likely because it's horse shit. Ya know I had five kids. Raised in the big city. Lol, they never had a drag queen show. Gee, I wonder why that is. Lol
Very often violence is necessary in America now, to settle a wide variety of political disputes..
Let's wait until after the mass shooting that's coming soon and then we can discuss the pros and cons of the idea of violence being necessary?

Mass shootings have nothing to do with the subject of the thread. Let your kids twerk with Trannies, I'm not having it.
Oh! The people should turn to mob violence now?

Do you see any problems with that?
What do you think has driven the situation to such a point at which mob violence is becoming the only answer?
Do you think some cooperative approach could have saved the mass shootings that are coming soon?

I'm a Canadian but I'm willing to talk about it for free.
Bad manners and bad behaviour excepted of course!
Whenever I get a grandchild and a grown man talks sex to my grandchildren about sex. Call 911.
They should all be locked up charged with injury to a child.

I can't believe this crap is happening in NYC's government schools, and NYC's hard-working wage-earners are taxed to finance it.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

So, here is Nancy Pelosi doing her best to address our nation’s problems:​



You cannot make this kind of crap up! the Democrat Party Leadership is the only one so stupid and tone deaf

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We have no need to "tolerate" the extreme Progressive deviancy and allow sick people like you to expose our children to this crap.
I never thought I would live to see the day when innocent and impressionable grade school children would become the target of our sexual deviant crowd.

Wanna get a couple of amigos together to protest a freaking drag show? Don't try it. Democrats have it rigged so that drag queen shows are protected and your right to protest is off the table. You will be arrested and charged with "planning a riot" and branded in official documents as "white supremacists" that will follow you as long as you live. The fix is in so live with it.
Then you're going to have to support those who are turning to violence.

LGBTQ people aren't going to be intimidated and scared off easily.
I remember a time when you idiots said they aren't forcing their sickness on anyone? Always knew that was a lie.
Very often violence is necessary in America now, to settle a wide variety of political disputes..
Let's wait until after the mass shooting that's coming soon and then we can discuss the pros and cons of the idea of violence being necessary?
You idiots have proven how violent you are. Retard.
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I remember a time when you idiots said they aren't forcing their sickness on anyone? Always knew that was a lie.
Not only was it a lie, but our sexual deviant crowd, who have all but taken over government schools SOURCE, have been brainwashing and propagandizing innocent and impressionable grade school children for decades, and neglecting the job of actually teaching reading, writing, math and history.

Absolutely shameful!
Then you're going to have to support those who are turning to violence.

LGBTQ people aren't going to be intimidated and scared off easily.
Fine. Neither am I. I'd like to see any trans faggot challenge me. lol That would be the shortest conflict in recorded human history. :p
How did the older generations ever make it through the school system back in the unenlightened olden days without drag queen sex shows? Makes ya wonder.

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