SF and their No Smoking in your private apt attempts.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

SassyIrishLass had her thread closed. I found it interesting. So...in her behalf..here it is again..

With that said...no smoking is common on properties, private apt or not. Same with condos. Some even in mobile home parks, I think. Where I live...signs are everywhere: This is a smoke free property. So even on the tippy top floor (6th), I cannot smoke on my balconey. OUTSIDE. Because the unit is on their property. Can't smoke out in the courtyard..cuz...its enclosed on their property. It sucks. But, I just go out to my car and have a cig.

Also in their "rules", you cannot go downstairs to the small smoking section they set up, in slippers or a robe or a nightgown even if it's 2am in the morning. Corporate doesn't want the old folks here to know this is an old folks apt complex.:cuckoo:
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I've never smoked. But, I might just have to take it up.

I assume, being San Francisco and all, that this prohibition applies to tobacco only, and not pot?
Same with most apartment complexes in leftist Oregon which are trying its best to be identical to CA. No smoking within 25 ft of my apartment complex indoors or outside. I like it for myself as before the new non-smoking rules a few years ago, a tenant filling his lighter with propane ( I think it was ) started a big fire in his apartment and it burned out several other apartments. This was a beautiful new building architecturally-speaking, too.

When I moved here years before that I was a non-smoker with clear lungs and no health problems but after breathing second-hand smoke 24/7 I developed a condition diagnosed as Mild Asthma and now the only thing that triggers that is second-hand smoke when someone tries to fire up a tobacco product. Otherwise no health problems. After-exercise asthma is common when the air is humid from all the rain in this coastal marine climate and I do exercise a lot. So, I am loving the clean air these past few years here but I DO hate the fact the state can come in and tell people how to live within the confines of their rental dwellings. So, mixed feelings. But new renters do have a choice to live here or not. Smokers choose not to.

But all of it will soon be worse when and if a new dictatorial regime takes over our country. If we think we are losing freedoms now, just wait.

Live Free or Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :death:
I smoke, yes. But I never smoke in my apt or house I rent. It isn't mine..I just pay to live there. And nicotine stinks big time. It permeates everything...walls, carpets, drapes, clothes, furniture. tenant moves out and someone has to live with the stink that doesn't smoke. So I can understand it. What I DONT like is stupid rules like no slippers or a robe at any time..not even the wee hours. If you are old, have a walker, smoke....youhave to get fully dressed to go outside and have a cig in the small smoking area. Its a bitch getting shoes on, pants, blouse, etc just to have a drag or two. Especially if you live on the 4th 5th or 6th floor. I live on the 6th floor. But the good news is I lost 15 lbs since i moved in. All that damn walking just to get to the ONE set of elevators then all those steps just to get outside the damn doors, then another thousand steps to get to the smoking area. I feel bad for those with walkers.
I've never smoked. But, I might just have to take it up.

I assume, being San Francisco and all, that this prohibition applies to tobacco only, and not pot?
Pot too.
In our case, the rule applies to any substance that uses fire to light. Pot smokers have to obey the 25-ft distance from the common grounds. We only have two here. The same two that use tobacco. No vaping either.

Sassy had her thread closed. I found it interesting. So...in her behalf..here it is again..

With that said...no smoking is common on properties, private apt or not. Same with condos. Some even in mobile home parks, I think. Where I live...signs are everywhere: This is a smoke free property. So even on the tippy top floor (6th), I cannot smoke on my balconey. OUTSIDE. Because the unit is on their property. Can't smoke out in the courtyard..cuz...its enclosed on their property. It sucks. But, I just go out to my car and have a cig.

Also in their "rules", you cannot go downstairs to the small smoking section they set up, in slippers or a robe or a nightgown even if it's 2am in the morning. Corporate doesn't want the old folks here to know this is an old folks apt complex.:cuckoo:
Yeah, I read that article. . .

I. . . COULD. .. NOT. . . . BELIEVE . . . IT.


I believe different apartments should be able to pass different rules, and when you sign up to live in them. . . you should know what they are, and agree to live by them.

When I moved into here, I told them that I occasionally smoked, but if they were a no smoking place, I could abide by that as I hadn't smoked in six or seven months. I will sometimes grab a pack with a six pack if I haven't had any pain in weeks. . . but then I won't have any in months.

I can take 'em or leave 'em.

But I only do them outside.

And definitely not when it gets below 50. :auiqs.jpg:

Last time was late August. . I had some Karen see me out sitting on my car bumper, ask me if I lived in "those apartments," and I said, yeah, this is my car.

. . . she said, "you know you can smoke in your apartment?" As if, that is some sort of hint? I guess smoking out in the parking lot was annoying her. My bad. :rolleyes: Guess I shouldn't enjoy the occasional beer and a smoke. If you can't enjoy being bad, what the hell is the point of living in this god awful police state.
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I smoke, yes. But I never smoke in my apt or house I rent. It isn't mine..I just pay to live there. And nicotine stinks big time. It permeates everything...walls, carpets, drapes, clothes, furniture. tenant moves out and someone has to live with the stink that doesn't smoke. So I can understand it. What I DONT like is stupid rules like no slippers or a robe at any time..not even the wee hours. If you are old, have a walker, smoke....youhave to get fully dressed to go outside and have a cig in the small smoking area. Its a bitch getting shoes on, pants, blouse, etc just to have a drag or two. Especially if you live on the 4th 5th or 6th floor. I live on the 6th floor. But the good news is I lost 15 lbs since i moved in. All that damn walking just to get to the ONE set of elevators then all those steps just to get outside the damn doors, then another thousand steps to get to the smoking area. I feel bad for those with walkers.


Who the hell wants to be in a car or living space that smells like stale smoke. Especially if you quit it and you don't do it all winter. blech.
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