Diamond Member
Sotomayor is for allowing the law of the land regarding a woman's right to control her own procreative choices to remain the same?
Great! Put her on the Supreme Court then, says I.
You Christo-fascists can all go fuck yourselves, as far as this christian is concerned.
Forget the OTHER Beating Heart and Nervous System...
That's just an Inconvenient "Punishment"* that must be Executed at the "Mother's" Will**...
What was it again that Ginsberg thought Abortion was all about again?...
*Barry Feels that a Baby is a "Punishment"...
**He also Feels that a Baby should be Left to Die outside the Womb if the Abortion Practicioner Fucks up and doesn't get it Right the first time.
He's ALL yours, Libbies...
Vote for him again... God's Watching.