Sheriff Joe Arpaio Sues Barack Obama Over Executive Amnesty


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
All of us citizens should get together and SUE HIM. and put him in his place. But you go Joe, :clap2:someone is looking out for We the people in this country because Obama never has.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:46 AM

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County sued Barack Obama over his unconstitutional executive amnesty today.
Sheriff Joe filed the suit in US District Court for the District of Columbia.
Freedom Watch reported:
(Washington, D.C., November 20, 2014) Today, in response to the executive order President Barack Obama has signed effectively granting amnesty to about a half of the illegal aliens currently in this country, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona filed a lawsuit to enjoin this unconstitutional act. This lawsuit can be found at

Sheriff Arpaio’s lawyer is Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, former federal prosecutor and founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. Mr. Klayman recently succeeded in obtaining a preliminary injunction against the National Security Agency for having unconstitutionally accessed the telephonic metadata of nearly all American citizens. See Klayman v. Obama, et al (Civil Action No. 13-cv-851), filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
Upon filing the complaint, which is styled Arpaio v. Obama, et al. before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Civil Action No. 14-cv-1966), Sheriff Arpaio issued this statement:

ALL of it here:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Sues Barack Obama Over Executive Amnesty The Gateway Pundit
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Hope he gets ready for a letter from the IRS.
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All of us citizens should get together and SUE HIM. and put him in his place. But you go Joe, :clap2:someone is looking out for We the people in this country because Obama never has.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:46 AM
View attachment 34233

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County sued Barack Obama over his unconstitutional executive amnesty today.
Sheriff Joe filed the suit in US District Court for the District of Columbia.
Freedom Watch reported:
(Washington, D.C., November 20, 2014) Today, in response to the executive order President Barack Obama has signed effectively granting amnesty to about a half of the illegal aliens currently in this country, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona filed a lawsuit to enjoin this unconstitutional act. This lawsuit can be found at

Sheriff Arpaio’s lawyer is Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, former federal prosecutor and founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. Mr. Klayman recently succeeded in obtaining a preliminary injunction against the National Security Agency for having unconstitutionally accessed the telephonic metadata of nearly all American citizens. See Klayman v. Obama, et al (Civil Action No. 13-cv-851), filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
Upon filing the complaint, which is styled Arpaio v. Obama, et al. before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Civil Action No. 14-cv-1966), Sheriff Arpaio issued this statement:

ALL of it here:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Sues Barack Obama Over Executive Amnesty The Gateway Pundit

I'm still anxiously awaiting the results of Sheriff Arpaio's deep, comprehensive, detailed, exhaustive investigation into the true birthplace of President Obama. I'm right on the edge of my seat, the anticipation is almost too much. When will this crime fighting crusader for justice finally reveal the earth shattering truth?
All of us citizens should get together and SUE HIM. and put him in his place. But you go Joe, :clap2:someone is looking out for We the people in this country because Obama never has.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, November 21, 2014, 8:46 AM
View attachment 34233

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County sued Barack Obama over his unconstitutional executive amnesty today.
Sheriff Joe filed the suit in US District Court for the District of Columbia.
Freedom Watch reported:
(Washington, D.C., November 20, 2014) Today, in response to the executive order President Barack Obama has signed effectively granting amnesty to about a half of the illegal aliens currently in this country, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona filed a lawsuit to enjoin this unconstitutional act. This lawsuit can be found at

Sheriff Arpaio’s lawyer is Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, former federal prosecutor and founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. Mr. Klayman recently succeeded in obtaining a preliminary injunction against the National Security Agency for having unconstitutionally accessed the telephonic metadata of nearly all American citizens. See Klayman v. Obama, et al (Civil Action No. 13-cv-851), filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
Upon filing the complaint, which is styled Arpaio v. Obama, et al. before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Civil Action No. 14-cv-1966), Sheriff Arpaio issued this statement:

ALL of it here:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Sues Barack Obama Over Executive Amnesty The Gateway Pundit

I'm still anxiously awaiting the results of Sheriff Arpaio's deep, comprehensive, detailed, exhaustive investigation into the true birthplace of President Obama. I'm right on the edge of my seat, the anticipation is almost too much. When will this crime fighting crusader for justice finally reveal the earth shattering truth?

well good for you. so that's all? how about what the thread is about. nothing?
Ah fatso's shooting for another 15 minutes of fame.

That is idiotic.
Whether you agree with the guy or not - he doesn't do anything for fame. You would be extremely hard pressed to find an elected official anywhere in the United States that is as committed to his office than this guy.
He believes in what he is doing - and stops at nothing to do it.
Extraordinarily rare.
He's already under investigation so I doubt he fears much.

The states need to sue Obama for a writ of mandamus, ordering him to enforce laws on the books. Tennessee is already authorizing such a suit.

Prosecutor discretion is a power possessed by the President or any executive. Its gonna be an uphill suit.
Ah fatso's shooting for another 15 minutes of fame.

That is idiotic.
Whether you agree with the guy or not - he doesn't do anything for fame. You would be extremely hard pressed to find an elected official anywhere in the United States that is as committed to his office than this guy.
He believes in what he is doing - and stops at nothing to do it.
Extraordinarily rare.

oh well then, so we just sit down and let him steam roll over us? A large majority of the people was Against this. I want to see him put in his place. He's nothing but a thug, Knowing that what his is doing, probably isn't LEGAL
Ah fatso's shooting for another 15 minutes of fame.

That is idiotic.
Whether you agree with the guy or not - he doesn't do anything for fame. You would be extremely hard pressed to find an elected official anywhere in the United States that is as committed to his office than this guy.
He believes in what he is doing - and stops at nothing to do it.
Extraordinarily rare.

His 'cold case posse' nonsense is because he believes what he's doing? Its for campaign donations. Just like this is.
Sheriff Joe is nothing more then a blind partisan media whore. That being said, I do not believe these Executive Orders live up to the standards set forth by the Supreme Court in Youngstown Tube and Sheet Co. v. Sawyer. We'll see how it pans out.
He's already under investigation so I doubt he fears much.

The states need to sue Obama for a writ of mandamus, ordering him to enforce laws on the books. Tennessee is already authorizing such a suit.

Prosecutor discretion is a power possessed by the President or any executive. Its gonna be an uphill suit.
No. The president or executive does not have the power simply to declare he wont enforce a whole class of laws simply because he disagrees with the law. Tht would make him a dictator.
You know it is funny. To the pathetic liberal, there is only one issue with this.

Being a cop while white.

Therefore, he is guilty of everything. No exaggeration. Regardless of the law and all of that. We are long past the notion if this fraud in the white house is about upholding the constitution. The braindead, brainwashed morons on the left have been told by the pathological liar that Reagan had done the same thing. Therefore that is what and all they believe. Yes, the socialist praetorian media is also reporting the same lie, and you have the obamaslurpers like paperview who believe it telling us all about that lie.

Fucking morons.

Like everything else, and I mean everything else the liberal left wing piece of shit tries to push (from man made global warming, to who is most responsible for the real estate bubble, to deregulation of banks, to who propagated WMDs, to the insidious notion that 5 bonified terrorists being water boarded and they pretend care for political expediency) they are wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.

They lie lie lie. They stand for nothing. They are elitists. You can tell they have no idea what it is to pay their own bills by defending everything liberal. I mean holy shit, they cry to be taxed more. You know, just by that fucking claim, that they do not pay their own bills, and they are mostly trust fund hacks.

Hell, they are so ridiculous that they went to college and majored in some Art, rather than a real degree. 99% of them can do that, cause like I said, they have a nice trust fund waiting for them and they certainly do not pay their own bills.

Yes, I ranted there. So what? It is all true isn't it? Only one thing more ridiculous than a liberal dude and that a liberal woman. What a waste of time. Do not get me started with those sluts.
Ah fatso's shooting for another 15 minutes of fame.

That is idiotic.
Whether you agree with the guy or not - he doesn't do anything for fame. You would be extremely hard pressed to find an elected official anywhere in the United States that is as committed to his office than this guy.
He believes in what he is doing - and stops at nothing to do it.
Extraordinarily rare.

oh well then, so we just sit down and let him steam roll over us? A large majority of the people was Against this. I want to see him put in his place. He's nothing but a thug, Knowing that what his is doing, probably isn't LEGAL

funny how you can accept how corrupt obama is but everytime you are shown facts that dont go along with your version of events of how evil and corrupt reagan was,you cover your ears and close your eyes.:cuckoo:
He's already under investigation so I doubt he fears much.

The states need to sue Obama for a writ of mandamus, ordering him to enforce laws on the books. Tennessee is already authorizing such a suit.

Prosecutor discretion is a power possessed by the President or any executive. Its gonna be an uphill suit.
No. The president or executive does not have the power simply to declare he wont enforce a whole class of laws simply because he disagrees with the law. Tht would make him a dictator.

the last president we had that followed the constituion wheter people want to believe it ot not that wasnt a dictater,would be carter.
He's already under investigation so I doubt he fears much.

The states need to sue Obama for a writ of mandamus, ordering him to enforce laws on the books. Tennessee is already authorizing such a suit.

Prosecutor discretion is a power possessed by the President or any executive. Its gonna be an uphill suit.
No. The president or executive does not have the power simply to declare he wont enforce a whole class of laws simply because he disagrees with the law. Tht would make him a dictator.

Tell that to Reagan who arbitrarily determined by EO that he wouldn't deport 200,000 Nicaraguans, despite immigration law indicating they should all be deported.

Or Bush who arbitrarily determined by EO that he wouldn't deport spouses, despite immigration law indicating they should be deported.

Prosecutorial discretion existed when it was republicans making the EOs. It exists when a democrat makes them. There's a reason why republican lawsuits have such a piss poor record of success in court; because their legal arguments are based solely on the party of in power when an EO is issued. Not on the policy of the EO.

And judges can smell political theater from a mile away, even if you can't.

And Sheriff Joe is the political equivalent of Vaudeville. Or perhaps midgets in colorful clothing hitting people with pig bladders.

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