Shin Godzilla (Amazon Prime)


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
AIDE: Sir, it's possible these underwater explosions could be caused by an undersea lizard.

MINISTER: Quick joking around, retard.

(giant undersea lizard tail appears out of the water)

MINISTER: Okay, okay. At least it can't come on land, right?

If you want to see the most hilarious rubber monster, watch this movie. Baby Godzilla is a real belly laugh.

But then, Godzilla movies have always been campy. Campiness is the point.

I remember when I was a little kid watching the original Japanese Godzilla movies, even I could tell the Japanese Navy Maritime Self-Defense Force* were cheap plastic models in a tub.

So Godzilla quickly grows up and begins slicing and dicing Tokyo as the Japanese throw everything they have at him to no avail.

All right, let's call those goddam Americans who dumped that radioactive shit in the ocean that caused all this and ask them to nuke Gojira.

Wait! Our scientists have an idea!

The one downside of this movie is you aren't given the option to hear the original Japanese dialogue, and the English dubbing SUCKS! They sound like they are phoning in the script.

Why don't they hire real actors to do English dubbing? Can you imagine Jack Nicholson dubbing movies? Awesome sauce!

*Full disclosure: The JMSDF is a client of my company.
LOL.....Watch this gif while listening to the music in the trailer.


I really liked Shin Godzilla. :laughing0301:

LOL.....Watch this gif while listening to the music in the trailer.


I really liked Shin Godzilla. :laughing0301:

It looked like some of the running crowd scenes in Shin Godzilla were taken from the tsunami.

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