Shock poll: Biden jumps to 6 point lead against Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.
I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.

It's all propaganda. Nothing the msm reports is credible.
I don’t buy into polls this early, but Trump is damaged goods. Of all the Republican nominees, Biden will have the easiest time defeating Trump.

You call Biden a “molester” when in fact the only president ever sued for sexual assault of a child was Trump and the only President ever found liable by a jury of his peers to the tune of 83 million dollars for defamation over a sexual assault was Trump.

The American people know who Trump is, and I am convinced the American people will reject him in November. Last time time he lost by 8 million votes. In 2024, he will lose by even a greater number.
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I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.
we have had 3 years of peace and prosperity.

quite a difference from the trump chaos.

to find out exactly how popular trump is, ask your mother if she wants her social security sent to wall st.
It's all propaganda. Nothing the msm reports is credible.

Methodology | Quinnipiac University Poll

Our Methodology​

"Our polls are based on a random sample of adults, 18 years of age and older. A random sample is one in which everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected. Sample sizes regularly consist of over 1,000 respondents.

Some poll results are based on registered voters (self-identified), rather than all adults, because of a focus on politics and elections. As we get closer to an election, we report the results based on likely voters.

Screener questions are used to determine likely voters. Different screener questions may be used depending on the type of election (i.e. primary vs. general election, presidential vs. mid-term election, etc.). This can include, but not limited to, questions measuring intention to vote, attention to the campaign, past voting behavior, and interest in politics to identify who is likely to vote.

All adults, regardless of voter registration status, are interviewed because we utilize recent Census data of the 18-year-old and over population for weighting purposes. Weighting is a statistical adjustment of the data. Gender, age, education, race, and region are the demographics that are weighted to reflect Census information. This process permits not only obtaining full coverage of the target population, but also ensures that subsets within the population are accurately represented within our results.

Sampling is based on random digit dialing (RDD) with phone numbers being randomly generated, not limited to any listed directory. RDD is used to ensure that both listed and unlisted phone numbers have a chance of being included in the sample. We purchase our samples from Dynata.

Typically, the field period for interviewing is four to seven days. We call from 5 to 9 p.m. respondent time, Monday through Friday with additional hours on Saturday and Sunday.

If there is no answer, we will "call back" that number. We will call every number where there is no answer at least four times. We do call cell phones. This is increasingly important as more than half of the nation only have a cell phone and no landline telephone.

Interviews can be conducted in Spanish if a respondent prefers to be interviewed in Spanish.

Only live callers, not prerecorded voices, are used to conduct Quinnipiac University polls. Our interviewer staff is a mix of students and non-students who are professionally trained and closely monitored."

We have 200 Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) stations with interviewers manually dialing all telephone numbers. Our CATI software is powered by the Survox platform from Enghouse Interactive.
I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.
Biden has had a pretty good presidency.... A steady rudder, through all crisis... no chaos....

the economy is kicking ass, inflation rates are coming down with no recession, low unemployment rate for 3 years plus etc

some higher GDP increases

Willing to compromise to reform immigration laws with Congress...

And most importantly, for those women voters who will deliver a Biden win,
Biden supports a woman's right to determine their own reproductive fate, and Trump brags of taking it away.

Trump won't win.

They are both getting too old, so age is not a factor between the two.
Biden has had a pretty good presidency.... A steady rudder, through all crisis... no chaos....

the economy is kicking ass, inflation rates are coming down with no recession, low unemployment rate for 3 years plus etc

some higher GDP increases

Willing to compromise to reform immigration laws with Congress...

And most importantly, for those women voters who will deliver a Biden win,
Biden supports a woman's right to determine their own reproductive fate, and Trump brags of taking it away.

Trump won't win.

They are both getting too old, so age is not a factor between the two.
No chaos? Southern Border? Ukraine? Iran? Inflation?

What’s your definition of chaos?
Nothing we haven't seen before

Due to the entire failure of the "two parties" to produce realistic individuals for the Presidency, we seem sentenced to either of a couple of undesirables. Where are alternatives. In a country as superb as America, how is it that there is no real political choice, just "either/or"?
President Trump IS the alternative
I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.
So you have BDS. Try to control yourself. Your hate for Biden is raising your blood pressure.
I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.
If there's one thing I've learned over the past several election seasons is that the polls are notoriously untrue could be a little to no relation to the final results. It seems as though our pollsters have abandoned the empirical data method in favor of politicization.
If there's one thing I've learned over the past several election seasons is that the polls are notoriously untrue could be a little to no relation to the final results. It seems as though our pollsters have abandoned the empirical data method in favor of politicization.
Especially the ones that put Trump ahead. Why do Humpers brag about polls when they're ahead, and diss them when they’re behind. Oh, BDS.
Polls this far out from the election are useless.

Trump is not going to win. He hasn't made any inroads into gaining the independent vote he lost in the swing states in 2020.
Polls this far out from the election are useless.

Trump is not going to win. He hasn't made any inroads into gaining the independent vote he lost in the swing states in 2020.
For sure.
Independents and women ! Trump is counting on men refusing to have sex with their wives unless they vote for him. Nice strategy. He’ll better keep his voter fraud efforts on the burner when it doesn’t work Big D.
I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.
Because most women are idiots.
I'm not familiar with who is biased and who isn't but I don't see how this can be true. It says the Don is losing the female vote.

Biden is a senile pervert with 3 horrible years as president. I guess hate for the Don is more than love for the molester.
/----/ According to your link, 1,650 self-identified registered voters nationwide were surveyed and President Biden received 47 percent support and former President Trump received 46 percent support.

So 47% of 1,650 registered voters, or 775 out of 160,000,000 voters, somehow represents the entire country.


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