Shock poll: Democratic swing districts back wall, Trump immigration offer


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
we have also seen that Pelosi took the biggest hit in public opinion over the shutdown

based on that & this new poll; it's easy to argue that Trump caved too early

but I don't think so, I am starting to come around to the idea that POTUS is handling this the right way

the way things are in the country right now, I am not sure it is possible for the numbers to swing any stronger in our favor

the old "quit while you're ahead" theory

but that's the thing, Trump has not quit & this fight is far from over

based on what I am seeing, it actually looks like we are in the best position we could have hoped for

point made & the left is backed into a corner; this does not mean we will get a deal cut with Congress; but this fight is about public perception and the 2020 elections just as much is it is about the wall itself

I hope Congress steps up and does the right thing, but I am also OK with the State of Emergency route as well; just so long as Trump does not cave in the end

Shock poll: Democratic swing districts back wall, Trump immigration offer

Voters in congressional districts that President Trump won in 2016 but flipped Democratic last November support his border wall and believe Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have accepted his immigration deal to end the partial government shutdown.

A poll of 10 representative districts, some of which Trump won by a big margin but then voted a Democrat into office in 2018, also found that a plurality approve of the president’s job performance, 49 percent to 48 percent._______________________________________________________________

And it found that more voters believe Trump "has been more open to compromise on this issue than congressional Democrats."

...voters in these DEM-held congressional districts move toward supporting the president’s border barrier as they shift away from Pelosi,” said the survey analysis.

*A plurality of voters in these districts approve of President Trump’s job performance (49%-48%), including an overwhelming majority of Republican voters (87%-11%).
*A majority of voters (54%-43%) say they support Trump’s policies.
*By a 61%-35% margin, voters support the president’s position on border security.
*By a 53%-43% margin, voters in these DEM-held congressional districts support “building a border wall or barrier to improve security between the U.S. and Mexico.”
*A majority of voters (50%-43%) believe that Democrats should have accepted Trump’s offer of three years of protection for dreamers in exchange for $5.7 billion in funding a border wall.
*By a 41%-34% margin, voters say Trump has been “more open to compromise on this issue” than congressional Democrats.
*After voters hear more about the need for a wall or barrier to improve national security, they move toward the president’s stance and away from Speaker Pelosi’s position.

* NOTE - those polled are all voters in districts that Trump won in 2016, but that were won by a Democrat in 2018
Looks like our dem playmates don't dispute any of your assertions. Cool beans.

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