Shocking sex ed videos indoctrinate young kids with drag queen & explicit sex advice


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Excerpts from a series of disturbing sex and gender education videos have been shared online, prompting widespread outrage.

see this disturbing advice given to young children. They also discuss loving others and they don’t seem to provide any boundaries whatsoever when it comes to sex and sexual relationships.

Shocking Sex Ed Videos Indoctrinate Young Kids With Drag Queens and Explicit Sex Advice

This is a US issue just as much.
This is indoctrination in your face this is your children being mentally raped and you help it allow it and demand it.

That is beyond not fair to the FREE WILL Of these children you ignorant pigs!!




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Excerpts from a series of disturbing sex and gender education videos have been shared online, prompting widespread outrage.

see this disturbing advice given to young children. They also discuss loving others and they don’t seem to provide any boundaries whatsoever when it comes to sex and sexual relationships.

Shocking Sex Ed Videos Indoctrinate Young Kids With Drag Queens and Explicit Sex Advice

This is a US issue just as much.
This is indoctrination in your face this is your children being mentally raped and you help it allow it and demand it.

That is beyond not fair to the FREE WILL Of these children you ignorant pigs!!


Remember everybody, love is . . . love.


The lose of shame for shameful behavior leads to more widely accepted shameful behavior, including the corruption of innocence. The parents of these children are a disgrace.
As a kid, I'd have been in detention for a month because of non-stop derisive laughter directed at the two fright-wigged clowns in tape 2.

These people need to be barred from all interaction with children. Yes, I mean the instructors.
As a kid, I'd have been in detention for a month because of non-stop derisive laughter directed at the two fright-wigged clowns in tape 2.

These people need to be barred from all interaction with children. Yes, I mean the instructors.

The "instructors"--tweedle-duh and tweedle-doh--remind me of rated X versions of Mr. Rogers in a fat suit and blackface. This is the typical perversion of innocence that comes of "emancipated" femininity sans the moral and intellectual absolutism of masculine authority.
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As a kid, I'd have been in detention for a month because of non-stop derisive laughter directed at the two fright-wigged clowns in tape 2.

These people need to be barred from all interaction with children. Yes, I mean the instructors.

The "instructors"--tweedle-duh and tweedle-doh--remind me of rated X versions of Mr. Rogers in a fat suit and blackface.

I meant the two women running things. They were the instructors. The other two should receive mandatory mental health care. Just a freak show.
The parents of these children are a disgrace.

In many instances, these materials are being presented to young children, public schools, without the knowledge or consent of their parents. In some cases, parents are not even being allowed to opt their children out of such grooming and abuse.
As a kid, I'd have been in detention for a month because of non-stop derisive laughter directed at the two fright-wigged clowns in tape 2.

These people need to be barred from all interaction with children. Yes, I mean the instructors.

The "instructors"--tweedle-duh and tweedle-doh--remind me of rated X versions of Mr. Rogers in a fat suit and blackface.

I meant the two women running things. They were the instructors. The other two should receive mandatory mental health care. Just a freak show.

I know that, and so was I. Hence, fat suit and blackface. They speak to children in the same tender and cheerful tone as Mr. Rogers . . . only perversion comes out of their mouths.
The best part some of these drag queensn are . CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTERS!! but the Democratic left Trump haters love this chit.
The best part some of these drag queensn are . CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTERS!! but the Democratic left Trump haters love this chit.

The Demoncraps are not far away from openly defending peodphilia. The promotion of inapropriate sexual materials being taught to children in public schools, the promotion especially of homosexuality and transgenderism; the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, and so on; all are rather obvious steps toward grooming children to set them up for more direct sexual abuse, and grooming the public to be more tolerant of such abuse. Few will admit it, yet, and in fact, most will angrily deny it if asked directly, but the agenda is obvious.
The best part some of these drag queensn are . CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTERS!! but the Democratic left Trump haters love this chit.

The Demoncraps are not far away from openly defending peodphilia. The promotion of inapropriate sexual materials being taught to children in public schools, the promotion especially of homosexuality and transgenderism; the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, and so on; all are rather obvious steps toward grooming children to set them up for more direct sexual abuse, and grooming the public to be more tolerant of such abuse. Few will admit it, yet, and in fact, most will angrily deny it if asked directly, but the agenda is obvious.

Cowards like to pretend it doesn't exist and turn a blind eye. Until it touches one of theirs. But today they ( the people) are so mental they don't evenn know what's ok and what's not.

SOciety is so gawd dam stupid they have no idea if ROGET STONE loses this case WE ALL LOSE DUE PROCESS should anybody in this nation get into legal trouble. Dumb fk leftist think their do gooder kiss ass ways keep them safe from law omfg !! If they only the average person commits at least 3 felonies a day these smart mouthed assholes would keep their dumb fk mouths closed!

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