shooting in the center of Strasbourg on the Christmas market France


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Hello, Happening Now


A new provisional report states two dead and 11 wounded, the shooter identified and sought.

A shooting left at least two dead and eleven wounded on the Christmas market in Strasbourg, Tuesday, December 11. The shooter, identified, is still wanted, the Strasbourg raid antenna is deployed on site. The city center is cordoned off. The Interior Ministry mentions a "serious public security event" underway in the city. The inhabitants are invited to stay at home. Contacted by Franceinfo, the antiterrorist section of the Paris prosecutor's office, in connection with the Strasbourg public prosecutor's office, claims to be evaluating the situation.

DIRECT. Fusillade à Strasbourg : un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de deux morts et 11 blessés, le tireur identifié et recherché
Violence in a gun-limited society?

Your question proves a lot.

We have 300 millions guns and gun terrorism everywhere...
Hello, Happening Now


A new provisional report states two dead and 11 wounded, the shooter identified and sought.

A shooting left at least two dead and eleven wounded on the Christmas market in Strasbourg, Tuesday, December 11. The shooter, identified, is still wanted, the Strasbourg raid antenna is deployed on site. The city center is cordoned off. The Interior Ministry mentions a "serious public security event" underway in the city. The inhabitants are invited to stay at home. Contacted by Franceinfo, the antiterrorist section of the Paris prosecutor's office, in connection with the Strasbourg public prosecutor's office, claims to be evaluating the situation.

DIRECT. Fusillade à Strasbourg : un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de deux morts et 11 blessés, le tireur identifié et recherché

Would you like to borrow one of my firearms to shoot back with? How about a nice AK-47 and a couple 9mm pistols?

Would if I could. :biggrin:
Hello, Happening Now


A new provisional report states two dead and 11 wounded, the shooter identified and sought.

A shooting left at least two dead and eleven wounded on the Christmas market in Strasbourg, Tuesday, December 11. The shooter, identified, is still wanted, the Strasbourg raid antenna is deployed on site. The city center is cordoned off. The Interior Ministry mentions a "serious public security event" underway in the city. The inhabitants are invited to stay at home. Contacted by Franceinfo, the antiterrorist section of the Paris prosecutor's office, in connection with the Strasbourg public prosecutor's office, claims to be evaluating the situation.

DIRECT. Fusillade à Strasbourg : un nouveau bilan provisoire fait état de deux morts et 11 blessés, le tireur identifié et recherché

Would you like to borrow one of my firearms to shoot back with? How about a nice AK-47 and a couple 9mm pistols?

Would if I could. :biggrin:

I should maybe now here it gets very violent between the violent protests every Saturday and now we have a terrorist on the lose, I should go live in the USA it's quieter at the end:p
The shooter was allegedly wounded by soldiers before fleeing and the shooter has been identified, a man of 29, no name revealed yet
The shooter was allegedly wounded by soldiers before fleeing and the shooter has been identified, a man of 29, no name revealed yet

As they always do, the media will report that he is a "French citizen". Never mind that his name is "Muhammad Something-or-other" and he wasn't born in France, they always call them a "French citizen."

The dickhead shooter is most likely no more French than I am. They do that in the UK, too. They always call terrorists who commit acts of terrorism in the UK a "British citizen", even though he's an immigrant.
I went to that Christmas Market a few years ago, it’s one of the largest in Europe.

They’ll probably try to blame it on a Yellow Vest protestor.
The shooter was allegedly wounded by soldiers before fleeing and the shooter has been identified, a man of 29, no name revealed yet

As they always do, the media will report that he is a "French citizen". Never mind that his name is "Muhammad Something-or-other" and he wasn't born in France, they always call them a "French citizen."

The dickhead shooter is most likely no more French than I am. They do that in the UK, too. They always call terrorists who commit acts of terrorism in the UK a "British citizen", even though he's an immigrant.
Yes, here we have the French who call them " La racaille" and since the manifestation of the Saturdays we saw the police attack the yellow jackets but not attacked the scum La racaille, and Macron had sign the pact to the un that the French did not want. they are alway protected by leftists
I went to that Christmas Market a few years ago, it’s one of the largest in Europe.

They’ll probably try to blame it on a Yellow Vest protestor.
Yes, and you should know that Macron has made announcements for the Yellow Vests but only for a part of the French much remains in misery and the yellow vests wanted to go yet to make a demonstration this Saturday but this attack will ensure that the French will be afraid to go manifest say that it's good timing for Macron I think

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