Should Attorney General Eric Holder Be Impeached?

Should Attorney General Eric Holder Be Impeached

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Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas) and 10 other House Republicans — including Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and Florida Rep. Ted Yoho — have drafted four articles of impeachment against Holder. These include allegations that Holder violated federal law by refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena over the botched Fast and Furious gun-walking program; “failed to enforce multiple laws, including the Defense of Marriage Act, the Controlled Substances Act, and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986,”; did not prosecute IRS employees over allegations the agency improperly handled the applications for nonprofit status by conservative political groups; and misled Congress over whether he was aware of a search warrant issued for the emails of FOX News reporter James Rosen.

Is it time for him to go?
Personally, i feel he should be Impeached. His handling of the Fast and Furious tragedy alone, has been criminal in my opinion.
I don't really know. Imo, the only thing the gop has that is remotely impeachable is a refusal to comply with subpoenas, which btw was the nexus of Nixon's impeachment. But, the admin may legally withhold them IF disclosure would damage legitimate operations by the executive branch ... which undoubtedly includes law enforcement. (Nixon's view of executive privledge was anything the potus orders is privledged, and that didn't fly with the sup ct.) And, its just not possible for anyone of us to know whether that is a legit issue. Assuming the gop pursues this, and I doubt they will, and if they do they'll look like bigger idiots than they do even now post-Cruzathon, it'll end up in courts with judges making the call.
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I think he should comply with his sworn duty and comply with the law. If he does not then he is saying, impeach me. It is entirely up to him.
That whole Obama administration should be impeached, run out on a rail...they've all abused their power of the government against we the people

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