should christmas be removed from the list of federal and state recognized holidays?

should christmas be removed as a holiday

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I used to have very handy nickname for posters who lost the argument in one thread and then ran off to rebirth it in a new thread. Darned if I can remember it though.
i would say a big no...what would the world do with out christmas gezzzz

What would the world do without Christmas? Simple........prove that the Catholic church lied about the date and give it back to the Jews.

Put Yeshua's birthday on it's real day.

Just sayin'...........
I used to have very handy nickname for posters who lost the argument in one thread and then ran off to rebirth it in a new thread. Darned if I can remember it though.

what are you babbling about now...obviously you can't debate anymore, so now you're just babbling nonsense about some mythical posters....
should christmas be removed from the list of federal and state recognized holidays? i no of no other holiday that people get so tizzy about, especially if you want to allow people the opportunity to sing traditional carols....

perhaps it is about removing it as a federal and state holiday....

Would it really affect anything at all considering that people can still practice their religious beliefs with or without a federal holiday? In my opinion, removing it would be a great trojan horse for the communist democrats because it would no longer be dependent on the government to recognize it as a holiday in order for people to value it in their own lives. One can simply go out and practice their religion as they see fit without it having to be recognized by the government. It would actually drive people to religion which is what a lot of people on the left deeply fear.

"One nation under god!"

"In god we trust!"

We are a christian nation, always have been.

Besides, all these hypocritical atheist clowns wouldn't get the presents they ALL enjoy on Christmas day!

And of course, the lazy hypocritical clowns wouldn't get their paid day off. Those that actually WORK anyway!
should christmas be removed from the list of federal and state recognized holidays? i no of no other holiday that people get so tizzy about, especially if you want to allow people the opportunity to sing traditional carols....

perhaps it is about removing it as a federal and state holiday....

Would it really affect anything at all considering that people can still practice their religious beliefs with or without a federal holiday? In my opinion, removing it would be a great trojan horse for the communist democrats because it would no longer be dependent on the government to recognize it as a holiday in order for people to value it in their own lives. One can simply go out and practice their religion as they see fit without it having to be recognized by the government. It would actually drive people to religion which is what a lot of people on the left deeply fear.

good point about that that many on the left deeply fear religion.....
question for both those who do not want it removed and those who do:

when this holiday, christmas, was first added to the list of federal holidays, was it for a secular purpose?
Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) wasn't even born anywhere NEAR DECEMBER 25TH!

He was born closer to the end of October.

If they (the idiots celebrating Christmas on the 25th) would move His birthday back to where it actually was, then I'd support it.

Besides.....think about it.........a holiday in late fall is better than one in winter. At least in the fall you can barbecue, whereas in the winter, you're locked inside with people that you're grateful you see only once or twice a year.

Does your propane or natural gas not light when it's cold out?
I would like to see how quickly anyone who proposed doing away with Xmas was hung by the neck until dead.

Please read. No one is proposing doing away with Xmas.

Actually, doing away with Christianity altogether is what IS being proposed. Then it will be some other religion - my first guess would be Judaism. There's no place for religion of any kind when you're pushing atheism, socialism, communism ... etc.

should christmas be removed from the list of federal and state recognized holidays? i no of no other holiday that people get so tizzy about, especially if you want to allow people the opportunity to sing traditional carols....

perhaps it is about removing it as a federal and state holiday....


If you're going to remove Christmas, then next you'll be removing Thanksgiving, Easter, and from there comes Memorial Day, Labor Day, and every other date on the calendar.

Why? If one doesn't like it, perhaps one should move somewhere the calendar is more to their liking.

Taking it a little further along, anyone who does not want to live in a democracy such as America and abide by the Constitution as written and intended by the founding fathers should go to whatever socialist or communist country that pleases them. This includes freedom of religion as opposed to depriving everyone of religion of any kind because it might hurt someone's feelings or offend someone.
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"One nation under god!"

"In god we trust!"

We are a christian nation, always have been.

Besides, all these hypocritical atheist clowns wouldn't get the presents they ALL enjoy on Christmas day!

And of course, the lazy hypocritical clowns wouldn't get their paid day off. Those that actually WORK anyway!

Really? Because "In God we trust" was actually the state slogan for Florida, and, about the mid 1800's, that slogan was adopted for federal use.

One nation under God is from the Pledge of Allegiance. It wasn't added until 1954.

From wikipedia..........

The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States is an oath of loyalty to the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy in 1892. The Pledge has been modified four times since then, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954. The Pledge is predominantly sworn by children in public schools in response to state laws requiring the Pledge to be offered. Congressional sessions open with the swearing of the Pledge, as do government meetings at local levels, meetings held by the Boy Scouts of America, the Freemasons and their concordant bodies, other organizations, and some sporting events.

Epic fail Wasted Jerker.
Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) wasn't even born anywhere NEAR DECEMBER 25TH!

He was born closer to the end of October.

That would create havoc with retailers like Walmart.

Can you imagine the turn around they would need to get rid of all the unsold Christmas merchandise and replace it with Halloween merchandise? And all of this while people are trying to return unwanted Xmas gifts?


And you couldn't swap the two Holidays and move Halloween to 12/25, because all the pumpkins would be rotten.
Think of the marketing though xotoxi, because it will work!

Okay.....lemmie 'splain.........

In order to give thanks to someone, you first have to receive something from them. Now.....if Christmas was actually on the correct day Yeshua was born, we'd get presents in October, and give thanks in November.

The present from God is Yeshua. The thanks we give is for the freedom that Yeshua gave to us, which allowed this country to form. could probably even sell that to the tea baggers!
It's just amazing to me to watch the bitter butters, and atheists crawl outta the woodwork every year and try to crap on Christmas! Who gives a flying fuck about your stupid "pagan" facts. The fact is Christmas is celebrated every year by Christians to commemarate the birth of Jesus Christ. And whether or not you think the date is accurate just registers a big zero on my give o fuck meter.
Think of the marketing though xotoxi, because it will work!

Okay.....lemmie 'splain.........

In order to give thanks to someone, you first have to receive something from them. Now.....if Christmas was actually on the correct day Yeshua was born, we'd get presents in October, and give thanks in November.

The present from God is Yeshua. The thanks we give is for the freedom that Yeshua gave to us, which allowed this country to form. could probably even sell that to the tea baggers!
Speaking of "tea baggers", aren't you getting tired of smelling Huggy's asshole as you lick each others balls while ''tea bagging''?

Just curious.

I guess that explains why you chose to enlist in the navy, wear those gay looking uniforms with the gay looking bell bottoms, "DITTO" style blue jeans and gay lil' caps, all while spending months on end at sea without female companionship and a whole lotta horny wannabe pirate dudes, eh?

Just kidding, maybe!:razz:
Like I said... I have no problem with Christmas as a federal holiday. I think that we should add Jewish holidays and Muslim holidays and Buddhist holidays as well. Kwanza too, for that matter.

My guess is, when this country was formed, you could count the number of muslim citizens on one hand. Now there are millions. Same with nearly every other non-Christian religion.

That's not a bad thing. Our diversity has always been a source of our strength. We should rejoice in the presence of other strong religious traditions. It makes us a better nation.
If we give federal holiday status to Christmas, we should give federal holiday status to other religious holidays as well.
We have no actual proof that the Jesus mentioned in the bible was ever born or existed.
It's just amazing to me to watch the bitter butters, and atheists crawl outta the woodwork every year and try to crap on Christmas! Who gives a flying fuck about your stupid "pagan" facts. The fact is Christmas is celebrated every year by Christians to commemarate the birth of Jesus Christ. And whether or not you think the date is accurate just registers a big zero on my give o fuck meter.

how christmas of you.....
We have no actual proof that the Jesus mentioned in the bible was ever born or existed.
Yeah right!

The one thing we now know doesn't ACTUALLY exist is the global warming charade that loony liberal idiots bought into hook, line and sinker.

Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
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