Should Palin just "Butt-out" ???


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Should Sarah Palin 'butt out' of GOP primaries? - The Week

At least one prominent Republican wishes that Sarah Palin would stop using her superstar status to endorse GOP candidates. Georgia congressman Jack Kingston took Palin to task for getting involved in his state's gubernatorial primary run-off — and pushing a once-fringe candidate, Karen Handel, into a tight second-place finish. "I don't know why [Palin] feels compelled to get into primaries all over the country," Kingston said on a talk radio interview, at one point agreeing that Palin should "butt out" of GOP primaries. "What she is doing is dividing the Republican Party at a time when we don't need to be divided," he said. Does he have a point?
Most people don't want a politician trying to dictate who should and shouldn't "butt out".

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues on which Mr. Murphy ranks higher in the conservative canon than Mr. Ehrlich does. Opposed to raising taxes? Check! In favor of Second Amendment gun rights? Check! Opposed to abortion? Check! Dislike illegal immigrants? Check!

To the extent that Republicans follow Ms. Palin down this path, they will find it leads to a very snug tent, just big enough for the hard-core partisans who refuse to deviate from checklist politics for the sake of character, pragmatism or victory. You could call that principled. You could also call it a political strategy so narrow that it amounts to self-marginalization.
Kingston is a fucking faggot crybaby who belongs with the dems because they are the party that wants to silence Palin, Beck et al
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Ohh I think Palin should stay deeply involved in Republican politics.
Both on her twitter and facebook pages and even in person!

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues .


or "if you want to move forward put the car in D, if you want to go back, but it in R"

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues on which Mr. Murphy ranks higher in the conservative canon than Mr. Ehrlich does. Opposed to raising taxes? Check! In favor of Second Amendment gun rights? Check! Opposed to abortion? Check! Dislike illegal immigrants? Check!

To the extent that Republicans follow Ms. Palin down this path, they will find it leads to a very snug tent, just big enough for the hard-core partisans who refuse to deviate from checklist politics for the sake of character, pragmatism or victory. You could call that principled. You could also call it a political strategy so narrow that it amounts to self-marginalization.
Well, that formula seems to have worked well for democratics (i.e. hopey-changey, make them pay their "fair share", people before profits, human need instead of corporate greed are amongst the favorite lefty boilerplate slogans), so why shouldn't the other team give it a whirl?

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues .


or "if you want to move forward put the car in D, if you want to go back, but it in R"

thats catchy....mind if I use it??

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues on which Mr. Murphy ranks higher in the conservative canon than Mr. Ehrlich does. Opposed to raising taxes? Check! In favor of Second Amendment gun rights? Check! Opposed to abortion? Check! Dislike illegal immigrants? Check!

To the extent that Republicans follow Ms. Palin down this path, they will find it leads to a very snug tent, just big enough for the hard-core partisans who refuse to deviate from checklist politics for the sake of character, pragmatism or victory. You could call that principled. You could also call it a political strategy so narrow that it amounts to self-marginalization.
Well, that formula seems to have worked well for democratics (i.e. hopey-changey, make them pay their "fair share", people before profits, human need instead of corporate greed are amongst the favorite lefty boilerplate slogans), so why shouldn't the other team give it a whirl?

Sorry...I only exchange posts with the Dude

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues .


or "if you want to move forward put the car in D, if you want to go back, but it in R"

Well that is pretty much the classical definition of Liberal and Conservative.

Liberal to be progressive and move forward.

Conservative to keep things the way they are for as long as possible. Socially at least, business wise they are more Libertarian.

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues .


or "if you want to move forward put the car in D, if you want to go back, but it in R"

Well that is pretty much the classical definition of Liberal and Conservative.

Liberal to be progressive and move forward.

Conservative to keep things the way they are for as long as possible. Socially at least, business wise they are more Libertarian.

would you argue that socially, culturally, the US is more liberal or conservative than we were 50 years ago?

or "if you want to move forward put the car in D, if you want to go back, but it in R"

Well that is pretty much the classical definition of Liberal and Conservative.

Liberal to be progressive and move forward.

Conservative to keep things the way they are for as long as possible. Socially at least, business wise they are more Libertarian.

would you argue that socially, culturally, the US is more liberal or conservative than we were 50 years ago?

More corporatist.

Like with health care reform.
The corporatioins coppered their bets if it passed or did not.
Result is we wind up with something that mostly benefits corporate profits.

Or the finiancial corporations, they took no risks, lied about the risks for investors, bout broke the country and got bailed out by the folks they hurt the worst. By hurt the worst I mean the ones who flet the loss the most. Not the ones that could just take it as a tax deduction and go on.
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Most people don't want a politician trying to dictate who should and shouldn't "butt out".

Do most people want out-staters coming in and trying to influence their state elections though?

It suggests that Ms. Palin's political worldview, if you can call it that, consists mainly of a short checklist of slogan-ready, litmus-test issues .


or "if you want to move forward put the car in D, if you want to go back, but it in R"

Well that is pretty much the classical definition of Liberal and Conservative.

Liberal to be progressive and move forward.

Conservative to keep things the way they are for as long as possible. Socially at least, business wise they are more Libertarian.

what were the bad things conservatives wanted to keep the same?
Palin's candidate lost to Gingrich's and Huckabee's candidate in Georgia Tuesday.

The most interesting thing about that is Huckabee getting in the endorsement game. That means he's probably going to run in 2012,

that means that he and Palin split the crackpot fundie wing of the GOP,

that means Brigham Romney's path to the nomination is that much clearer.
Most people don't want a politician trying to dictate who should and shouldn't "butt out".

Do most people want out-staters coming in and trying to influence their state elections though?

In my opinion only in presidential elections should campaign money be allowed to cross state lines. And for county wide elections same rule no outside county money into county. down to city elections same rule.
Most people don't want a politician trying to dictate who should and shouldn't "butt out".

Do most people want out-staters coming in and trying to influence their state elections though?

In my opinion only in presidential elections should campaign money be allowed to cross state lines. And for county wide elections same rule no outside county money into county. down to city elections same rule.

arkansas must have really pissed you off.
Should Sarah Palin 'butt out' of GOP primaries? - The Week

At least one prominent Republican wishes that Sarah Palin would stop using her superstar status to endorse GOP candidates. Georgia congressman Jack Kingston took Palin to task for getting involved in his state's gubernatorial primary run-off — and pushing a once-fringe candidate, Karen Handel, into a tight second-place finish. "I don't know why [Palin] feels compelled to get into primaries all over the country," Kingston said on a talk radio interview, at one point agreeing that Palin should "butt out" of GOP primaries. "What she is doing is dividing the Republican Party at a time when we don't need to be divided," he said. Does he have a point?

Not at all. Right now, Palin is one of the Democrats' best weapons.
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