Should The UN Be Sued

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
for having employees who openly took part in the Oct 7th terrorist attacks against Israel? These people were plants, spies, moles, etc. who worked in the UN to infiltrate them to be proxies for Hamas. Should the UN be sued for this and forced to pay damages?
for having employees who openly took part in the Oct 7th terrorist attacks against Israel? These people were plants, spies, moles, etc. who worked in the UN to infiltrate them to be proxies for Hamas. Should the UN be sued for this and forced to pay damages?
The UN should be relocated to GAZA.

'Scandal': Israeli Dossier 'Provides No Evidence' for Claims Against UNRWA Staff

"People in Gaza are starving, and because of spurious allegations made in a dodgy dossier, they will experience worse hunger."​

Feb 06, 2024


Israeli Dossier Raises Questions About U.N. Staff’s Oct. 7 Involvement​


". . . Leaked copies of the dossier began circulating last week, with few of the first media outlets to report on its contents acknowledging its lack of hard intelligence. (There were some exceptions, like CBS News, which noted that the claims were laid out “without providing evidence.”) Even before the leaks, however, the accusations had thrown the agency’s future into doubt.. . . "

I saw Lee Camp quip, this is like accusing a few dozen employees of the Apple corporation of committing a bank robbery, and then insisting that the entire world now stop using iphones. :rolleyes:

Israel’s evidence of UNRWA Hamas allegations examined​

for having employees who openly took part in the Oct 7th terrorist attacks against Israel? These people were plants, spies, moles, etc. who worked in the UN to infiltrate them to be proxies for Hamas. Should the UN be sued for this and forced to pay damages?
The UN have been anti-Israel for decades. Even when the nation had a focus on the agrarian society of Utopian ideals in the many kibbutzes (pre and post 1948). This disdain for Israel became even worse as it became a military super power in the region and far more technologically advanced.

This increased prejudice against Israel by the UN has expanded with the increased hatred of America. I've said that the West needs a new, specifically "values-oriented" group, with a serious push towards the promotion of capitalism, democracy, civil liberties, transparency and equal justice etc.

If America lead this group and was true to its roots, it should demand a priority economic segment. This would drive countries to this group and promote global values based on the traditional U.S values.
The UN have been anti-Israel for decades. Even when the nation had a focus on the agrarian society of Utopian ideals in the many kibbutzes (pre and post 1948). This disdain for Israel became even worse as it became a military super power in the region and far more technologically advanced.

This increased prejudice against Israel by the UN has expanded with the increased hatred of America. I've said that the West needs a new, specifically "values-oriented" group, with a serious push towards the promotion of capitalism, democracy, civil liberties, transparency and equal justice etc.

If America lead this group and was true to its roots, it should demand a priority economic segment. This would drive countries to this group and promote global values based on the traditional U.S values.
HALVAI ---but it ain't gonna happen---demographics
The UN have been anti-Israel for decades. Even when the nation had a focus on the agrarian society of Utopian ideals in the many kibbutzes (pre and post 1948). This disdain for Israel became even worse as it became a military super power in the region and far more technologically advanced.

This increased prejudice against Israel by the UN has expanded with the increased hatred of America. I've said that the West needs a new, specifically "values-oriented" group, with a serious push towards the promotion of capitalism, democracy, civil liberties, transparency and equal justice etc.

If America lead this group and was true to its roots, it should demand a priority economic segment. This would drive countries to this group and promote global values based on the traditional U.S values.
Which is how the UN was infiltrated by Hamas.
The UN have been anti-Israel for decades.

Since its founding, the UN, like The League of Nations before it, has had a distinctively "anti-colonial," disposition.

Go back an read the UN charter for lands sake. :rolleyes:


Western European colonial empires in Asia and Africa disintegrated after World War II

Everyone knows, that the founding and history of modern day Israel, bears the colonial fragrance of European Jews, fleeing from war torn Europe after WWII. It had as its, "original sin," the displacing of native Arabs in the British mandate.

This offends most of those on the planet that have been colonized by the British, French, Dutch, etc. etc. etc.

Folks reap what they sow.

Come on back to reality.

Since its founding, the UN, like The League of Nations before it, has had a distinctively "anti-colonial," disposition.

Go back an read the UN charter for lands sake. :rolleyes:


Western European colonial empires in Asia and Africa disintegrated after World War II

Everyone knows, that the founding and history of modern day Israel, bears the colonial fragrance of European Jews, fleeing from war torn Europe after WWII. It had as its, "original sin," the displacing of native Arabs in the British mandate.

This offends most of those on the planet that have been colonized by the British, French, Dutch, etc. etc. etc.

Folks reap what they sow.

Come on back to reality.
Try some reality yourself----I will give you a clue---the animus between India and Pakistan has nothing to do with British colonialism. The animus between Russia and the USA and between Russia and the Ukraine---has nothing to do with
the BRITISH EMPIRE. The genocide of Biafrans in
Nigeria---in which 1.5 million babies were STARVED to death----has nothing to do with the Spanish conquistadors
Try some reality yourself----I will give you a clue---the animus between India and Pakistan has nothing to do with British colonialism. The animus between Russia and the USA and between Russia and the Ukraine---has nothing to do with
the BRITISH EMPIRE. The genocide of Biafrans in
Nigeria---in which 1.5 million babies were STARVED to death----has nothing to do with the Spanish conquistadors
Means nothing to the post you responded to.

Please stay on topic.
President Trump should tell the UN to go someplace else when he takes over and withdraw our membership. They're useless.
The animus between Russia and the USA and between Russia and the Ukraine---has nothing to do with

Actually, I'm inclined to disagree with you here.

It has everything to do with the crown.

The US had its government subverted, at long last, by the British in 1913.

We had a very long history of trying to separate from Britain, including two wars. And many many arguments and controversies of trying to separate from a global international bank. They and the Jesuits had tried to subvert our nation many many times. If there had been an assassintion of a US president in history, chances are, there is a link to G. Britain or the Vatican behind it. .

They had foreign agents agitate and cause the Civil War in this nation. Had it not been for Catherine the Great, the British and French monarchies would have certainly entered on the side of the Confederacy and destroyed this nation.

The British are more of a threat to this nation than even Russia. . they and their elites, are behind a push for a global surveillance state, and the desire to bring all ownership of the world's resources under their control.

. . in this regard? Trump is little different than Biden. They would both bend the knee to the crown and the cabal.

Likewise, they assaulted and had Russia invaded many times, themselves, and caused it to be, by the French, the Germans. History is written by the victors, so it is not always clear how, but they are behind the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean war, WWI, WWII, and the subsequent Gladio Operations . . . which have now, finally born this ill fruit we are dealing with today.

Putin is correct, the ancestors of the Ukrainians and the Russian people, all have the same origins, they would not be enemies but for the machinations & the fascism of the crown.

Thank you so much for making clear who you are really loyal to.

You show your ignorance of the Great Game by your posts. I suggest you not embarrass yourself further.
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Actually, I'm inclined to disagree with you here.

It has everything to do with the crown.

The US had its government subverted, at long last, by the British in 1913.

We had a very long history of trying to separate from Britain, including two wars. And many many arguments and controversies of trying to separate from a global international bank. They and the Jesuits had tried to subvert our nation many many times. If there had been an assassintion of a US president in history, chances are, there is a link to G. Britain or the Vatican behind it. .

They had foreign agents agitate and cause the Civil War in this nation. Had it not been for Catherine the Great, the British and French monarchies would have certainly entered on the side of the Confederacy and destroyed this nation.

The British are more of a threat to this nation than even Russia. . they and their elites, are behind a push for a global surveillance state, and the desire to bring all ownership of the world's resources under their control.

. . in this regard? Trump is little different than Biden. They would both bend the knee to the crown and the cabal.

Likewise, they assaulted and had Russia invaded many times, themselves, and caused it to be, by the French, the Germans. History is written by the victors, so it is not always clear how, but they are behind the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean war, WWI, WWII, and the subsequent Gladio Operations . . . which have now, finally born this ill fruit we are dealing with today.

Putin is correct, the ancestors of the Ukrainians and the Russian people, all have the same origins, they would not be enemies but for the machinations & the fascism of the crown.

Thank you so much for making clear who you are really loyal to.

You show your ignorance of the Great Game by your posts. I suggest you not embarrass yourself further.
not since the Tooth Fairy married the Easter Bunny

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