Should the USA have teamed with the Germans

Churchill and the Brits, along with France, Belgium, the Netherlands, etcetera, WERE the western allies....They had a pact with Poland to guarantee their sovereignty, which was the impetus behind their declaration of war with Germany after 1 Sep 39....True historical fact
Actually, above was raised a fair argument - what was a reason to risk the lives of British and American and other Western nations for Eastern Europe? Considering their collaboration with Nazis and the role in Holocaust?
The question is irrelevant to the fact....The pact with Poland was the above-board impetus behind the British/French declaration of war with Hitler...The double-dealing that had been engaging behind the scenes was another thing altogether.

WII ......Winston Churchill UNDERSTOOD what needed to be done.......FDR didn't listen......Poland was the reason England went to War against the odds.................the War should have not ended until Poland was freed
Poland was freed 40 years later. It took a lot more years, but a lot fewer lives. Mission completed.
To destroy and obliterate Stalin and communism ??
Did we attack the wrong the nation.
We could have dealt with Germany after ??
Support Nazis to fight Communism?
No, support western Europe to stop Stalin from enveloping eastern Europe.

Most of the regular Wehrmacht weren't Nazis.
WII ......Winston Churchill UNDERSTOOD what needed to be done.......FDR didn't listen......Poland was the reason England went to War against the odds.................the War should have not ended until Poland was freed
Poland was freed 40 years later. It took a lot more years, but a lot fewer lives. Mission completed.
... but a lot fewer lives.

The captured German soldiers, Jews, Gypsies, anti-communist Poles, etcetera could not be reached for comment.
Without controlling the skies all that Soviet armor would just be target practice and that's before developing jet fighters
so, we get halfway across Russia and then what? you have any idea how much it would cost--in $$$/material/etc just to go HALF-way across Russia????!!!..look at the map I posted

Who said anything about occupying Russia? Just push them back to their start point - East of Poland
WII ......Winston Churchill UNDERSTOOD what needed to be done.......FDR didn't listen......Poland was the reason England went to War against the odds.................the War should have not ended until Poland was freed
Poland was freed 40 years later. It took a lot more years, but a lot fewer lives. Mission completed.
Did it..............LOL............All the killing during the Cold War one died......lmao.........

Churchill knew this was coming............but didn't have the power to take back Poland.
Churchill and the Brits, along with France, Belgium, the Netherlands, etcetera, WERE the western allies....They had a pact with Poland to guarantee their sovereignty, which was the impetus behind their declaration of war with Germany after 1 Sep 39....True historical fact
Actually, above was raised a fair argument - what was a reason to risk the lives of British and American and other Western nations for Eastern Europe? Considering their collaboration with Nazis and the role in Holocaust?
The question is irrelevant to the fact....The pact with Poland was the above-board impetus behind the British/French declaration of war with Hitler...The double-dealing that had been engaging behind the scenes was another thing altogether.

Formally, the Brits and French did their part of the treaty and declared a war against Germany.

On the practice, it was a 'strange' war. But I cant imagine the British rushing for help to Poland when it was doomed, especially after the Soviet Union began it's part of the invasion.
Churchill and the Brits, along with France, Belgium, the Netherlands, etcetera, WERE the western allies....They had a pact with Poland to guarantee their sovereignty, which was the impetus behind their declaration of war with Germany after 1 Sep 39....True historical fact
Actually, above was raised a fair argument - what was a reason to risk the lives of British and American and other Western nations for Eastern Europe? Considering their collaboration with Nazis and the role in Holocaust?
The question is irrelevant to the fact....The pact with Poland was the above-board impetus behind the British/French declaration of war with Hitler...The double-dealing that had been engaging behind the scenes was another thing altogether.

Formally, the Brits and French did their part of the treaty and declared a war against Germany.

On the practice, it was a 'strange' war. But I cant imagine the British rushing for help to Poland when it was doomed, especially after the Soviet Union began it's part of the invasion.
Whether you can imagine it or not isn't of any relevance.

The pact was in fact the impetus for the western allies declaring war on Hitler.
WII ......Winston Churchill UNDERSTOOD what needed to be done.......FDR didn't listen......Poland was the reason England went to War against the odds.................the War should have not ended until Poland was freed
Poland was freed 40 years later. It took a lot more years, but a lot fewer lives. Mission completed.
Did it..............LOL............All the killing during the Cold War one died......lmao.........

Churchill knew this was coming............but didn't have the power to take back Poland.
I didn't wrote no one was killed during the Cold War and the conflicts it provoked. Dont try to twist that.
Churchill and the Brits, along with France, Belgium, the Netherlands, etcetera, WERE the western allies....They had a pact with Poland to guarantee their sovereignty, which was the impetus behind their declaration of war with Germany after 1 Sep 39....True historical fact
Actually, above was raised a fair argument - what was a reason to risk the lives of British and American and other Western nations for Eastern Europe? Considering their collaboration with Nazis and the role in Holocaust?
The question is irrelevant to the fact....The pact with Poland was the above-board impetus behind the British/French declaration of war with Hitler...The double-dealing that had been engaging behind the scenes was another thing altogether.

Formally, the Brits and French did their part of the treaty and declared a war against Germany.

On the practice, it was a 'strange' war. But I cant imagine the British rushing for help to Poland when it was doomed, especially after the Soviet Union began it's part of the invasion.
Whether you can imagine it or not isn't of any relevance.

The pact was in fact the impetus for the western allies declaring war on Hitler.
Yes, and basically they followed the treaty.
WII ......Winston Churchill UNDERSTOOD what needed to be done.......FDR didn't listen......Poland was the reason England went to War against the odds.................the War should have not ended until Poland was freed
Poland was freed 40 years later. It took a lot more years, but a lot fewer lives. Mission completed.
Did it..............LOL............All the killing during the Cold War one died......lmao.........

Churchill knew this was coming............but didn't have the power to take back Poland.
I didn't wrote no one was killed during the Cold War and the conflicts it provoked. Dont try to twist that.
You said but a lot fewer lives.......I challenged that.

The Cold War has led us to where we are today...........not finishing Wars only leads to more Wars.......even if the cost is high for finishing it.

200,000 more lives lost in WWI for the allies and WWII would have never happened.............Of course the Naval War would have been a death match after though..........Germany would have fought to the death had it proceeded into Germany.
Falaise to Berlin

Hitler and National Socialism were dead.

The battle weary troops could have been rotated out, the factories producing the arms could have been relatively quickly brought back on line, the allies had air supremacy over the entirety of Europe and would have had no challenge laying the Soviet Air Force to waste.

Patton was right.
we can't even win in people don't know history/'s not that simple..Russia was too big/etc
...over 2 times the size of the US.....
Napoleon took over Moscow and still lost
Apples and submarines.
the US and Germany are not going to defeat Russia--plain and simple
The Poles and very probably Finland would have joined in too....Would have been a romp...Plain and simple.
....o NOW some more IFs--as usual----hahahahhahahaha..let's give the US some F15 fighters also obviously didn't look at the map I posted and/or don't know anything about wars/military/history
There are no IFs....Poland was being left to Stalin...They detested the Soviets every bit as much as the Nazis....Beside that, they would have been fighting for their home nation....The Finns only left the Axis after it was clear to them that Hitler was going to lose the war...They would have had no compunctions throwing in with a winner, if it meant regaining some land that was in dispute with Russia.

You really don't know diddly shit about the war, outside of the principal combatants, do you?
plain and simple, the US, Germany, etc are not going to take over Russia....again, you people think it's like a board don't know about logistics/reality, etc
Logistics?...Ever heard of the Red Ball Express?...The US had the greatest industrial stream crossing the Atlantic to ever be displayed on the planet...Technicians working with the Germans could have had their munitions industries up and running in a few months.....Lest we forget all the functioning captured hardware already taken off the field of the western front.

Then there are the Romanians, Czechs, Slavs, Hungarians, etcetera, who would have all pitched in to keep their countries out from under Stalin's iron boot....Their partisans all fought very effective guerilla warfare against the Axis.

These are military facts, not board game scenarios.
please....please-- go to WW2 Forums....we know what we are talking about
!!!!!!!!!!!!you just fked up!!!
even with the Redball, they were still not getting enough supplies
I KNOW now you don't know what you are talking about's obvious you know only the subjects and not the details

''''''The difficulties in reconstructing the railroads and laying pipelines meant that the burden for support of the armies fell squarely on truck transport. Truck transport, however, could not even meet the advancing armies' minimum daily maintenance requirements much less preposition reserves. Not only were transportation assets inadequate, but service troops were also stretched hopelessly thin. The heady rush to end the war in a stoke had left the entire logistic system perilously close to breakdown.''''

''''''even at the expense of immobilizing combat divisions by commandeering their trucks'''''

''''''While it could provide only a small fraction of the supplies needed at the front, the Red Ball had itself been consuming 300,000 gallons of precious fuel a day, almost as much as a field army.'''''

''''The Red Ball Express and other traditional forms of supply could not keep forward units sufficiently supplied''''' you have any idea how many tons can be carried by rail vs trucks???!!!! woooohoooooo
Without controlling the skies all that Soviet armor would just be target practice and that's before developing jet fighters
so, we get halfway across Russia and then what? you have any idea how much it would cost--in $$$/material/etc just to go HALF-way across Russia????!!!..look at the map I posted

Who said anything about occupying Russia? Just push them back to their start point - East of Poland
so we are going to attack Russia, but just to Poland--and they will not be pissed---Russia will stop fighting once we get to Poland!!!!!!!???? Russia will say ''ok, it's ok that you attacked us, since you are at Poland, you win''????!!!!!
jesus f christ!!!!!! this isn't a movie!!!!
Without controlling the skies all that Soviet armor would just be target practice and that's before developing jet fighters
so, we get halfway across Russia and then what? you have any idea how much it would cost--in $$$/material/etc just to go HALF-way across Russia????!!!..look at the map I posted

Who said anything about occupying Russia? Just push them back to their start point - East of Poland
the OP said it!!!!!!!!
To destroy and obliterate Stalin and communism ??
Did we attack the wrong the nation.
We could have dealt with Germany after ??
Falaise to Berlin

Hitler and National Socialism were dead.

The battle weary troops could have been rotated out, the factories producing the arms could have been relatively quickly brought back on line, the allies had air supremacy over the entirety of Europe and would have had no challenge laying the Soviet Air Force to waste.

Patton was right.
we can't even win in people don't know history/'s not that simple..Russia was too big/etc
...over 2 times the size of the US.....
Napoleon took over Moscow and still lost
Apples and submarines.
the US and Germany are not going to defeat Russia--plain and simple
The Poles and very probably Finland would have joined in too....Would have been a romp...Plain and simple.
....o NOW some more IFs--as usual----hahahahhahahaha..let's give the US some F15 fighters also obviously didn't look at the map I posted and/or don't know anything about wars/military/history
There are no IFs....Poland was being left to Stalin...They detested the Soviets every bit as much as the Nazis....Beside that, they would have been fighting for their home nation....The Finns only left the Axis after it was clear to them that Hitler was going to lose the war...They would have had no compunctions throwing in with a winner, if it meant regaining some land that was in dispute with Russia.

You really don't know diddly shit about the war, outside of the principal combatants, do you?
plain and simple, the US, Germany, etc are not going to take over Russia....again, you people think it's like a board don't know about logistics/reality, etc
Logistics?...Ever heard of the Red Ball Express?...The US had the greatest industrial stream crossing the Atlantic to ever be displayed on the planet...Technicians working with the Germans could have had their munitions industries up and running in a few months.....Lest we forget all the functioning captured hardware already taken off the field of the western front.

Then there are the Romanians, Czechs, Slavs, Hungarians, etcetera, who would have all pitched in to keep their countries out from under Stalin's iron boot....Their partisans all fought very effective guerilla warfare against the Axis.

These are military facts, not board game scenarios.
please....please-- go to WW2 Forums....we know what we are talking about
!!!!!!!!!!!!you just fked up!!!
even with the Redball, they were still not getting enough supplies
I KNOW now you don't know what you are talking about's obvious you know only the subjects and not the details

''''''The difficulties in reconstructing the railroads and laying pipelines meant that the burden for support of the armies fell squarely on truck transport. Truck transport, however, could not even meet the advancing armies' minimum daily maintenance requirements much less preposition reserves. Not only were transportation assets inadequate, but service troops were also stretched hopelessly thin. The heady rush to end the war in a stoke had left the entire logistic system perilously close to breakdown.''''

''''''even at the expense of immobilizing combat divisions by commandeering their trucks'''''

''''''While it could provide only a small fraction of the supplies needed at the front, the Red Ball had itself been consuming 300,000 gallons of precious fuel a day, almost as much as a field army.'''''

''''The Red Ball Express and other traditional forms of supply could not keep forward units sufficiently supplied''''' you have any idea how many tons can be carried by rail vs trucks???!!!! woooohoooooo
Russia would have had similar problems if their supply lines were hit by our advantage from the air.........which was massive........especially with the high altitude bombing............

We were not the only ones with issues.
Without controlling the skies all that Soviet armor would just be target practice and that's before developing jet fighters
so, we get halfway across Russia and then what? you have any idea how much it would cost--in $$$/material/etc just to go HALF-way across Russia????!!!..look at the map I posted

Who said anything about occupying Russia? Just push them back to their start point - East of Poland
so we are going to attack Russia, but just to Poland--and they will not be pissed---Russia will stop fighting once we get to Poland!!!!!!!???? Russia will say ''ok, it's ok that you attacked us, since you are at Poland, you win''????!!!!!
jesus f christ!!!!!! this isn't a movie!!!!
And after Moscow gets nuked........then what.......we did it to Japan ........what makes you think we wouldn't have done it there.

Yes they had a very large army.........but that army needed logisitcs too.
WWI wasn't finished..........led to WWII

WWII wasn't really finished........led to the Cold War and many Wars by others.

Korean War wasn't won........led to the North Korea we have today........

History repeating itself.

WWII ......Winston Churchill UNDERSTOOD what needed to be done.......FDR didn't listen......Poland was the reason England went to War against the odds.................the War should have not ended until Poland was freed.

All we did was cause problems for another 40 years...........and Stalin was a cold blooded murderer of his own people.
..most wars are not total wars, like WW2
..most wars do not end in unconditional surrender
..WW2 was won--objectives completed
..Korea War was won..the US completed the objective to eject NK from the south
''''''the U.N. Security Council met in an emergency session and approved a U.S. resolution calling for an “immediate cessation of hostilities” and the withdrawal of North Korean forces to the 38th parallel'''''
objectives completed


....WW2 - Japan and Germany defeated and totally reformed politically/militarily/etc --objective completed
..most wars are not total wars, like WW2
Which is why politicians lose Wars........WWII was created at the end of WWI by not finishing it and guaranteeing massive suffering to Germany.

.most wars do not end in unconditional surrender
Because most Wars end before final victory

..WW2 was won--objectives completed
And yet it led to 40 years of USSR BS and countless Wars via proxies for it.

Korea War was won..the US completed the objective to eject NK from the south
By politicians getting our people killed because they refused to fight it as a War and cut the N. Korean supply chain.

Now ......N. Korea is a pain in our butt because we didn't finish it.

.WW2 - Japan and Germany defeated and totally reformed politically/militarily/etc --objective completed
USSR point.....and Cold War start.........Poland and Eastern Europe in bondage for decades.

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