Should We Be Allowing the CCP to Flood Our Country With 400,000 Military Age Chinese "Refugees"


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
China is a totalitarian country with actual govt sponsored modern day slavery that many international companies take advantage of.
Leaving the country is almost impossible without permission from the CCP but we have hundreds of thousands of single, military age Chinese that have illegally crossed our border.
They are traveling to Ecuador & then paying the cartels up to $30,000 to smuggle them into America. Sounds like a lot of money for a young Chinese national fleeing a communist regime.
Most are not caught but even those that are are part of the catch & release.

This doesn't include the millions of other young Chinese here legally on student/work visas, etc... How many sleeper cells & espionage agents are in that group?
China has been buying up US land close to many of our military bases with many locals noticing suspicious activities that they report to authorities to no effect.

Considering communist China has already stated their goal is to take down the US & dominate the world as the sole superpower, what could be the legit purpose for DC to facilitate this illegal invasion by refusing to enforce immigration laws & close the border?

Since the fentanyl precursors are made in China, are they being used as drug mules as well?

The US isn't alone in this either- many other countries are seeing similar situations.

This seems incredibly irresponsible & reckless but I'm sure our govt is keeping watch & has it under control because they work for us & want to protect us from foreign invaders... right

In fact, it is common practice for cartels to notify CBP where they are dropping illegal migrants off so they’ll know where the CBP won’t be active. The cartels are then free to move their most valuable cargo—Chinese nationals and fentanyl safely across the border.

It is estimated that fewer than 1 in 10 Chinese nationals crossing the border are apprehended. That means with as many as 90 Chinese nationals caught per day as many as 900 are making it into the US.

Unfortunately, the 90 that are caught are promptly released as they claim they are pro-democracy activists who would be killed if they returned to China. According to the CBP, there could be as many as 400,000 military-age men from China here in America with more arriving each day.

Once these Chinese nationals are in the US they are monitored and supervised by a network of Chinese aid organizations. Six years ago China’s Communist Party began a concerted program to fill both domestic and international NGOs with loyal party members in an effort to spread its influence and control.

Might have helped to have more support. Rather flipant attitude toward national security.
But Trump is a deal maker who said he could get that wall built easy.......and Mexico would pay for it...

However, if there is an army of 400,000 coming to invade America -- why do you think a wall would stop them?

If it is a military invasion by the CCP -- they will just's not like walls can stop a military invasion -- ask China.....that Great Wall didn't protect them from Japan
But Trump is a deal maker who said he could get that wall built easy.......and Mexico would pay for it...

However, if there is an army of 400,000 coming to invade America -- why do you think a wall would stop them?

If it is a military invasion by the CCP -- they will just's not like walls can stop a military invasion -- ask China.....that Great Wall didn't protect them from Japan

because simply invading is not the best strategy. Weaken your enemy without bloodshed. The problem with many is they don't realize china is a long term player
because simply invading is not the best strategy. Weaken your enemy without bloodshed. The problem with many is they don't realize china is a long term player
But a wall will stop it tho, right?

And what exactly are we stopping again if we aren't putting employers of illegals in the same cages we jerk off to brown people being thrown in
Trump had the White House, a Senate Majority, and the House.

No wall.


WHo do you think you'r lying to? Of course we had a wall, it just didnt get quite finished, and then Biden sent out an open invitation with his stupid words and actions... that basically told anyone in the world , America is helpless if you want to cross our border.
You must be very well set in your retirement. Congratulations for yourself.
WHo do you think you'r lying to? Of course we had a wall, it just didnt get quite finished, and then Biden sent out an open invitation with his stupid words and actions... that basically told anyone in the world , America is helpless if you want to cross our border.
You must be very well set in your retirement. Congratulations for yourself.
According to Trump's own White House, he built 45 miles of new wall.
But a wall will stop it tho, right?

And what exactly are we stopping again if we aren't putting employers of illegals in the same cages we jerk off to brown people being thrown in

A wall is simply one tool in border security, just like the job of the border agent. No wall makes their jobs much harder and as you can see, so many of them are tied up processing people who turn themslves in, en mass, and then they cannot keep up with the many who slip by undetected.

Prosecuting employers is a seperate discussion. One does not depend on the other
According to Trump's own White House, he built 45 miles of new wall.

And when he started his term, he immediately stopped construction. Message was sent. Could be now Biden is simply reacting to internal pressures.
Congratulations for yourself.

As for reality, I work 50-60 hours a week as an administrator at a hospital. Illegal immigration has been a fact of life since we've had a border. During that same amount of time, American influence has multiplied exponentially across the globe. All of the shrieking and pearl clutching done by the right wing hasn't generated any interest from the sober majority because the reality on the ground is far different than the silly threads like this one on social media.

So yeah, congratulating me on being able to see through right wing bullshit is in order.
Makes you wonder if the left has completely lost their collectivist minds until you realize that shipped sailed long ago.
Jan 6 was an actual insurrection but the border is doing great.

Reagan had it partially right but he missed some key truths- they are ignorant & they aren't liberals

Man...only if Trump had built the wall.
Fact is that Trump built hundreds of miles of Border wall that your buddy Joey Xi Bai Dung stopped on Jan 21, 2021 by Executive Order.
You're lying once again.

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According to Trump's own White House, he built 45 miles of new wall.
You're lying as usual.

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