Trump says if the WEF/Democrats won't tell us what the drones are doing, they need to be shot down.

But the democrats told you it wasn't from a lab and booted you off social media if you said it was.

I believe from the beginning that the drones are an attack on Americans. If they weren't attacking Americans, democrats would shoot them down.
I'm no Democrat.
Another day, another pack of Trumptards pissing themselves over nothing because they were told to piss themselves. Nothing new here.
I agree, don't get worked up until we know....but how do you know it's nothing?

What if it turns put some foreign country is using them to smuggle in components for a weapon of some kind. Maybe a bomb, chemical or nuclear?

No reason to panic, but still keep an open eye.
If the drones were beneficial for Americans, democrats would shoot them down.


Our government has become like the WWE universe.
Supposedly these drones have entered military installations. I highly doubt that would happen without them being blown out of the sky
Unidentified drones flying OVER our nation is nothing to be concerned about?
See? Completely brainwashed.

There were a few unidentified drones, as there often are. Because Trump cultists have a particularly low IQ, and because Trump cultists get a perverse sexual thrill from being terrified, the Trump cult then went batshit crazy over it, and started imagining drones everywhere.

Your masters know that keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient, obedient at a level that makes sheep look like proud independent thinkers.
See? Completely brainwashed.

There were a few unidentified drones, as there often are. Because Trump cultists have a particularly low IQ, and because Trump cultists get a perverse sexual thrill from being terrified, the Trump cult then went batshit crazy over it, and started imagining drones everywhere.

Your masters know that keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient, obedient at a level that makes sheep look like proud independent thinkers.
look is your side that is gaslighting the public on this..NOT TRUMP. the US gov't knows what this is... There is nothing in the sky that the US does not know what it is, where it is going, where it came from and the purpose. Nothing. This seems to me to be gaslighting the public into calling on the gov't to do 'something' and remove MORE Of our rights and freedoms for their power grab.

Your seeming acceptance of this tells me there is something seriously wrong with your brain. But then you are willing to enslave yourself as long as you can be sure that it harms rightwingers at least as much as it harms you.
There is a theory (from Rogan?) suggesting that these drones are OUR MILITARY possibly being launched heavily in order to monitor any cluster of gamma rays which might indicate nuclear material.

Is there an actual (but not formally disclosed) threat about some terrorist threat being contemplated on US soil?

Maybe not. But if there is, then why is it ok to conceal it from the American people? Fear of a regional stampede? Or fear of something else?
look is your side that is gaslighting the public on this..NOT TRUMP. the US gov't knows what this is... There is nothing in the sky that the US does not know what it is, where it is going, where it came from and the purpose. Nothing. This seems to me to be gaslighting the public into calling on the gov't to do 'something' and remove MORE Of our rights and freedoms for their power grab.

This is definitely a viable theory. But then, why are we seeing drones overseas? Does the EU have similar legislation?

Trump says if the WEF/Democrats won't tell us what the drones are doing, they need to be shot down.​

As usual, Trump is a moron.
It's illegal, just like shooting a weapon on the 4th of July.
The round will hit the ground...............SOMEWHERE.
If you blow it up, you destroy evidence.

Local police need to get their choppers in the air, and just drop a net, much like a cast net, from above the drone, then just fly it back to the station.

Then work on who did it.
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