Should we be worried about Ayres/Rezko?

I'm 29 years old, a small business owner and I have no health insurance. It would be nice to have health insurance... but I'm afraid of letting the government run it. Medicare and medicaid are getting cut, social security is going to run out of money soon and now we want to place something else under the control of the government? Listen, I like Obama and all, but I think we need to place more regulations on the healthcare industry and force them to lower their prices and accept pre-existing conditions.

Do you know today that if a 35 year old mother of 4 earning $50,000 a year has a lapse of more than 30 days without health insurance and is diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer on the 31st day, that no insurance company will cover her cancer treatment because they consider it a pre-existing condition? I mean, come on! That's disgusting.
tort reform would help a lot
but your right, the feds make things run worse on most things
There is absolutely NO link between Louis Farakhan and Obama. Come on, dude, you're just making this shit up. Next you're going to tell me that Obama is just a puppet for Al Queda. Just shut the fuck up, kid. You make yourself look bad when you open your mouth. You make Americans look bad when you open your mouth. You make the human race look bad when you open your mouth.

You might try looking at Obama's church for your mistake. You may want to take your foot out of YOUR mouth.
Obama is a clear and present danger to our economy.

Don't believe me? Just take a look at the market's reaction to the prospect of an Obama presidency. 'nuf said.

You need to get out of that conservative wingnut echo chamber once in a while.

"The detailed responses are bad news for Mr McCain (the full data are available here). Eighty per cent of respondents and no fewer than 71% of those who do not cleave to either main party say Mr Obama has a better grasp of economics. Even among Republicans Mr Obama has the edge: 46% versus 23% say Mr Obama has the better grasp of the subject. “I take McCain’s word on this one,” comments James Harrigan at the University of Virginia, a reference to Mr McCain’s infamous confession that he does not know as much about economics as he should. In fairness, Mr McCain’s lower grade may in part reflect greater candour about his weaknesses. Mr Obama’s more tightly managed image leaves fewer opportunities for such unvarnished introspection."

Examining America's presidential candidates | Examining the candidates | The Economist
wasn't Obama like 7 or 8 when he was around Ayers?

He was around Ayers at 7 or 8? :eek:

The ties between these two and Wright/Obama, Meeks/Obama, Rezko/Obama are established. Are there good reasons to wonder at what point do the associations become an issue? Answer, Obama will probably win. Moderate liberals, angry moderates, will probably come to regret the unintended consequences of their votes. Time will tell.
The real story on Obama and Ayers is now coming out and that is:

1. Ayers secured over 150 million dollars of funding from the Annenberg Project to improve Chicago Schools.

2. Ayers hired Obama to disburse the money even though Obama had no background in educational matters.

3. Obama disbursed the money to far left school projects including one run by Ayers.

4. The projects were all complete failures. There was no improvement in Chicago schools.

5. Obama cites this as part of his executive experience.

A lot of this information is contained in a pro Obama NY Times article from last month. Link here

This begs the question: Why did Ayers hire Obama?

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