Should Women Who Get Abortions Be Sent To Prison For Murder?

Should Women Who Get Abortions Be Sent To Prison For Murder?

  • Yes, El Salvador does it, Central Americans are enlightened

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I THOUGH this was AMERICA

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • You are a tard without a formed opinion

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
If pro-lifers manage to outlaw abortion again, should women who get abortions be sent to prison for murder?
If you don't believe they should, then either you don't believe that abortion is murder, or you don't believe that murder is a crime.
If pro-lifers manage to outlaw abortion again, should women who get abortions be sent to prison for murder?

So I'm guessing you think there should be no penalty for a woman who has her baby killed simply for her own convenience and not because there's been rape, incest, or endangerment?

Isn't one of the most basic functions of government to protect the innocent from unjust harm?

If a woman has not been raped, has not been the victim of incest, and will not be endangered if she gives birth, how can you, as a "liberal" and "progressive," not demand that the baby be protected?

I would punish the doctors and nurses involved in the abortion more than I would punish the mothers. Sometimes women are pressured into having an abortion. Sometimes women are brazenly lied to by abortion clinics and led to believe that they'll merely be removing a lifeless blob of tissue.

A life sentence for murder would be excessive, but a stiff fine and/or 90 days in jail and a criminal record would be a fair punishment for having your baby killed for no valid reason. "The baby didn't fit into my life plans" is not a reason, nor is "I didn't plan on getting pregnant."

I find it revealing that most of you folks don't even want to ensure that women are told the truth about their baby before they decide to get an abortion.
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If pro-lifers manage to outlaw abortion again, should women who get abortions be sent to prison for murder?

The far left Obama Drone propaganda is strong with this one.
Quick question...................

Which would you rather have......................

A woman with a fetus she knows she can't support and has an abortion?


A woman with a fetus she knows she can't support and goes on welfare?

Sorry, but the NY Archbishop was wrong..................birth control (other than condoms) isn't sold at the local 7-11.

Why should anyone listen to someone who has never had sex, and consider them an expert?

I'd be willing to guess that his sermon is telling women to grasp a Bayer between their knees and to hold it until they are married.

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