

Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010

(Examiner)- Prince William Board chairman Corey Stewart told The Examiner that a top aide at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement admitted to him that ICE has released more than a half million convicted criminal illegal immigrants back into American communities instead of deporting them.
Stewart also says that he is still waiting for information he requested about the whereabouts of some 2,739 criminals convicted in Prince William County since 2007 and sent to ICE for deportation. County police officers have already recaptured 249 of these felons.
Here is ICE’s response, received after deadline Tuesday:
“ICE has been in contact with Virginia law enforcement as well as state and local officials, including Mr. Stewart, on this issue. These officials are aware that ICE is currently in the process of gathering an extensive amount of information in response to their request.
“Once this information is compiled, ICE has offered to give a briefing to Mr. Stewart and his colleagues. ICE has also alerted Virginia officials to the fact that any personally identifiable information they have requested about aliens encountered by ICE in Virginia is protected under the Privacy Act and will be redacted from any materials shared by ICE.”
So the federal agency whose main mission is to enforce federal immigration law is not only releasing convicted criminals who entered the U.S. illegally and victimized American citizens back into local communities, it’s now in the business of protecting the “privacy rights” of these felons and refusing to share “personally identifiable information” with duly elected local officials and law enforcement.
Rest here>>>
what a shame. 500,000 just let go. How long has this insanity been goin on? shouldn't the head of ICE be on a platter for this much corruption? (not literally, since libs don't have a sense of humor, I have to add this) Who gave them permission not to do thier job?
And this is different from how it was before Obama in what way?

It's okay that Obama's administration lets it happen because all the other presidents let it happen?
So are you saying this isn't Obama's fault and shouldn't take any responsibility for it?
When do we begin to doing the right thing folks?
I'm not competing with illegals for a job like your are capitalist.
You're not and I am?
Give me a link to your inside information about me or it's a lie.
It's the best I can do with the sentence you gave me.?!?.
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I got that before I got the PHD in THC, I see you got your spelling Nazi associates
I'm not the one making the wild Internet claims and then going down in flames.
Wipe the mustard off your arm spinboy................
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no your the assclown whining about illegals, a poor person trait.

Get back to your shit job whiner
no your the assclown whining about illegals, a poor person trait.

Get back to your shit job whiner
Lawbreakers, that's L-a-w-b-r-e-a-k-e-r-s that go unpunished.
Being the progressive that you are, a violation of one's right(s) by force (or fraud), is a concept that blows in one ear and out the other. The Federal Government is giving special leniency to the perpetrators of crimes, I'm guessing for votes. If you feel secure with this idea, it says volumes about you.
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