Simple Poll on Palestine?

Should the first ever Palestine State be created?

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I'm against it because the whole premise that Palestine is based on is to rid the land of the Jews.

The whole region belonged to the Jews originally,

Ever heard of the Canaanites, Midianites, Moabites....?

they came back and BOUGHT it

From whom? Whose was it?

The land had NO value before the Jews took over, it was desert rock with no oil, no worth whatsoever, nobody wanted or cared about it,

Evidently, the Jews wanted it.
I'm against it because the whole premise that Palestine is based on is to rid the land of the Jews.

The whole region belonged to the Jews originally, they came back and BOUGHT it and 5x more around it, Britain backed out of the deal and the so-called-Palestinians-which-has-NOTHING-to-do-with-heritage, is all about Islamic leaders wanting to contest the Jews being there.

The land had NO value before the Jews took over, it was desert rock with no oil, no worth whatsoever, nobody wanted or cared about it, and there is PLENTY of land for every pseudo-Palestinian throughout the surrounding nations, but they won't go because they want to make Israel the issue.

And they won't stop until Israel is wiped off the face of the map, (which will never happen). Arafat made that clear when he refused previous peace offerings.

And what's mindboggling is everybody knows it and pretends that they don't.

All might be true, but that still doesn't divert from the fact that there are 3.5-4 mil Arabs in the WB and Gaza that aren't going anywhere soon. These people don't want to be ruled by the Jews and the Jews don't want to rule them. From a practical matter, Palestine needs to be created!
I follow your thinking, but our slaves were physically unable to resist as an organized people. The whites in the South would have slaughtered them had they tried that. And our history shows that it was bad enough anyway.

A single state will not work.

You have no emperical evidence that a single state will not work. INdeed, I can point to the US as evidence that it WILL work. Slaves didn't resist but their progeny did 150 years later (See, MLK). Also, the world facilitated slavery in the 1800s. That is simply not the case now.. Look at what ultimately removed aparthied from South Africa.. it wasn't excuses to segregate.

Apples and oranges, shogun. Pay attention, please. You have given no reason that overrides the need of two states. The Israelis will not permit a minority that will eventually overwhelm them through natural offspring, and the Palestinians will try to kill them to get their "homes" back.

Two states, with Palestine disarmed, is the logical solution. Let' work for it.

Shogun has trouble with reality!

Although a disarmed Palestine seems far fetched! All countries, esp new ones where there is going to a lot of uprest needs armies and police to keep the peace! The Pals are not immune to civil war!
I'm against it because the whole premise that Palestine is based on is to rid the land of the Jews.

The whole region belonged to the Jews originally, they came back and BOUGHT it and 5x more around it, Britain backed out of the deal and the so-called-Palestinians-which-has-NOTHING-to-do-with-heritage, is all about Islamic leaders wanting to contest the Jews being there.

The land had NO value before the Jews took over, it was desert rock with no oil, no worth whatsoever, nobody wanted or cared about it, and there is PLENTY of land for every pseudo-Palestinian throughout the surrounding nations, but they won't go because they want to make Israel the issue.

And they won't stop until Israel is wiped off the face of the map, (which will never happen). Arafat made that clear when he refused previous peace offerings.

And what's mindboggling is everybody knows it and pretends that they don't.

The Land was stollen from the palestinans by the jews who barged there way in, invaded, massacered thousands of inocents and stayed. The majority are not ethnicaly from this land most jew are ethnicaly from Turkey/Georga. Anyway if we started giving back land to the original inhabitants, lets give the Romans back their land, The North Americans, The Egyptions. What about the asyrians. The islamic leaders are pissed off because they are being occupied and treated like dogs. and Before the zionists came, Jews, Arabs and Christians lived in peace. On Land valued Extreamly Highly by the people that called it home.
You have no emperical evidence that a single state will not work. INdeed, I can point to the US as evidence that it WILL work. Slaves didn't resist but their progeny did 150 years later (See, MLK). Also, the world facilitated slavery in the 1800s. That is simply not the case now.. Look at what ultimately removed aparthied from South Africa.. it wasn't excuses to segregate.

Apples and oranges, shogun. Pay attention, please. You have given no reason that overrides the need of two states. The Israelis will not permit a minority that will eventually overwhelm them through natural offspring, and the Palestinians will try to kill them to get their "homes" back.

Two states, with Palestine disarmed, is the logical solution. Let' work for it.

Shogun has trouble with reality!

Although a disarmed Palestine seems far fetched! All countries, esp new ones where there is going to a lot of uprest needs armies and police to keep the peace! The Pals are not immune to civil war!

... says the ironically racist jew. hey Ghook.. did you ever find my "kill jews" quote or is that just another accusation that fell off of your evidence table?

Watch how Ghook disappears:

Ghook, would you, as a jewish American, take an oath validating an ARYAN America? Would YOU live here under the same standards you allow in israel regarding minority ethnic populations?

please, tell me more about reality, zionist.
I am for a two-state solution.
It was a loaded question though, with the inclusion of "first". This was not necessary.

I'd like to think that a one-state solution was possible. I can't see that though.

A Palestinian state however would probably, like now, just be occupied or quarantined territories, completely dependent on the "benevolence" of the mighty neighbor. Even in the relatively good times before the second intifada Palestinians were totally dependent on Israeli arbitrariness.

I visited a brewery near Ramallah. They had problems because their supplies (in this special case, bottles) were held up in the port of Gaza, which was controlled by Israel.

It was very good beer, but without the ability to bottle it, this business was fucked. As is every Palestinian who has to cross one of the many check-points to reach his work place. After all, the streets to the many settlements have to be Israeli, right?
No, while ethnic and religious division will obviously continue to exist, it shouldn't be drawn on national boundaries.
:confused: Why does no one vote in this poll! Its not ambigious or a trap! If its on Israel everyone has an opinion, but a simple question on Palestine, and you can see hay blowing through! Interesting!

its a Loaded Question you cock munch, The state of Palestine was declared November 15, 1988 is recognoised by about 100 countries.
the Question should be do you recognise a Palestinian state, Then the awnser from me is YES.

The PLO established the state, yet they don't even control Gaza, Hamas does! They also turned down the offer of 98% of what they claimed at Palestine, you worthless troll!

Too busy smokin' Zionist Cock to notice The West Bank.
Apples and oranges, shogun. Pay attention, please. You have given no reason that overrides the need of two states. The Israelis will not permit a minority that will eventually overwhelm them through natural offspring, and the Palestinians will try to kill them to get their "homes" back.

Two states, with Palestine disarmed, is the logical solution. Let' work for it.

Shogun has trouble with reality!

Although a disarmed Palestine seems far fetched! All countries, esp new ones where there is going to a lot of uprest needs armies and police to keep the peace! The Pals are not immune to civil war!

... says the ironically racist jew. hey Ghook.. did you ever find my "kill jews" quote or is that just another accusation that fell off of your evidence table?

Watch how Ghook disappears:

Ghook, would you, as a jewish American, take an oath validating an ARYAN America? Would YOU live here under the same standards you allow in israel regarding minority ethnic populations?

please, tell me more about reality, zionist.

Hey, Shogun! Stay with us, boy. Apples and pistachios. Israel is here to stay, Palestinians have to continue to give way. No right of return, disarmed Palestine, and the wall. That will be the outcome. The Jews will permit no other way, and the American government will back Israel.
Hey, Shogun! Stay with us, boy. Apples and pistachios. Israel is here to stay, Palestinians have to continue to give way. No right of return, disarmed Palestine, and the wall. That will be the outcome. .

I think it bugs Shogie that I have him on ignore and in effect ignore the majority of his posts.

Right of return has to go or subject it to the first ever Palestinian State (but that should be solely within the Palestinians discretion). Disarming Palestine is irrational! First, every country, especially a new one with a history of violent uproars and civil wars, must have a police and military force. Last thing you would want is a De Jure moderate Palestine, but a De Facto militant radical Palestinian organization running things aka Lebanon and Hezbollah. Second, the Palestinians live in a tough neighborhood and they must be recognized. Third, like all Arab states in the Middle East, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan etc, they are under constant threat from radicals doing a coup, a military is needed to keep them at bay. Lastly, disarmment just seems impossible!
its a Loaded Question you cock munch, The state of Palestine was declared November 15, 1988 is recognoised by about 100 countries.
the Question should be do you recognise a Palestinian state, Then the awnser from me is YES.

The PLO established the state, yet they don't even control Gaza, Hamas does! They also turned down the offer of 98% of what they claimed at Palestine, you worthless troll!

Too busy smokin' Zionist Cock to notice The West Bank.

Hey retard!

The PLO/Fatah only controls the West Bank, because Israel is there. Israel pulls out like they did in Gaza and you would see another brutal coup by Hamas.

What about the 98% you disingenious whore!
Shogun has trouble with reality!

Although a disarmed Palestine seems far fetched! All countries, esp new ones where there is going to a lot of uprest needs armies and police to keep the peace! The Pals are not immune to civil war!

... says the ironically racist jew. hey Ghook.. did you ever find my "kill jews" quote or is that just another accusation that fell off of your evidence table?

Watch how Ghook disappears:

Ghook, would you, as a jewish American, take an oath validating an ARYAN America? Would YOU live here under the same standards you allow in israel regarding minority ethnic populations?

please, tell me more about reality, zionist.

Hey, Shogun! Stay with us, boy. Apples and pistachios. Israel is here to stay, Palestinians have to continue to give way. No right of return, disarmed Palestine, and the wall. That will be the outcome. The Jews will permit no other way, and the American government will back Israel.

it's funny how you people ALWAYS, without fail, insist on a double standard and cry apples and oranges when compared to synonymous historical events. Sorry, buddy. I'm not one of those "jews are the chosen ubermench" kinda guys. Israel can stay, by all means.. But, that doesn't mean that they get to continue acting like White South Afrikaners in 1979. Hell, Atlanta Georgia didn't go anywhere either.. even after our civil rights era.

of COURSE it's the non-jews who have to give way! :rofl: :thup: who ELSE will pick the zionist cotton??

Sorry holmes.. if it were as easy as "America will back israel" we'd already see IAF planes bombing iran and palis exterminated like every other historically unwanted ethnicity. This is a war of public opinion, yo, and israel is not winning with Cast Leads and Lebennons. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Hey, Shogun! Stay with us, boy. Apples and pistachios. Israel is here to stay, Palestinians have to continue to give way. No right of return, disarmed Palestine, and the wall. That will be the outcome. .

I think it bugs Shogie that I have him on ignore and in effect ignore the majority of his posts.

Right of return has to go or subject it to the first ever Palestinian State (but that should be solely within the Palestinians discretion). Disarming Palestine is irrational! First, every country, especially a new one with a history of violent uproars and civil wars, must have a police and military force. Last thing you would want is a De Jure moderate Palestine, but a De Facto militant radical Palestinian organization running things aka Lebanon and Hezbollah. Second, the Palestinians live in a tough neighborhood and they must be recognized. Third, like all Arab states in the Middle East, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan etc, they are under constant threat from radicals doing a coup, a military is needed to keep them at bay. Lastly, disarmment just seems impossible!

Oh, I doesn't bug me to see you react like a typical zionist jew wielding an aparthied wall. Out of jewish sight, out of jewish mind, right buddy? Hell, do you think it SHOCKS anyone to see you react like the jewish stereotype? Evenn while typing this I'm counting the money in my wallet on the off chance that you pulled a Maddoff!
Should the first ever Palestine State be created?

Note: Shogun, you can kiss my ass!

Perhaps the best thing to happen is Israel create a defensible border and then turn over the rest of the West Bank to Jordon.

Jordon lost the W. Bank in 1967, just turn it back over.

Let them worry about a Palestinian State.

I think Israel should let everyone know that if attacks come from Arabs it will not be taken lightly. Israel will grow on a permanent basis if they are attacked by Arabs living in this so called Palestine.

I think Jews should have a homeland for Jews. I think Kurds should have a homeland for Kurds. Germans for Germans, etc..

I see nothing wrong with this.

Arabs have a homeland. It's called Arabia.

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