Simple solutions to gun violence.

And again, you're wrong. Most Americans favor more gun control, including this gun owner.
No they don't just the loud mouths are. People who feel strongly on the subject are more likely to answer the poles. I don't respond to poles most people I know don't respond. We have better shit to do. Loud mouths and radical people are much more likely to respond.
Let's just start with AR-15's.

First off, all AR-15 and other assault style rifles that are semi automatic and fire a specified (to be determined) type of ammunition must be registered in a federal data base. Those who own them now must register their weapons in 30 days or be in violation of the law, which could lead to the confiscation of all your firearms.

Secondly, a mandatory one week waiting period and background check on all of these types of gun purchases.

Third, special permission must be granted for this sale, which is dependent on the background of the purchaser. If they do not meet minimum requirements, they have the option of a gun safety course.

Fourth, all of these rifles can only be sold by someone with an FFL, you cannot purchase these from gun shows or private party sales.

These are just some simple steps that can be taken to prevent these mass slaughters. Look at recent shootings and the guns were purchased legally,, and used within days of purchase. A shooter can still use a pistol or rifle in a mass shooting, but we are trying the limit the damage when this happens.

Get your fascist hands off my civil rights.
Sleepy Joe signed massive new gun control just last year, no? Big celebration , everyone congratulated Brandon over his supposedly tremendous accomplishment.

The events of this week shows again, the failure of gun control.

In spite of Biden's best efforts, violence has not ended.

But, the libs want to try the same thing again, even though its failed in the past. New, even more draconian, gun control.

Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.
To effectively resolve ALL the nations Gun Violence Related issues.......

We need look no further than the policies Democrats embrace which create the environment in which gun violence festers like a voracious bacteria.

No matter how much they sugar coat it, the Left has only ONE MAIN goal in mind when it comes to gun control and that is control of YOU.
Let's just start with AR-15's.

First off, all AR-15 and other assault style rifles that are semi automatic and fire a specified (to be determined) type of ammunition must be registered in a federal data base. Those who own them now must register their weapons in 30 days or be in violation of the law, which could lead to the confiscation of all your firearms.

Secondly, a mandatory one week waiting period and background check on all of these types of gun purchases.

Third, special permission must be granted for this sale, which is dependent on the background of the purchaser. If they do not meet minimum requirements, they have the option of a gun safety course.

Fourth, all of these rifles can only be sold by someone with an FFL, you cannot purchase these from gun shows or private party sales.

These are just some simple steps that can be taken to prevent these mass slaughters. Look at recent shootings and the guns were purchased legally,, and used within days of purchase. A shooter can still use a pistol or rifle in a mass shooting, but we are trying the limit the damage when this happens.
What a pant load.

Just make murder illegal since criminals follow the law. Problem solved.
Radical democrats ass wipe. Most democrats are against messing with the second amendment. This one included.

Then you vote for the democrat party whose purpose is to end the 2nd are a dumb fuck.
Then you vote for the democrat party whose purpose is to end the 2nd are a dumb fuck.
Lol, not a single issue voter retard. Again retard radical dems don't get elected in most places unlike in your party you ducking retards seem to levitate toward the radical. The dems have not passed any legislation limiting rights mean while you retards are actively out lawing books and other freedoms. Go fuck your self
Lol, not a single issue voter retard. Again retard radical dems don't get elected in most places unlike in your party you ducking retards seem to levitate toward the radical. The dems have not passed any legislation limiting rights mean while you retards are actively out lawing books and other freedoms. Go fuck your self

You are an idiot........they are going after speech, religion, guns, voting.....they are evil to their core...they are pushing the mutilation of children........
You are an idiot........they are going after speech, religion, guns, voting.....they are evil to their core...they are pushing the mutilation of children........
Bla,bla bla bite me bitch.
You are an idiot........they are going after speech, religion, guns, voting.....they are evil to their core...they are pushing the mutilation of children........
And these are the voices that Republican leaders hear. The truth is, every Republican in Congress is in fear of upsetting these extremists and will do and say anything from that happening. Need proof? Look how they all reacted to Trump. Notice how craven and fearful they are of that man. Now consider even more unhinged people than Trump screaming at them from their districts.
You need your governments permission to drive a car.
Sorry but you are confused.

I can drive a car on private property all I want without a license.

However, if I want to drive on public roads I have to get a license to do so.

Driver's licensing is a scam anyway because everybody that has ever been in a car accident, which there are hundreds of thousands every year, has a Driver's license and that didn't stop the accident from happening. It means absolutely nothing. More of an ID in case you get pullled over than a document that proves any degree of competency.

Then of course we have this little inconvenient thingy that you Moon Bat idiots always ignore about there being no Constitutional right to drive a vehicle while there is a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about the Constitution than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or Ethics.
This is exactly the unhinged thinking that plagues so many on the far right, and these voices are the only ones bering heard by the Republican Party.


Tell that to the people of Nazi Germany after the government took all their firearms.


I'm talking about reducing the lethality of mass casualty events. We don't know if this will work or not because it has never been attempted. What we do know is the status quo makes it certain the slaughter will continue, unabated.


The status quo is that you can move to France where they have lots of gun control. Might I recommend Paris or Nice where they might only run over you with a five ton truck or something.



The status quo is that you can move to France where they have lots of gun control. Might I recommend Paris or Nice where they might only run over you with a five ton truck or something.



Or muslim terrorists with fully automatic military rifles will shoot you if you offend mohammed.........

You could also be shot by the various immigrant drug gangs, who also prefer to use fully automatic military rifles....
Let's just start with AR-15's.

First off, all AR-15 and other assault style rifles that are semi automatic and fire a specified (to be determined) type of ammunition must be registered in a federal data base. Those who own them now must register their weapons in 30 days or be in violation of the law, which could lead to the confiscation of all your firearms.

Secondly, a mandatory one week waiting period and background check on all of these types of gun purchases.

Third, special permission must be granted for this sale, which is dependent on the background of the purchaser. If they do not meet minimum requirements, they have the option of a gun safety course.

Fourth, all of these rifles can only be sold by someone with an FFL, you cannot purchase these from gun shows or private party sales.

These are just some simple steps that can be taken to prevent these mass slaughters. Look at recent shootings and the guns were purchased legally,, and used within days of purchase. A shooter can still use a pistol or rifle in a mass shooting, but we are trying the limit the damage when this happens.

An AR is no different than any other semi auto rifle.
Why would you need to apply more rules for it?
Let's just start with AR-15's.

First off, all AR-15 and other assault style rifles that are semi automatic and fire a specified (to be determined) type of ammunition must be registered in a federal data base. Those who own them now must register their weapons in 30 days or be in violation of the law, which could lead to the confiscation of all your firearms.

Secondly, a mandatory one week waiting period and background check on all of these types of gun purchases.

Third, special permission must be granted for this sale, which is dependent on the background of the purchaser. If they do not meet minimum requirements, they have the option of a gun safety course.

Fourth, all of these rifles can only be sold by someone with an FFL, you cannot purchase these from gun shows or private party sales.

These are just some simple steps that can be taken to prevent these mass slaughters. Look at recent shootings and the guns were purchased legally,, and used within days of purchase. A shooter can still use a pistol or rifle in a mass shooting, but we are trying the limit the damage when this happens.

The vast majority of multiple shootings dont involve AR's they're done with Pistols.

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