Since you want 50 individual countries so bad


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
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Why in your conservative mind should we have a federal government at all? Why not break up to 50 countries and let those countries merge with one another if they wish??? Lets say California, Oregon and Washington form a new nation called Cascadia? Idaho, MT, N/S Dakota, Wy could form a new nation, the Confederacy could form out of the old south, new england could form a nation in that name or even be called the untied states as it is most of the 13 original conalies which are mostly blue democratic states that want to be a nation anyways.

Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?
Why in your conservative mind should we have a federal government at all? Why not break up to 50 countries and let those countries merge with one another if they wish??? Lets say California, Oregon and Washington form a new nation called Cascadia? Idaho, MT, N/S Dakota, Wy could form a new nation, the Confederacy could form out of the old south, new england could form a nation in that name or even be called the untied states as it is most of the 13 original conalies which are mostly blue democratic states that want to be a nation anyways.

Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?

It is colonies, and before you post a thread, you should at least go over it-)
Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union?

Typical democrat. If I don't get my way...I'll threaten the union of our country.

If you audit my crimes...I'll threaten the union of our country.

If you refuse to suck a faggots ass hole...I'll threaten the union of our country!

If I can't be all time QB for both teams...I'll take my ball and go home!

Why in your conservative mind should we have a federal government at all? Why not break up to 50 countries and let those countries merge with one another if they wish??? Lets say California, Oregon and Washington form a new nation called Cascadia? Idaho, MT, N/S Dakota, Wy could form a new nation, the Confederacy could form out of the old south, new england could form a nation in that name or even be called the untied states as it is most of the 13 original conalies which are mostly blue democratic states that want to be a nation anyways.

Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?
Were you high during the US History class?

In the first place it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any. The subordinate governments, which can extend their care to all those other subjects which can be separately provided for, will retain their due authority and activity. Were it proposed by the plan of the convention to abolish the governments of the particular States, its adversaries would have some ground for their objection; though it would not be difficult to show that if they were abolished the general government would be compelled, by the principle of self-preservation, to reinstate them in their proper jurisdiction.

A second observation to be made is that the immediate object of the federal Constitution is to secure the union of the thirteen primitive States, which we know to be practicable; and to add to them such other States as may arise in their own bosoms, or in their neighborhoods, which we cannot doubt to be equally practicable. The arrangements that may be necessary for those angles and fractions of our territory which lie on our northwestern frontier, must be left to those whom further discoveries and experience will render more equal to the task.

Typical democrat. If I don't get my way...I'll threaten the union of our country.

If you audit my crimes...I'll threaten the union of our country.

If you refuse to suck a faggots ass hole...I'll threaten the union of our country!

If I can't be all time QB for both teams...I'll take my ball and go home!

View attachment 1077467
That's what you scum did on January 6th, 2021. So STFU.
Typical democrat. If I don't get my way...I'll threaten the union of our country.

If you audit my crimes...I'll threaten the union of our country.

If you refuse to suck a faggots ass hole...I'll threaten the union of our country!

If I can't be all time QB for both teams...I'll take my ball and go home!

View attachment 1077467

Oh wow, wasn't it the Conservatives that actually seceded from the Union, and isn't it conservatives now who fly the Confederate flags?
Why in your conservative mind should we have a federal government at all? Why not break up to 50 countries and let those countries merge with one another if they wish??? Lets say California, Oregon and Washington form a new nation called Cascadia? Idaho, MT, N/S Dakota, Wy could form a new nation, the Confederacy could form out of the old south, new england could form a nation in that name or even be called the untied states as it is most of the 13 original conalies which are mostly blue democratic states that want to be a nation anyways.

Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?
This is what Madison said about it. Now lets see if you believe in the Constitution.

James Madison, Federalist, no. 45, 313--14
26 Jan. 1788

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State Governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negociation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will for the most part be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties and properties of the people; and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.


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Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?
I believe the United States was intended to be a limited union, not a top-down federal dictatorial state.
The 10th Amendment agrees with me.
Why in your conservative mind should we have a federal government at all? Why not break up to 50 countries and let those countries merge with one another if they wish??? Lets say California, Oregon and Washington form a new nation called Cascadia? Idaho, MT, N/S Dakota, Wy could form a new nation, the Confederacy could form out of the old south, new england could form a nation in that name or even be called the untied states as it is most of the 13 original conalies which are mostly blue democratic states that want to be a nation anyways.

Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?
Your terms are acceptable
You don't believe in this constitution or democracy so what are you talking about

You want to be ruled by activist judges and bureaucrats who rob you blind and s*** on you
What kind of democracy is that supposed to be?

We should break up down with the f****** union

Enjoy your Democratic socialist utopia
Take the weakling rhinos with you

We're going to need a wall to keep all the defectors out

Shoot to kill.
Why in your conservative mind should we have a federal government at all? Why not break up to 50 countries and let those countries merge with one another if they wish??? Lets say California, Oregon and Washington form a new nation called Cascadia? Idaho, MT, N/S Dakota, Wy could form a new nation, the Confederacy could form out of the old south, new england could form a nation in that name or even be called the untied states as it is most of the 13 original conalies which are mostly blue democratic states that want to be a nation anyways.

Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?
They want a Kingdom, a Great Leader with no restraints.

What they don't understand (or do they?) is that this translates to fascism.
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Why in your conservative mind should we have a federal government at all? Why not break up to 50 countries and let those countries merge with one another if they wish??? Lets say California, Oregon and Washington form a new nation called Cascadia? Idaho, MT, N/S Dakota, Wy could form a new nation, the Confederacy could form out of the old south, new england could form a nation in that name or even be called the untied states as it is most of the 13 original conalies which are mostly blue democratic states that want to be a nation anyways.

Do you conservatives even believe in teh 1788 constitution at all forming the Union? Why shouldn't that union be able to provide investment in the nation like every other country on this planet currently does?

You slept through history in school I guess.
Do you have any idea what the term United States means?
They want a Kingdom, a Great Leader with no restraints.

Want they don't understand (or do they?) is that this translates to fascism.
The system works just fine the way it is. You have 50 individual governments that cooperate with each other for mutual benefit and protection.
Since it's the largest GDP on the planet it obviously has succeeded to a great extent.
Since it's the largest GDP on the planet it obviously has succeeded to a great extent.
The largest prison population on the planet - both in total and per capita - is a sign of its great success.
The Constitution lays this all out, the Federal Government and what falls to the States.

of course the US should not be 50 individual nations.

Imagine Vermont going to war with Kenya.

The Fed has certain powers. Anything not specifically FED falls to the STATES.


The lefties who lie about Trump taking away abortion are lying.

People in Cali know this?

Thirdly; we observe securing the union of fifty primitive States is not practicable.
Why don't you believe that the Honorable Donald J Trump can't keep these 50 states secured?

He just stopped the brain dead Ukranian proxy war .

Your idols Joe BuyThem and QueMala Chameleon were seeking a Nuclear WW3 against Russia. Remember? , you remember .
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