Sincere answers only please, in alphabetical order: Arizona, California, Florida or Texas...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
You guys know me enough and have information that could help me. I need to sell my home and leave Canada, it's clear there is little for me here anymore. This was really pre-ordained since birth truth be told.

So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.

Thank you to any contributors.
You guys know me enough and have information that could help me. I need to sell my home and leave Canada, it's clear there is little for me here anymore. This was really pre-ordained since birth truth be told.

So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.

Thank you to any contributors.
Don't know about the others but do not move to Florida unless you already have a place to live. It can be extremely difficult to find something and then it's expensive. The rental market here is extremely inflated anywhere you might actually want to live.
You guys know me enough and have information that could help me. I need to sell my home and leave Canada, it's clear there is little for me here anymore. This was really pre-ordained since birth truth be told.

So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.

Thank you to any contributors.
ya might want to wait and see what the economy is like in a few months before moving to the US .. its estimated that the pandemic money people put back is about gone and because of that people have started dipping into their 401 ks and started buying less in the US because of the lefts inflation ... in the past few weeks all of this has started happening ..though it is a delayed effect it will eventually effect the US economy ! the US is speeding towards a massive economic downturn ... and you also might want to wait and see if a republican wins in 2024 and turns the ship away from the iceberg the left is steering us towards . my advice is to stay put until after the 2024 elections ...that is if you can .

You guys know me enough and have information that could help me. I need to sell my home and leave Canada, it's clear there is little for me here anymore. This was really pre-ordained since birth truth be told.

So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.

Thank you to any contributors.

Sincerely, I would say Texas.

There's a wide variety of different "vibes" here. You can be urban (Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio), you can be rural (a million different places), you can have a "southern" feel in East Texas, a more latin/Hispanic feel in South Texas, a beach vibe on the coast (Corpus Christi, Galveston), a rugged southwest/desert/mountain feel in west Texas, or a more laid back approach here in Hill Country where I live. So many options. The people here are generally good; friendly, but no problem if you want to just mind your own business. No state income tax. Great food scene in Austin, San Antonio, and Houston. Culture/diversity exists in every city and many of the small towns, and the uniqueness of Texas is on display everywhere. Tons of outdoor activities; river rafting/tubing, hiking, mountain biking, etc. The government largely stays out of your business, and individual rights are respected.

Property taxes are high, very high in some places. It gets hot in the summer, sometimes really hot. Housing prices have gone up A LOT in the past few years, so places like Dallas and Austin are becoming unaffordable for many people.

I lived most of my life in California and would not recommend it, it's circling the drain.

Good luck!

Sincere answers only please, in alphabetical order: Arizona, California, Florida or Texas...​

You guys know me enough and have information that could help me. I need to sell my home and leave Canada, it's clear there is little for me here anymore. This was really pre-ordained since birth truth be told.
So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.
Thank you to any contributors.

As one who lives in California, and has been here nearly all my life, I feel safe in saying that this is •NOT• where you want to be. We've probably got the singular most corrupt state government in the entire nation, and it is turning this whole state into a shithole (in some parts, literally).
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So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.
Springfield, Missouri.

Yes, I know you listed four states, but those four states ain't cheap.
It really depends on the weather you prefer and the type of people you want to live around, and what population number you're willing to live with.

Based on that, then I could give a few places to research.
Warm weather. I like cultural places. Spanish people are cool, I like their vibe and religious morals/beliefs without being too preachy. I just like good people of character who you can speak to and who have some brain cells they can rub together.

I need warmth. If i had the money i'd head to Hawaii for instance, but the states I mentioned work.

MId-sized city. Well, to me that would be from 100k-400 or 500k I guess.

Cheap cost of living, this is key. Even if earning power is less, if disposable income is higher, that's perfect. I need to save all I can for retirement, which I won't intend for another 25 years or so.

Politics isn't a big deal, Americans on both sides of the aisle are far more cerebral and libertarian than anything in Canada. A gung-ho Right Wing conservative may not agree with me, but he will fight for my right to speak, he doesnt have to like me. Ditto for the left who one can communicate with.

The U.S remind me of Canada in the 80s. I was too young, but my parents would go to a large park on Canada Day, the cops were patrolling in pairs among maybe 1000 people. People would have booze all over but cops didn't care as long as it was concealed in a cup and no B.S was going on. THOSE were the good old days and I was too young to enjoy it but you saw the cool vibe everyone had. Now we are a Nanny State.
It really depends on the weather you prefer and the type of people you want to live around, and what population number you're willing to live with.

Based on that, then I could give a few places to research.
Warm weather. I like cultural places. Spanish people are cool, I like their vibe and religious morals/beliefs without being too preachy. I just prefer good people who you can speak to and who have some brain cells they can rub together.

I need warmth. If i had the money i'd head to Hawaii for instance, but the states I mentioned work.

MId-sized city. Well, to me that would be from 100k-400 or 500k I guess.

Cheap cost of living, this is key. Even if earning power is less, if disposable income is higher, that's perfect. I need to save all I can for retirement, which I won't intend for another 25 years or so.

Politics isn't a big deal, Americans on both sides of the aisle are far more cerebral and libertarian than anything in Canada. A gung-ho Right Wing conservative may not agree with me, but he will fight for my right to speak, he doesnt have to like me. Ditto for the left who one can communicate with.

The U.S remind me of Canada in the 80s. I was too young, but my parents would go to a large park on Canada Day, the cops were patrolling in pairs among maybe 1000 people. People would have booze all over but cops didn't care as long as it was concealed in a cup and no B.S was going on. THOSE were the good old days and I was too young to enjoy it. Now it's Nanny State.
If I was Canadian I would move out of moose and bear country to the capital, It's Montreal isn't it?
lol. Ottawa is our capital.
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Warm weather. I like cultural places. Spanish people are cool, I like their vibe and religious morals/beliefs without being too preachy. I just like good people of character who you can speak to and who have some brain cells they can rub together.

I need warmth. If i had the money i'd head to Hawaii for instance, but the states I mentioned work.

MId-sized city. Well, to me that would be from 100k-400 or 500k I guess.

Cheap cost of living, this is key. Even if earning power is less, if disposable income is higher, that's perfect. I need to save all I can for retirement, which I won't intend for another 25 years or so.

Politics isn't a big deal, Americans on both sides of the aisle are far more cerebral and libertarian than anything in Canada. A gung-ho Right Wing conservative may not agree with me, but he will fight for my right to speak, he doesnt have to like me. Ditto for the left who one can communicate with.

The U.S remind me of Canada in the 80s. I was too young, but my parents would go to a large park on Canada Day, the cops were patrolling in pairs among maybe 1000 people. People would have booze all over but cops didn't care as long as it was concealed in a cup and no B.S was going on. THOSE were the good old days and I was too young to enjoy it but you saw the cool vibe everyone had. Now we are a Nanny State.

Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, Mississippi.............These states have larger cities under a million. A lot of people are moving to these states, because of the bullshit and political crap going on in the northern states. It's more rampant up there than down here.

There's lots of industry down here too, plenty to choose from. Most people in the smaller cities are going to be more laid back as well.

But you can always do what a lot of people do down in the city and live in the country.

As for selling your house, I don't know what area you live in, or anything about your I really can't say.
I will say, you should have your house and land appraised for 2023 value specs. It will give you a base to work with.
Warm weather. I like cultural places. Spanish people are cool, I like their vibe and religious morals/beliefs without being too preachy. I like just good people who you can speak to and who have some brain cells they can rub together.

I need warmth. If i had the money i'd head to Hawaii for instance, but the states I mentioned work.

MId-sized city. Well, to me that would be from 100k-400 or 500k I guess.

Cheap cost of living, this is key. Even if earning power is less, if disposable income is higher, that's perfect. I need to save all I can for retirement, which I won't intend for another 25 years or so.

Politics isn't a big deal, Americans on both sides of the aisle are far more cerebral and libertarian than anything in Canada. A gung-ho Right Wing conservative may not agree with me, but he will fight for my right to speak, he doesnt have to like me. Ditto for the left who one can communicate with.

The right wing in the U.S remind me of Canada in the 80s. I was too young, but my parents would go to a large park on Canada Day, the cops were patrolling in pairs among maybe 1000 people. People would have booze all over but cops didn't care as long as it was concealed in a cup and no B.S was going on. THOSE we the good old days and I was too young to enjoy it. Now it's Nanny State.

lol. Ottawa is our capital.
I was thinking. South Florida has a fairly large community of Canadian ex-pats. They are mostly retirees but you might get some traction around there.
You guys know me enough and have information that could help me. I need to sell my home and leave Canada, it's clear there is little for me here anymore. This was really pre-ordained since birth truth be told.

So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.

Thank you to any contributors.

You would burn to death in the heat of most of those places. You really have no appreciation for how hot and muggy the southern US is. Anyway, perhaps somewhere in the mountains of Georgia or TN or the rural parts of North Carolina. If you want a bigger city groove, try maybe Raleigh NC
You guys know me enough and have information that could help me. I need to sell my home and leave Canada, it's clear there is little for me here anymore. This was really pre-ordained since birth truth be told.

So, please recommend where you would go if one were competent, hard working, corporate experienced who needs a balance of a reasonably cheap place with plenty of work, good people and values I would embrace.

Thank you to any contributors.
Check out San Antonio. A one bedroom is right about a thousand if you're not too finicky and there are lots of good jobs. The city is lovely.

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