Single payer car insurance...yea that's the ticket!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Why don't we have single payer car insurance?

I mean regardless of your health, how much you make, YOU MUST have car insurance or you can't drive a car ...legally.

So why not have universal car insurance?
Using ACA as a model there are NO pre-existing driving records. One premium you pay and if you can't afford..govt. subsidy!

You have had several DUIs ... no problem! Wasn't your fault the cop saw you weaving in and out of traffic!
So just as more Americans do foolish stunts like the below that drive up health insurance costs..

$Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 8.36.43 AM.png $Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 8.35.39 AM.png $Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 8.38.43 AM.png

let's do away with "driving records"like ACA did!
Let's reward high risk taking like the above for whatever reason.

I mean why do we have to have the high car insurance rates that would happen if there prior driving records weren't required in the application?
See a subsidy from the government would keep all our car insurance low and at the same time let foolish DUI people get lower rates also?

Really a Federal subsidy for health insurance is what will keep health premiums down.. so why not the same for car insurance???
Why don't we have single payer car insurance?

I mean regardless of your health, how much you make, YOU MUST have car insurance or you can't drive a car ...legally.

So why not have universal car insurance?
Using ACA as a model there are NO pre-existing driving records. One premium you pay and if you can't afford..govt. subsidy!

You have had several DUIs ... no problem! Wasn't your fault the cop saw you weaving in and out of traffic!
So just as more Americans do foolish stunts like the below that drive up health insurance costs..

View attachment 29665 View attachment 29666 View attachment 29667

let's do away with "driving records"like ACA did!
Let's reward high risk taking like the above for whatever reason.

I mean why do we have to have the high car insurance rates that would happen if there prior driving records weren't required in the application?
See a subsidy from the government would keep all our car insurance low and at the same time let foolish DUI people get lower rates also?

Really a Federal subsidy for health insurance is what will keep health premiums down.. so why not the same for car insurance???

Of course you are right. And people who don't participate in automobile insurance because they don't have a car would be mandated to buy insurance because someday they may need it.

I am fully behind the idea. If we can get all these deadbeats to participate in this system it should lower MY cost. And that's all that matters.
This is a perfect example of conservatives just not getting it, and trying to make cutesy arguments that convince only other conservatives.

Health insurance is about life and death. Car insurance is not. Nice try though.
Why don't we have single payer car insurance?

I mean regardless of your health, how much you make, YOU MUST have car insurance or you can't drive a car ...legally.

So why not have universal car insurance?
Using ACA as a model there are NO pre-existing driving records. One premium you pay and if you can't afford..govt. subsidy!

You have had several DUIs ... no problem! Wasn't your fault the cop saw you weaving in and out of traffic!
So just as more Americans do foolish stunts like the below that drive up health insurance costs..

View attachment 29665 View attachment 29666 View attachment 29667

let's do away with "driving records"like ACA did!
Let's reward high risk taking like the above for whatever reason.

I mean why do we have to have the high car insurance rates that would happen if there prior driving records weren't required in the application?
See a subsidy from the government would keep all our car insurance low and at the same time let foolish DUI people get lower rates also?

Really a Federal subsidy for health insurance is what will keep health premiums down.. so why not the same for car insurance???

Of course you are right. And people who don't participate in automobile insurance because they don't have a car would be mandated to buy insurance because someday they may need it.

I am fully behind the idea. If we can get all these deadbeats to participate in this system it should lower MY cost. And that's all that matters.

See what happens is EVERYONE PAYS the same right?
So if every one paid say $100/month for car insurance.. EVERYONE RIGHT?
Well those people in Sacramento, Stockton and Bakersfield (cities with highest car theft rates..) would love it!
But guess what no car insurance company would survive if all the premiums they collect from people like you go out to pay for stolen cars in Sacramento, Stockton and Bakersfield!!!
SO guess what... Single payer car insurance...just like ACA supporters want..single payer health insurance!
NO matter that 20 years from now NO health insurance companies or auto insurance companies existed.
ALL of us TREATED EXACTLY the SAME regardless of stupid antics like these:

$Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 9.10.52 AM.png Any wonder workman's compensation or health insurance premiums keep climbing because of idiots like this?

$Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 9.10.29 AM.png

$Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 9.08.53 AM.png

AND just one question??? WHO pays the subsidies for ACA or for this single payer auto insurance????
Again remember in ACA or auto insurance single payer mentality someone else pays the subsidies!
Why don't we have single payer car insurance?

I mean regardless of your health, how much you make, YOU MUST have car insurance or you can't drive a car ...legally.

So why not have universal car insurance?
Using ACA as a model there are NO pre-existing driving records. One premium you pay and if you can't afford..govt. subsidy!

You have had several DUIs ... no problem! Wasn't your fault the cop saw you weaving in and out of traffic!
So just as more Americans do foolish stunts like the below that drive up health insurance costs..

View attachment 29665 View attachment 29666 View attachment 29667

let's do away with "driving records"like ACA did!
Let's reward high risk taking like the above for whatever reason.

I mean why do we have to have the high car insurance rates that would happen if there prior driving records weren't required in the application?
See a subsidy from the government would keep all our car insurance low and at the same time let foolish DUI people get lower rates also?

Really a Federal subsidy for health insurance is what will keep health premiums down.. so why not the same for car insurance???

Of course you are right. And people who don't participate in automobile insurance because they don't have a car would be mandated to buy insurance because someday they may need it.

I am fully behind the idea. If we can get all these deadbeats to participate in this system it should lower MY cost. And that's all that matters.

See what happens is EVERYONE PAYS the same right?
So if every one paid say $100/month for car insurance.. EVERYONE RIGHT?
Well those people in Sacramento, Stockton and Bakersfield (cities with highest car theft rates..) would love it!
But guess what no car insurance company would survive if all the premiums they collect from people like you go out to pay for stolen cars in Sacramento, Stockton and Bakersfield!!!
SO guess what... Single payer car insurance...just like ACA supporters want..single payer health insurance!
NO matter that 20 years from now NO health insurance companies or auto insurance companies existed.
ALL of us TREATED EXACTLY the SAME regardless of stupid antics like these:

View attachment 29671 Any wonder workman's compensation or health insurance premiums keep climbing because of idiots like this?

View attachment 29672

View attachment 29673

AND just one question??? WHO pays the subsidies for ACA or for this single payer auto insurance????
Again remember in ACA or auto insurance single payer mentality someone else pays the subsidies!

You simply are not thinking this through.

If everyone, at any age, whether they own a car or not, millions upon millions pay for absolutely NOTHING. Since they have NO car payments, no gas bills they surely have the cash required to PAY MY insurance premiums!
This is a perfect example of conservatives just not getting it, and trying to make cutesy arguments that convince only other conservatives.

Health insurance is about life and death. Car insurance is not. Nice try though.

You are absolutely right!!! Health insurance IS ABOUT LIFE and death and more importantly the CHOICES people make in HOW THEY LIVE THEIR LIFE!
The following pictures are of people who CHOSE to live their life at the expense of me and others that pay health insurance premiums.
Choices like:
a) activities that years ago our parents would say how stupid! Why would anyone slide a board down a rail and end up with this???
According to the The Post Tribune article Doctor: Skateboarding can be fatal:
A taste for adventure can be fatal for skateboarders who practice their stunts without a helmet or hang onto the bumper of a car.
In a study of skateboarding injuries, one out of every five kids who were hospitalized needed help with feeding after they were released.
“Sometimes, these injuries can have long-lasting consequences. Not being able to feed yourself is not that cool,” said Dr. Kyran Quinlan at the University of Chicago.
$Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 11.22.00 AM.png

Now WHO pays for the above skateboarders hospitals' bills that range in the millions?
If the skateboarders parents had insurance... YOU and I do through HIGHER premiums because these IDIOTS do something our parents would have said stupid!
If the skateboarders didn't have insurance? Well here is what one CEO of a hospital said when asked who pays...

"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”
From PAGE 1 of this document:

Pass it on!
SO when idiots thinking they were going to provide UNIVERSAL health care and the ACA is the first phase.. WAIT.. WAIT till the bills start mounting.
There will never be enough tax revenue to cover the stupidity of people who NOW under Obamacare don't have to concern themselves about their life style.. smokers
for example. Won't make any difference now there are no pre-existing conditions!

And you want all of us to pay for people that totally ignore these consequences???
$Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 11.28.16 AM.png

Why stop at insurance?

How about Single Payer Everything where we all are paid by the government based upon our NEEDS?
This is a perfect example of conservatives just not getting it, and trying to make cutesy arguments that convince only other conservatives.

Health insurance is about life and death. Car insurance is not. Nice try though.

I don't live in an urban setting. I'm forced to drive to my job so that I can make money to afford to pay for my life saving insurance. Now stop being selfish and pitch in to cover my car insurance costs.:D
YOU MUST have car insurance or you can't drive a car ...legally.

untrue. If you are wealthy and can prove a liquidity base for the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage under law, you can be exempt from compliance...
This is a perfect example of conservatives just not getting it, and trying to make cutesy arguments that convince only other conservatives.

Health insurance is about life and death. Car insurance is not. Nice try though.

I don't live in an urban setting. I'm forced to drive to my job so that I can make money to afford to pay for my life saving insurance. Now stop being selfish and pitch in to cover my car insurance costs.:D

You're making the wrong appeal. If you needed to drive to get to the welfare office, then he might be sympathetic.

But you work....
Why stop at insurance?

How about Single Payer Everything where we all are paid by the government based upon our NEEDS?

I hope you understand I was being facetious regarding single payer car insurance!
I was hoping to get people to think about why this whole Obamacare/ACA morass is costing more and more and more and
providing LESS AND LESS!

The ACA idiots NEVER NEVER attacked to gigantic cost driver that 90% of doctors say they do but don't need to do!
It's called "Defensive Medicine" and it costs all of pocket $850 billion a year in wasted claims!
NO other professional i.e. LAWYERS have to file duplicate lawsuits. They do it and no questions!
I have NEVER heard of a Lawyer sending a client's case to another lawyer to confirm yup you have a case!

But doctors??? 90% of doctors say that the $850 billion a year is spent because of duplicate tests,etc. at a cost of $850 billion and all because they fear being sued!
WHY didn't we attack THAT problem with each state handling tort reform?
A) 47% of Congress are lawyers!
B) Obama Lawyer!
C) It wasn't a big enough problem to solve!
D) Obama doesn't believe in the states as laboratories of legislation!
E) Obama wants to destroy our health care system either out of cliched (favor single payer) mentality OR wanton destruction of health care !

That is why I was making this facetious comparison..
My VA is doing great, so socialized medical care is not all bad. But Healthymyths wouldn't really know first hand about that...
My VA is doing great, so socialized medical care is not all bad. But Healthymyths wouldn't really know first hand about that...

Sorry but thousands of times a day Medicare providers ask my company if they will get paid by Medicare so I have probably a lot more expertise regarding Medicare/government processing etc. then most people on this board.

Single payer socialized medicine has it's costs. Who will pay? I hate to break it to you but you know "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch"
One of the first costs is who will make up the $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local taxes that the 1,300 current health insurance companies pay?
Another where will the 400,000 employees directly involved in health insurance find work as their companies will be out of business?
Who will pay their unemployment checks?

Never thought about that did you nor did Obama. He has ALWAYS worked for a non-profit and as such never figured out where the non-profit got it's money to make his paycheck! He just like you and probably these people thought there was a government stash of free cash!

One final point.
How efficient would the single payer system be if the USA used the same people that run Medicare to run the single payer system?
Now before you answer remember I KNOW Medicare far far better then most people on this board and especially you.
I can tell you what your local hospital sent in out patient claims to be paid by many, the average claim size AND more importantly how much
it really cost the hospital to perform that service. So if you want me to tell you what the largest hospital in your town marks up their claims to medicare tell me the closest largest city and I will explain to you why sometimes hospitals will over charge Medicare by 6,000%!

So if you want further proof of inefficiency of Medicare... explain to me how:
10 million people NOT citizens are allowed to be counted as part of the 46 million that you and all the ACA proponents used to pass ACA?
Why if medicare is so efficient are 14 million people THAT say they are uninsured YET all they need do is register with Medicaid and they are covered?
Finally why are 18 people that don't need health (spend less then $1,000 a year out of pocket, are under 34) and could afford (Make over $50,000/year) but don't want their employers' health plans... counted as part of that bogus blown out of proportion 46 million that you believe want and need health insurance?
Subtract that 42 million from 46 million leaves less then 4 million.
ALL of this destruction for 4 million people that if Congress simply formed the "Uninsured Health Ins. Co. (UHIC©)" funded initially with $27 billion and thereafter with a 10% tax on lawyers $270 billion a year that CAUSES the $850 billion in defensive medicine with all hospitals seeing "uninsured" registering the uninsured and sending claims to the UHIC. Thus hospitals would NOT be able to over charge sometimes by 6,000% payers because their excuse won't exist!

Simple elegant and function solution to covering the 4 million truly uninsured and not this gross monstrosity of gigantic destructiveness!
I kinda like this idea!

This way I don't need car insurance at all. I'll just wait until I have a crash and then call the insurance company and have them treat my car's "pre existing condition".

In the meantime I'll pay a $95 "tax" to save $100 a month the insurers would charge.
I kinda like this idea!

This way I don't need car insurance at all. I'll just wait until I have a crash and then call the insurance company and have them treat my car's "pre existing condition".

In the meantime I'll pay a $95 "tax" to save $100 a month the insurers would charge.

We should do the same with homeowner's insurance. That way, you wouldn't have to pay a premium until the house was actually on fire. No problems there...:doubt:
I have stated similar for some time in regards to pre-existing conditions . No one ever bothers to respond though.

People who have pe's should pay more than those who don't have pe's because they are a higher risk. Higher risk pays more. So much so that they can't afford it? No. But MORE? Absolutely.

But the grand master obama says 'NO! You folks with pe's get to pay the same'. Meaning those who don't have pe's pick up the cost.


Then 16 year old/new drivers should be able to pay the same damn rates as 25+ years of experienced drivers with clean records. Following the logic of pe's under unaca, that is what is fair. RIGHT?

Can someone tell me why 16 year old/new drivers have to pay a lot more than 25+ years of experienced drivers? That is so unfair! Those poor, poor new drivers!
I have stated similar for some time in regards to pre-existing conditions . No one ever bothers to respond though.

People who have pe's should pay more than those who don't have pe's because they are a higher risk. Higher risk pays more. So much so that they can't afford it? No. But MORE? Absolutely.

But the grand master obama says 'NO! You folks with pe's get to pay the same'. Meaning those who don't have pe's pick up the cost.


Then 16 year old/new drivers should be able to pay the same damn rates as 25+ years of experienced drivers with clean records. Following the logic of pe's under unaca, that is what is fair. RIGHT?

Can someone tell me why 16 year old/new drivers have to pay a lot more than 25+ years of experienced drivers? That is so unfair! Those poor, poor new drivers!

Very UNFAIR!!!

Totally wrong insurance actuaries have to base premiums on past experiences!

I mean it is so unfair, unjust that someone who is a BASE ( building, antenna, span, and Earth ) jumper pay more then me!
I mean it is so unfair that someone that smokes under Obamacare
-- in yet another health care overhaul delay -- has quietly notified insurers that a computer system glitch will limit penalties that the law says the companies may charge smokers. A fix will take at least a year to put in place.!
True.. Obamacare WILL penalize smokers... but not right away!!!
Smokers may get temporary break from Obamacare penalties - CBS News

Strange .. but BEFORE Obamacare insurance companies BECAUSE of "pre-existing conditions" charge smokers more.. UNFAIR!!!
My husbands smokes, I do not.

His life insurance policy premium costs more than mine.

The leftist need to fix this, this is unfair! Why should he pay more! He is a higher risk and all but, but, but that doesn't matter, it isn't fair that he has to pay more! We should all kick in more so he can pay the same!

Oh wait, smokers are evil and nasty and subhuman so it's ok if they pay more.

But not anyone else with a pe. Right? Leftist logic defies . . . . logic.


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