Six Disastrous Obama-Era Foreign Policies Set to Return Under Biden

Like the world is saying.......Welcome Back America

Repealing Trumps foreign policy blunders is just a start.

Foreign policy blunders?

Trump is the first president to not start new wars in decades.

Known for his massively succesful peace deals.

That is foreign policy. Funding batshit insane anti-American organizations is not "foreign policy", it's idiocy.
The experts Biden wants our money to fund...


Meanwhile: Cancel Christmas, it's time to shut up and do as overlord Biden says.

Reports began to surface this week of potential cabinet appointments and priority government projects for Democrat Party presidential challenger Joe Biden should he take office in January.

Many of these, both the individuals and the policies, are not new – they are vestiges of the departed Obama administration that Biden was part of as vice president. In foreign policy, particularly, Biden has promised a return to a status quo under his former boss that fueled global instability, wasted American tax dollars, and hurt the American worker.

Below, five policies Biden has promised to resurrect from their political death under President Donald Trump and the setbacks they represent to policies that, for the past four years, have helped make the world a more peaceful place."

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China

I can think of nothing "progressive" about the Biden regressive vision...Right down to recycling the swamp creatures that so pissed people off that they elected a Donald Trump in the first place...

This alone embodies the return to the Obama era policy of "leading from behind", whatever that is supposed to mean, that brought a stagnant economy, shuttered downtown's, and "the new normal" of >1% GDP ....

This is how a great nation cedes its standing in the world....But Liberals will probably love it, because they hate this country to start with, and most of them feel like we are an ignoble, bully in the world, so they will be happy to tear it down....Sad.

Yup, Americans are the wallet to fund this, that and the other. He started with his family and now he is getting serious about redistributing everyone's wealth to anti-American causes.
Our representatives in Congress did nothing effective to curb their sell out of the American People while Biden was in office, they did nothing effective while the Deep State tried to destroy the Trump Administration.

Hopefully the McConnell that help Trump reconstituionalize our Judiciary is the same McConnell that tackles re-entering the Iran deal. He should simply set it for Treaty Approval vote, and then let it fail the vote. Same with the Climate treaty.

WHO, put prohibitive language in the next Administration funding bill.

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress complete authority to set tariffs and regulate commerce with foreign nations. It's long past time for Congress to take it back rather than granting it to the President so they can impoverish our working and middle class by pitting them against slave labor for the Lying Outlaw Slavers in Beijing.

We can have friendly ties with China, based on mutual self respect rather than allowing them to rob us blind.

Here is our current trade balance with China over the last 35 years, notice that it goes one way, until Trump started insisting on fair trade midway through 2018:


And a better look at the end of the graph after tariffs starting kicking in Q3/18


Finally, we started moving in the right direction, but, Trump's an anomaly, we can't count on another like him, and rightfully trade is regulated by Congress, not the President, so, we need to hold our Congressional Representatives accountable, they need to write these rules into law.

For example, gradually increasing across the board tariffs, steadily and incrementally nudging our trade back into balance.

Commerce with Foreign Nations


The Congress shall have Power To...regulate Commerce with foreign Nations....​

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China
Like the world is saying.......Welcome Back America

Repealing Trumps foreign policy blunders is just a start.

Foreign policy blunders?

Trump is the first president to not start new wars in decades.

Known for his massively succesful peace deals.

That is foreign policy. Funding batshit insane anti-American organizations is not "foreign policy", it's idiocy.

Trump has insulted or picked a fight with almost every nation on earth and most states
The experts Biden wants our money to fund...


Meanwhile: Cancel Christmas, it's time to shut up and do as overlord Biden says.
Our representatives in Congress, who Constitutionally have the power of the purse, have to go along with allowing illegitimate Joe do this. We need to make sure they hear from us.
We have allies, bumwad. Can’t fuck them over like Trump did.

No we do not. We have coattail hangers who wander about our feet begging for alms and expecting us to sooth their wounds when they fall. They do nothing for us and take greatly from us. They are no allies. They never have been and never will be.

Reports began to surface this week of potential cabinet appointments and priority government projects for Democrat Party presidential challenger Joe Biden should he take office in January.

Many of these, both the individuals and the policies, are not new – they are vestiges of the departed Obama administration that Biden was part of as vice president. In foreign policy, particularly, Biden has promised a return to a status quo under his former boss that fueled global instability, wasted American tax dollars, and hurt the American worker.

Below, five policies Biden has promised to resurrect from their political death under President Donald Trump and the setbacks they represent to policies that, for the past four years, have helped make the world a more peaceful place."

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China

I can think of nothing "progressive" about the Biden regressive vision...Right down to recycling the swamp creatures that so pissed people off that they elected a Donald Trump in the first place...

This alone embodies the return to the Obama era policy of "leading from behind", whatever that is supposed to mean, that brought a stagnant economy, shuttered downtown's, and "the new normal" of >1% GDP ....

This is how a great nation cedes its standing in the world....But Liberals will probably love it, because they hate this country to start with, and most of them feel like we are an ignoble, bully in the world, so they will be happy to tear it down....Sad.
All of those are good things.

You are confused.
We have allies, bumwad. Can’t fuck them over like Trump did.

No we do not. We have coattail hangers who wander about our feet begging for alms and expecting us to sooth their wounds when they fall. They do nothing for us and take greatly from us. They are no allies. They never have been and never will be.
Lighten up, you’re too grumpy. And anyways, the age of being obnoxious all the time ended with Trump’s defeat.
Lighten up, you’re too grumpy. And anyways, the age of being obnoxious all the time ended with Trump’s defeat.

I’ve been this grumpy and obnoxious for more than 40 years. It isn’t changing any time soon, and the Trump loss isn’t making it better.
Biden is going to a house, may be a nursing house.

But not the White House.

Please stop watching fake news.
Lighten up, you’re too grumpy. And anyways, the age of being obnoxious all the time ended with Trump’s defeat.

I’ve been this grumpy and obnoxious for more than 40 years. It isn’t changing any time soon, and the Trump loss isn’t making it better.
It's just a set back. Our Republic can endure 4 years of a lame duck illegitimate imbecile.

Infographic: The 4-Year-Long Campaign Against Trump

The post-election push to pressure President Donald Trump to concede, despite numerous credible allegations of voter fraud and ongoing legal challenges, is not an isolated incident... It is the culmination of a four-year-long campaign against him.

It is the culmination of a four-year-long campaign against him, which started during his first run for president in 2016 when the FBI launched a politically motivated investigation of his campaign. During his subsequent four years in office, there have been consistent efforts to remove him from office, first through the Russia-collusion narrative and then through impeachment.

This is an issue that transcends party lines, as it is not only an assault on Trump, but an assault on the office of the presidency, and with it, an assault on the foundation of America.
We should be doing everything we can to uplift the UN and make it the world's single government authority, and only legitimate military force. All weapons should only exist in the hands of UN commissioned officers to prevent any possibility of war and terrorism from political or religious zealots. It's the only true way we will ever progress to an egalitarian world where everyone has the basic needs to live.

The trump mistake set us back a few years, but soon enough the progressive wing of the democrats will be able to actually tax the rich properly rather than pander to us and insist they want to raise taxes adequately but just can't because of the repuglicans. They're a minor obstacle at this point.
So you want to allow a debating club make up of despots, dictators and human rights violators to control the entire world. Figures.
unless the different ethnic and religious sects reconciled and worked out their disputes, all the troops in the world cannot bring peace to Iraq, my friends

something seems off about toppling Saddam because of something done by Osama, folks!
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Let me explain foreign policy to all you amateurs:

diplomacy is WEAK...refusing to engage in diplomacy, is, by the inverse property, STRONG!
Lighten up, you’re too grumpy. And anyways, the age of being obnoxious all the time ended with Trump’s defeat.

I’ve been this grumpy and obnoxious for more than 40 years. It isn’t changing any time soon, and the Trump loss isn’t making it better.
It's just a set back. Our Republic can endure 4 years of a lame duck illegitimate imbecile.

Infographic: The 4-Year-Long Campaign Against Trump
The post-election push to pressure President Donald Trump to concede, despite numerous credible allegations of voter fraud and ongoing legal challenges, is not an isolated incident... It is the culmination of a four-year-long campaign against him.

It is the culmination of a four-year-long campaign against him, which started during his first run for president in 2016 when the FBI launched a politically motivated investigation of his campaign. During his subsequent four years in office, there have been consistent efforts to remove him from office, first through the Russia-collusion narrative and then through impeachment.

This is an issue that transcends party lines, as it is not only an assault on Trump, but an assault on the office of the presidency, and with it, an assault on the foundation of America.
But can we endure another 4 years with another lame duck.
Trump has insulted or picked a fight with almost every nation on earth and most states
You're wrong , number one, and one of those stupid fucks who can't stand prosperity and peace.

You are a real fucked up nitwit. Thanks for nothing.
Shit man...

Trump even picked a fight with Greenland
Who the Fuk does that?

Reports began to surface this week of potential cabinet appointments and priority government projects for Democrat Party presidential challenger Joe Biden should he take office in January.

Many of these, both the individuals and the policies, are not new – they are vestiges of the departed Obama administration that Biden was part of as vice president. In foreign policy, particularly, Biden has promised a return to a status quo under his former boss that fueled global instability, wasted American tax dollars, and hurt the American worker.

Below, five policies Biden has promised to resurrect from their political death under President Donald Trump and the setbacks they represent to policies that, for the past four years, have helped make the world a more peaceful place."

1. Returning to the Iran Nuclear Deal
2. Returning to the Paris Climate Agreement
3. Refunding the World Health Organization
4. Reverse Trump’s Policy of Withdrawal from Afghanistan
5. Rejoining the U.N. Human Rights Council
6. Restoring Friendly Trade Ties with China

I can think of nothing "progressive" about the Biden regressive vision...Right down to recycling the swamp creatures that so pissed people off that they elected a Donald Trump in the first place...

This alone embodies the return to the Obama era policy of "leading from behind", whatever that is supposed to mean, that brought a stagnant economy, shuttered downtown's, and "the new normal" of >1% GDP ....

This is how a great nation cedes its standing in the world....But Liberals will probably love it, because they hate this country to start with, and most of them feel like we are an ignoble, bully in the world, so they will be happy to tear it down....Sad.

These aren't progressive policies. These (along with rebuilding the State Department) return the US to a position of leadership in the word. Bringing in seasoned professionals and career diplomats to try and undo some of the damage skippy and his merry band of incompetents wrought. Cede our "standing"??? Again, what dream world do you Trump supporters live in? That's what we've been doing for the last four years. All the while tearing down our government institutions and letting an incompetent fraud try to establish a dictatorship...right here in our own country. So far, the incoming Biden administration has been a breath of fresh air next to the constant farting of the Trump administration.
Falling in line with lesser nations isn't leading.

But keep diplomacy and communications flowing between not only our allies but with other countries...IS.
It's what leaders do. They lead. Unlike the current administration which has done...well...nothing.
Unless Trump shut down embassies, all of our diplomatic lines are still open. Not sure how you could claim otherwise.

Signing on to unenforceable agreements isn't leading, it is unworthy of the world's only superpower.

Diplomacy is more than having an open embassy.

It is being able to be trusted to keep your commitments, to have your word be credible, to be trusted to make good decisions.

After the Trump debacle, the US aids not trusted.

Biden has a lot of work to do mending international relations. There is nobody that Trump did not insult.

If by putting American interests at the bottom of the list, and groveling to Europe, ‘Just love us’ it won’t work. All that’ll do is ensure that our interests are put behind everyone else, while they spend our tax money.

Didn’t your mom ever teach you that you can’t buy your friends?

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