Slick willy

Slick Willy is looking frail and emaciated. He is down to 117 lbs and looks like death warmed over. It is apparent he has AIDs. Of course it could be Irritable Wife Syndrome.

Bill is old news, even older now that Hillary has no chance to win the White House in his lifetime
yeah poor Bill cant just bang the interns, he has to hire his own now........oooh that sounds like prostitution....LOL
From the looks of him, and if he really weighs 117 pounds, he won't be around long. It could be aids, but it could be other things as well.
From the looks of him, and if he really weighs 117 pounds, he won't be around long. It could be aids, but it could be other things as well.

Just think of the diseases the asshole probably got by smoking cigars that he had inserted in the vagina of strange women.

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