Slovakian secret service puts bombs in passengers luggage.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2008
Hi there,
BBC News - Explosives planted on man to test airport security

appereatly feeling an urge to creativly "test" spaceport security precautions, the Slovakian police put explosive into the luggage of 8 totally unsuspecting passengers. While 7 of them were detected, an 8 one was not. This Irish man was quite suprised when a bunch of Irish-SWAT-Team equivalents burst trough the door and incarcerated him 3 days later (since the Slovakians did not immidiatly inform the Irish, and they did not immidiatly say that they put the explosives there), and then proceeded to "disarm the bomb" in a large scale operation.

Funny times eh?

I wonder how many heart attacs finding a bomb in your luggage already caused.
I also wonder how difficult it is to do this. I guess their is no better way of making life hell for someone than putting some "contraband" items in his luggage.
Whoever ordered that test should be fired and prosecuted. Testing security should be done be people that know what they are doing.

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