

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
With a prime time address tonight and trip Thursday, Trump hopes to lay out the "national emergency" arguments to support his legacy southern border wall. We all know that the "National Emergency" is nothing more than a red herring designed to juice up his very gullible base supporters and appease his leaders, Faux News, Limbaugh and Coulter.

If, as Trump so often proclaims of late, that the southern border represents a National Emergency," why wasn't it proclaimed as such when he had a Republican Congress and the ability to get his wall. Now it is obvious what his "Emergency" really is - the Democrats taking over the House and Robert Mueller closing in. Trump is desperate for a diversion, and the wall that "Mexico is going to pay for" fits the bill.

With a prime time address tonight and trip Thursday, Trump hopes to lay out the "national emergency" arguments to support his legacy southern border wall. We all know that the "National Emergency" is nothing more than a red herring designed to juice up his very gullible base supporters and appease his leaders, Faux News, Limbaugh and Coulter.

If, as Trump so often proclaims of late, that the southern border represents a National Emergency," why wasn't it proclaimed as such when he had a Republican Congress and the ability to get his wall. Now it is obvious what his "Emergency" really is - the Democrats taking over the House and Robert Mueller closing in. Trump is desperate for a diversion, and the wall that "Mexico is going to pay for" fits the bill.

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How about we hear what he has to say first? I am kind of tired of everybody saying they know what politicians are going to say before they say it. Yes, there will be lies, but what changes will the lies bring that may benefit us?
America is one "event" or "emergency" away from full on locked down police state. The next decade or 3 will yield a very different america than the one we like to attempt to believe we are. We the people will either get up and demand our ostensible freedom from concentrated wealth and power or we won’t. Doesn’t appear we have it in us at all at the moment and the moment is getting late.

Our police have been militarized and trained by the Israeli military in societal control and population subjugation; note the maneuvers and internal war games displayed at OCCUPY, Ferguson and DAPL. The US has THE most expansive incarceration system humanity has ever known, with a for profit component, stocks traded on Wall Street, and legal forced work slave labor leased out to corporations. And 95% of those incarcerated never go to trial; the entire system would collapse if the right to a jury trial was real. Add to that this detainment/internment infrastructure we’re building out of fear to house scary poor brown people as if they won’t hold us as well when we become scary to the power structure who has always made sure “illegals” were here in the first place. We are expensive to hire aren’t we, seems Eurocentric male dominator God capitalism has never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit rather than reward and honor with a living.

We have become desensitized to the police murdering unarmed nonthreatening citizens in the streets, on the job, and even in citizens’ own homes with impunity, so long as it’s “those” people, for now, We have become desensitized to 8 hot, shooting, generational – the military’s term, without end – wars of global occupation and economic plunder. The economic system cannot float itself without endless resource extractive wars abroad which also societally cannibalize “the homeland”. This economic system cannot float itself without continuing to destroy the planet’s life support systems; our DOD has called the degradation of the climate/planet as our greatest threat to national security and as we all know, no one we term “leaders” are ever going to deal with that. More migration across the planet is in store; climate and endless war refugeeism is the future. And the petrodollar will not last forever, just as surely as the Wall Street/donor/”job creator” class which fears the masses no longer requires the widespread hiring of citizens in jobs to pursue profit margin growth to infinity.

Already public water supplies are being poisoned. Yes, primarily the black, brown and poor for now. That’s how these things are always rolled out. Incrementally. A generation or two of kids raised on lead poisoning should do the trick; pumped into homes in Flint for example while auto manufacturing plants in the same locale get clean water instead. And Flint is only one american sacrifice zone example.

And now the befuddled orchestratedly anxious masses beg to be walled in by concentrated wealth and power. Such is the Eurocentric perceptual reality. We must have a wall around the kingdom for the Lords we served feudally. Same as it ever was. Their “new world” dreams for where to invade and conquer next now are a “new planet” while the masses are enclosed and herded into holding pens and ultimately their own reservations.

Review your history.
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Since Trump isn't a politician and never has been I'll be watching to see what he has to say.
America is one "event" or "emergency" away from full on locked down police state. The next decade or 3 will yield a very different america than the one we like to attempt to believe we are. We the people will either get up and demand our ostensible freedom from concentrated wealth and power or we won’t. Doesn’t appear we have it in us at all at the moment and the moment is getting late.

Our police have been militarized and trained by the Israeli military in societal control and population subjugation; note the maneuvers and internal war games displayed at OCCUPY, Ferguson and DAPL. The US has THE most expansive incarceration system humanity has ever known, with a for profit component, stocks traded on Wall Street, and legal forced work slave labor leased out to corporations. And 95% of those incarcerated never go to trial; the entire system would collapse if the right to a jury trial was real. Add to that this detainment/internment infrastructure we’re building out of fear to house scary poor brown people as if they won’t hold us as well when we become scary to the power structure who has always made sure “illegals” were here in the first place. We are expensive to hire aren’t we, seems Eurocentric male dominator God capitalism has never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit rather than reward and honor with a living.

We have become desensitized to the police murdering unarmed nonthreatening citizens in the streets, on the job, and even in citizens’ own homes with impunity, so long as it’s “those” people, for now, We have become desensitized to 8 hot, shooting, generational – the military’s term, without end – wars of global occupation and economic plunder. The economic system cannot float itself without endless resource extractive wars abroad which also societally cannibalize “the homeland”. This economic system cannot float itself without continuing to destroy the planet’s life support systems; our DOD has called the degradation of the climate/planet as our greatest threat to national security and as we all know, no one we term “leaders” are ever going to deal with that. More migration across the planet is in store; climate and endless war refugeeism is the future. And the petrodollar will not last forever, just as surely as the Wall Street/donor/”job creator” class which fears the masses no longer requires the widespread hiring of citizens in jobs to pursue profit margin growth to infinity.

Already public water supplies are being poisoned. Yes, primarily the black, brown and poor for now. That’s how these things are always rolled out. Incrementally. A generation or two of kids raised on lead poisoning should do the trick; pumped into homes in Flint for example while auto manufacturing plants in the same locale get clean water instead. And Flint is only one american sacrifice zone example.

And now the befuddled orchestratedly anxious masses beg to be walled in by concentrated wealth and power. Such is the Eurocentric perceptual reality. We must have a wall around the kingdom for the Lords we served feudally. Same as it ever was. Their “new world” dreams for where to invade and conquer next now are a “new planet” while the masses are enclosed and herded into holding pens and ultimately their own reservations.

Review your history.


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