Smoking Gun: I discovered Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA and from that I figured out how the system hides its trail.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below): How-Dominion-works

A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.

Original data sets: Gofile

Edit, adding my youtube comment:

"The Dominion System isolated a "Flip Set" from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.

It then splices the Flip Set into multiple "ratio sets" and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.

Once a particular "ratio set" receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.

To hide it's trail, Dominion reassigns the same "ratio set" to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn't keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).

During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trumps an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).

This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct (I'm a Libertarian and I know very few libertarians who voted for Jo this year, due to the importance of this monumental election)."


In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below): How-Dominion-works

A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.

Original data sets: Gofile

Edit, adding my youtube comment:

"The Dominion System isolated a "Flip Set" from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.

It then splices the Flip Set into multiple "ratio sets" and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.

Once a particular "ratio set" receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.

To hide it's trail, Dominion reassigns the same "ratio set" to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn't keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).

During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trumps an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).

This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct (I'm a Libertarian and I know very few libertarians who voted for Jo this year, due to the importance of this monumental election)."


Unfortunately the progs will continue to think liberal.

Sidney Powell said in the presser yesterday that SCYTL was in fact raided by US Army ( supposedly ) in Germany, but also mentioned she didn't know if they were the "good guys or the bad guys".

If it was rogue forces working against Trump, could they have some kind of exculpatory evidence now ? (to hide the evidence we would need in court)

If the data was transferred overseas, the CIA and NSA would also
have the means to track everything.
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In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below): How-Dominion-works

A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.

Original data sets: Gofile

Edit, adding my youtube comment:

"The Dominion System isolated a "Flip Set" from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.

It then splices the Flip Set into multiple "ratio sets" and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.

Once a particular "ratio set" receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.

To hide it's trail, Dominion reassigns the same "ratio set" to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn't keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).

During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trumps an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).

This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct (I'm a Libertarian and I know very few libertarians who voted for Jo this year, due to the importance of this monumental election)."


It's viral now.

Expect youtube to delete.
I subscribe to these channels and a few others , that helps to weed through all the other clutter and big media distractions.

Bwahahaha. His “anomaly” is that Philadelphia citizens didn’t vote for Trump. That’s his support. Can’t make it up. Well you can. Cuz he did.
Bwahahaha. His “anomaly” is that Philadelphia citizens didn’t vote for Trump. That’s his support. Can’t make it up. Well you can. Cuz he did.

You didn't even watch the video.

The anomaly is about integer vote ratios being transferred simultaneously between sets of precincts.
I watched the first 15 minutes where his point was: look at all these precincts that didn’t vote for Trump much. What a tool.

They just hand counted every vote in GA... no system changing votes. Don’t be a fucking idiot. Not a single person believes this shit. Those that do believe it are sub human morons.

Secondly here’s how counting works.. they run the sheets through the machine. It counts the bubbles. Then they hand key that amount into a file to a central location. Then they check to make sure the central number matches the precinct numbers in canvassing. At no time is a ballot loaded in a machine and moved around. Dummies.
Bwahahaha. His “anomaly” is that Philadelphia citizens didn’t vote for Trump. That’s his support. Can’t make it up. Well you can. Cuz he did.

You didn't even watch the video.

The anomaly is about integer vote ratios being transferred simultaneously between sets of precincts.
I watched the first 15 minutes where his point was: look at all these precincts that didn’t vote for Trump much. What a tool.

They just hand counted every vote in GA... no system changing votes. Don’t be a fucking idiot. Not a single person believes this shit. Those that do believe it are sub human morons.

Secondly here’s how counting works.. they run the sheets through the machine. It counts the bubbles. Then they hand key that amount into a file to a central location. Then they check to make sure the central number matches the precinct numbers in canvassing. At no time is a ballot loaded in a machine and moved around. Dummies.
Counts the bubbles ?

In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.

In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below): How-Dominion-works

A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.

Original data sets: Gofile

Edit, adding my youtube comment:

"The Dominion System isolated a "Flip Set" from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.

It then splices the Flip Set into multiple "ratio sets" and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.

Once a particular "ratio set" receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.

To hide it's trail, Dominion reassigns the same "ratio set" to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn't keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).

During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trumps an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).

This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct (I'm a Libertarian and I know very few libertarians who voted for Jo this year, due to the importance of this monumental election)."


After all the investigations, recounts, audits, and court appeals, the Loser's stolen "Landslide!" has been confirmed as a self-serving lie that the Loser pulled from his butt over which his weird worshipers salivated.

This rivals the Legend of Whispering Ray, the Man Who Controls Weak Minds, whom they tried to claim was behind the Trump goons attack on outnumbered police defending Congress on January 6:

A woman who says the wind talks to her and put forth claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race... turns out to be a key source of allegations that Fox News presented, night after night, to millions of viewers late that fall...
The author of the memo in which Powell and Bartiromo put so much stock offered detailed and utterly false claims of how Dominion Voting Systems helped rig the election for Biden. She also shared a bit about herself, writing that she gains insights from experiencing something "like time-travel in a semi-conscious state."...
The woman, who is not named in the legal brief, wrote that she knew the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had been killed during a week-long human hunting expedition at an elite social club...
And the woman asserted that the late Fox News chairman Roger Ailes and Fox Corporation founder Rupert Murdoch "secretly huddle most days to determine how best to portray Mr. Trump as badly as possible." ( Ailes had been dead for more than three years.)...
Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl," the woman wrote in the email shared by Powell with Bartiromo and Dobbs. "I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live." ...

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