Snowflake In Chief Legacy: 7 Egregious Acts of Military Social Justice


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. Handbook tells soldiers not to criticize pedophilia
"A proposed U.S. Army handbook from 2012 ordered soldiers not to make any nasty comments about the Taliban or criticize the common practice of pedophilia in Afghanistan."

2. The Bible disrespects diversity
"In December 2014, the Army punished Chaplain Joseph Lawhorn for listing Bible verses as an optional resource in a suicide prevention training class."
- Punishing the Chaplain for using the bible?!

3. An Air Force base banned the greeting, “Have a blessed day.”
"The Robins Air Force Base in Georgia banned the greeting “Have a blessed day” in March 2015 after a non-religious, anonymous airman bitterly complained that the greeting made him feel as though he was supposed to believe that a higher power affected the course of his day."

4. Army ROTC cadets pressured to walk around in bright red heels for social justice
"In April 2015, Army ROTC cadets at Arizona State University said they were pressured by leadership to walk around in bright red high heels as part of the university’s “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” event."
- Great! Barry had ROTC Cadets walking around like Transvestites. :p

5. DOD-approved training listed the Declaration of Independence as a document that perpetuates sexism.
"A Department of Defense-approved training course referred to the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bible as “historical influences that allow sexism to continue.”
- :wtf: Then again, what would you expect from a Commander In Chief who was raised by Anti-Colonialist Daddy Obama, tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alynski, and mentored by racist America-hating Jeremiah Wright?!

6. Navy domestic violence training said traditional gender roles are an example of male privilege
"A training lesson on domestic violence in the Navy stated that abusers use male privilege by “insisting on traditional gender roles.”

7. Navy tried to fire a chaplain for Biblical teaching on sexuality
"Navy chaplain Wes Modder, who retired in 2016, declared in an interview as he was leaving that the military has become openly hostile to Christianity, and his own experience bears witness to this fact. “If you’re a Christian and you come into the military today, it’s going to be difficult for you,” Modder said."
- Welcome to the US military, Chaplain Smith. Just remember - don't use the Bible, and don't teach any of that 'Christian' stuff!! :p

I am so glad we can now call him EX-President Obama!

The 7 Most Egregious Acts Of ‘Social Justice’ In Obama’s Military
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