So How Many Fake Slanders on Conservatives Has the Media Done lately?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We have had a two year nonstop investigation of 'Russian collusion' that is not even a crime by a special counsel who is supposed to have a crime to initiate investigation. Our fascist Big Corporate Owned Media steadily ignores this flaw to the whole Mueller investigation. The whole thing is 'extra legal' as in there is no basis in our legal system for Mueller to have been appointed by an acting DOJ AG. And it still remains that the only people paid large sums of cash by the Russians were the Clintons, who are also the only obvious criminals regarding improper storage of government documents and destruction of said documents which would get any other person thrown in prison. It is amazing to see Trumps supporters thrown in prison for lying, in the FBIs opinion for lying, while the Clintons and their perjurous retinue trollop around with complete impugnity.

Aside from that huge monstrosity of bias and bile, our media regularly and immediately reflexively accepts any bullshit accusation against a Trump supporter as being true.

1. The guy that threw an elbow into a fuckhead that was disrupting a Trump rally was smeared with a spliced up interview that made it seem like he was saying he would kill all the protesters when he was actually saying he would kill all thje Muslim terrorists. That was not a mistake or gullible bias, it was a deliberate editing of the tape to smear the guy.

2. The Covington students were never given a fair chance by the liberal media. The picture said it all for them, a smiling white teen standing in the way of an Amerindian who was playing a traditional tribal musical instrument as the student stared down at him with contempt. Only we find out a week later it didnt happen that way at all.

3. There was the march in Charleston a couple of years ago where many Southern social conservatives organized a parade to protest the removal of Robert E Lees statue, and the media played it up like it was a rally organized by far right activists instead, when it had been called for by Sons of Confederate Veterans weeks before. The media helped the rightwing racists hijack the coverage then smeared all the participants as racists. Some even altered audio to shift from 'You will not replace us.' to 'Jews will not replace us.'

Despicable lies.

4. Now we have this idiot who faked being attacked by MAGA cap wearing Trumpster hooligans and it got coverage from coast to coast 24/7. But wait, it was a FAKE NEWS event!@ Once again, the media smears first, asks questions later.

5. New York Times claimed Trump was praising Robert E Lee when instead h e was praising US Grant.
NBC Issues Correction for Saying Trump Praised Robert E. Lee Instead of Ulysses Grant

6. New York Times claims a Trump appointed official spent over $50,000 on curtains. Nope that was an Obama official instead.
NY Times Corrects Misleading Headline Blaming Nikki Haley for $52K Curtains

7. NYT publishes an anonymous Op Ed supposedly from a Trump official claiming to be part of a resistance movement to undermine Trump policies. This is just irresponsible smear, slander of a sitting president of our nation. But it is all about politics to the leftwing fascists in our media today.
NY Times Hits a Journalistic Low with Anonymous Op-Ed Bashing Trump

8. Day after day, taling heads in the Corporate Media denounce Trum p as a racist without apology, in effect calling everyone that voted for him as also racist or too stupid to know better.
Morning Joe's Brzezinski: Trump is 'A Stone-Cold Racist'

9. Laura Ingram tells the Truth about that little fake victim David Hogg and the media firestorm makes her nearly lose her TV show. Again, no media apologies.
Advertisers Drop Laura Ingraham Show Over Tweet About David Hogg While Ignoring His Misstatements

The resulting some of these Fake News stories, slanders and biased attacks on our President and his supporters is that the public is losing faith in the press as Trumps support only grows, latest was 52% support. OVer 77% of the public have lost trust in our media. And thjey continue to attack Trump and ignore the sinking ship of Dimocrat shills as Schumer and Pelosi have far worse numbers than Trump ever has.

Poll: 77% of Americans Believe Traditional Media Reports Fake News

Trump is exactly right; our Biog Corporate Media is the enemy of the People of the Republic of the Unites States of America.
12 Establishment Media Journalists Who Fueled Jussie Smollett Flames

Here’s 12 establishment media commentators and journalists who fueled the Jussie Smollett flames with impassioned and uncritical reactions to the Empireactor’s imaginative account of his supposed run-in with Trump supporters in “MAGA country” Chicago.

1. Eugene Scott – Washington Post‘s The Fix reporter

“To many, the Smollett incident — and the political nature of the assault — is yet another reminder for many black gay Americans that this president’s vision of a ‘great America’ does not appear to include them,” wrote Eugene Scott for Washington Post‘s The Fix.

2. Don Lemon – CNN journalist

CNN’s Don Lemon told Red Table Talk that he wasn’t shocked when he heard Smollett’s story, adding that he was concerned about the actor’s “well-being” in having to deal with being black, gay, and famous.

“One, he has to deal with discrimination as a black man,” said Lemon, “then, on top of that, he has to be gay — and then, fame — fame is not natural — When something happens to you and it’s controversial, everyone is coming for you, and so I knew everyone would be picking apart his story.”

3. Yamiche Alcindor – PBS NewsHour White House correspondent

“We have to do better as a country. This is disgusting,” said PBS NewsHour White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor, in a tweet referring to the alleged attackers shouting “This is MAGA country,” which was then retweeted by CNN commentator Sally Kohn.

4. Joyce Vance – MSNBC contributor

“If someone commits this kind of act under your banner, you should have the decency to publicly condemn them and say it’s not what you stand for. But I doubt Trump will,” tweeted MSNBC contributor Joyce Vance in response to Alcindor.

5. Jamil Smith – Rolling Stone journalist

“The brutal attack on him in Chicago appears to be yet another example not just of further moral decay, but of the brand of terrorism that still doesn’t seem to spark enough response by Americans,” tweeted Rolling Stone journalist Jamil Smith.

6. April Ryan – CNN analyst

“This attack on @JussieSmollett is a hate crime and should be treated as such!” affirmed CNN’s April Ryan, in response to the NAACP’s Derrick Johnson, who claimed the actor had been a victim of a “racist, homophobic attack” and that “divisive, hateful rhetoric” is putting “lives at risk.”

7. Jemele Hill – The Atlantic journalist

“I’ve met @JussieSmollett a few times at social events and he emanates warmth and joy. I’m just disgusted and appalled that he has suffered the unimaginable,” tweeted an uncritical Jemele Hill.

8. Zerlina Maxwell – MSNBC analyst

“The media is broken. If they can’t call the attack on Jussie racist straight up then they need to find alternative employment,” argued the MSNBC analyst, scrutinizing any media that had been referring to the incident as an “apparent hate crime.”

“Apparent HATE CRIME?” continued Maxwell, “Sure bc that has a legal definition. But to be clear pouring bleach on a Black person while you are yelling about MAGA = RACIST”

9. Joy Reid – MSNBC correspondent

“Nooses never really disappeared as messages of a very specific kind of terror,” said MSNBC’s Joy Reid, “but every time they’re used, my God, it’s chilling. Praying for Jussie’s full recovery. And for us all.”

10. Karen Attiah – Washington Post editor

“Regarding the heinous attack on @JussieSmollett, yet another reminder that Trump’s ascendance and the resulting climate of hate has meant that lives have been increasingly at stake since 2015. Smollett could have been killed by those thugs screaming MAGA. Let that sink in,” tweeted Washington Post editor Karen Attiah.
It amazes me how libtards think a lying journalist profession is funny.

We all know what kind of media they prefer.

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