So How Much Is 17 Trillion Dollars? Will The Dollar Bills Reach Pluto And Back?

Feb 1, 2013

Can one or more of you enlighten us by displaying in any form how much is 17 Trillion?
Yes, we have all seen a few pics of Thousand or Hundred Dollar Bills in either a skyscraper or football field.
But now that we owe close to 17 Trillion, can some of you give us an idea or even illustrations of what a stack of singles/hundreds/thousands looks like, or what star/sun/planet it would reach.
This would make for a great GOP AD in 2015/2016. Then they can tell all Americans what their share is! and it wont be Bush's Fault!
I do recall looking up how much 14 trillion dollars was, I believe that went to pluto and back, so how further into space will 17 trillion reach?
The present US currency measures 2.61 inches wide by 6.14 inches long, and the thickness is .0043 inches.

1 trillion is 1,000,000,000,000. (at least in the US, a British trillion is sometimes 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 one million times larger then the US trillion.
That is why it is a good idea to use scientific notation: 1 US trillion = 1*1012. 1 British trillion = 1*1018. A hell of a difference).

So, a stack of 1 trillion dollar bills would be:
1,000,000,000,000 x .0043 inches = 4,300,000,000 inches.
4,300,000,000 inches = 358,333,333.333333 feet
358,333,333.333333 feet = 67,866.1616 miles
Say 68 thousand miles to be approximate

The equator is about 24,900 miles in circumference.

This means that at the equator the stacked bills (now lying on their edges) would circle the earth about 2.73 times.

The bills side by side would cover almost 4000 square miles, an area larger than the state of Delaware
What does one TRILLION dollars look like? (calculations & dimensions)

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who would ever believe we would see the day where all new born's already owe about $200,000.00 ?
The bigger problem is we have a president who doesn't think our debt situation is a reason for concern.
I would like to bet 17 Trillion Dollars that Prince Harry Reid will never mention his urgent concern regarding the 17 Trillion Dollar debt and how in time it will collapse the economy.
We are SOOOOOOO fucked. We will NEVER, be able to pay off our debt. The government borrowed 30 billion dollars to pay for WWI, and we STILL have NOT paid off the principle on that loan. Now the debt is SEVENTEEN TRILLION... and our government just wants to BORROW, SPEND and PRINT MORE MONEY... we are SOOOOOOO fucked. The ONLY way out will be to DEFAULT, and it's coming... not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN...

... how much is SEVENTEEN TRILLION... take a look... it ought to scare the holy hell otta ya...

[ame=]$1 Trillion & US Debt 2013 in Physical $100 bills - YouTube[/ame]

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