So If The Other Shoe Drops (off), What's The Spin Gonna Be?


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
In my very humble opinion everything we've been told since the Hildebeast collapsed and had to be dragged to and tossed into her van like a Mardi Gras drunk has been standard Clinton lying and denying in lieu of the truth. As usual, the pliant lefty media fluffers are on board, paused and poised waiting for her to convalesce for a few days and then come roaring back onto the campaign trail.

However, there's still several long grueling weeks ahead chock full of endless travel, rally speeches, and let's not forget the stress of preparing for and competing in three debates. I think it's fair to say things will be ratcheting up quite a bit in the final sprint to Election Day. From here on in it's the gun lap of a mile run and time to let it all hang out.

But what if Hillary physically isn't up to the task and takes another dive in the weeks ahead? They've already played the allergy card and the dehydration card and the pneumonia card, so what cards are left for them in their deck of deception if they have to spin another incident? A food poisoning card? A menstrual cycle card at her age would be scoffed at as the Joker card instead, except by the media clowns and the low information dopes in her base. Other than the slipped-on-a-banana-peel card there's not much left in that deck that I can think of anyway.

So whada they gonna do if she does go down again like a sack of potatoes? Guess they could always try to recycle the allergy/dehydration/pneumonia cards out of desperation, but it wouldn't be very presidential sounding. What, you haven't learned to swallow some liquid to keep yourself hydrated? Hmmm...your allergy made you pass out? Really? You're smarter than the doctor who advised rest for your pneumonia? Ah, but you want folks to believe you're presidential material when it comes to smarts, decision making, etc. Okay, got it.
In my very humble opinion everything we've been told since the Hildebeast collapsed and had to be dragged to and tossed into her van like a Mardi Gras drunk has been standard Clinton lying and denying in lieu of the truth. As usual, the pliant lefty media fluffers are on board, paused and poised waiting for her to convalesce for a few days and then come roaring back onto the campaign trail.

However, there's still several long grueling weeks ahead chock full of endless travel, rally speeches, and let's not forget the stress of preparing for and competing in three debates. I think it's fair to say things will be ratcheting up quite a bit in the final sprint to Election Day. From here on in it's the gun lap of a mile run and time to let it all hang out.

But what if Hillary physically isn't up to the task and takes another dive in the weeks ahead? They've already played the allergy card and the dehydration card and the pneumonia card, so what cards are left for them in their deck of deception if they have to spin another incident? A food poisoning card? A menstrual cycle card at her age would be scoffed at as the Joker card instead, except by the media clowns and the low information dopes in her base. Other than the slipped on a banana peel card there's not much left in that deck that I can think of anyway.

So whada they gonna do if she does go down again like a sack of potatoes? Guess they could always try to recycle the allergy/dehydration/pneumonia cards out of desperation, but it wouldn't be very presidential sounding. What, you haven't learned to swallow some liquid to keep yourself hydrated? Hmmm...your allergy made you pass out? Really? You're smarter than the doctor who advised rest for your pneumonia? Ah, but you want folks to believe you're presidential material when it comes to smarts, decision making, etc. Okay, got it.
Lucky for her she's up against Trump. The only people voting for either of these 2 are nuts. Everyone else is voting for one against the other. And nothing short of one of them murdering someone in broad daylight on National television will change their vote. Hillary could collapse 100 more times, and Trump could openly call for the re-enslavement of black people, and only a handful of votes would change.
It's beginning to look like Chris Wallace may have to ask Hillary her debate questions with the help of a Ouija Board.
In my very humble opinion everything we've been told since the Hildebeast collapsed and had to be dragged to and tossed into her van like a Mardi Gras drunk has been standard Clinton lying and denying in lieu of the truth. As usual, the pliant lefty media fluffers are on board, paused and poised waiting for her to convalesce for a few days and then come roaring back onto the campaign trail.

However, there's still several long grueling weeks ahead chock full of endless travel, rally speeches, and let's not forget the stress of preparing for and competing in three debates. I think it's fair to say things will be ratcheting up quite a bit in the final sprint to Election Day. From here on in it's the gun lap of a mile run and time to let it all hang out.

But what if Hillary physically isn't up to the task and takes another dive in the weeks ahead? They've already played the allergy card and the dehydration card and the pneumonia card, so what cards are left for them in their deck of deception if they have to spin another incident? A food poisoning card? A menstrual cycle card at her age would be scoffed at as the Joker card instead, except by the media clowns and the low information dopes in her base. Other than the slipped-on-a-banana-peel card there's not much left in that deck that I can think of anyway.

So whada they gonna do if she does go down again like a sack of potatoes? Guess they could always try to recycle the allergy/dehydration/pneumonia cards out of desperation, but it wouldn't be very presidential sounding. What, you haven't learned to swallow some liquid to keep yourself hydrated? Hmmm...your allergy made you pass out? Really? You're smarter than the doctor who advised rest for your pneumonia? Ah, but you want folks to believe you're presidential material when it comes to smarts, decision making, etc. Okay, got it.
Dream on, Blastoff. She'll be fine now that the pneumonia, which morphed from several weeks of allergies, has been treated and resolved. You know, the overheated and dehydration thing was kinda lame, when exhaustion and fever from the illness itself is all that anyone needs to point to. But once I ran a fever of 101-103 for ten solid days and even though I was drinking plenty of fluids, I got dehydrated, too. The ER pumped in a quart of fluids and I was raring to go. It can apparently happen even if you're drinking plenty, I guess.
You don't pass out from pneumonia and bounce back in an hour and a half. She has a neurological disorder.
Sadly, Hillary is so unlikable that being on her sickbed and sitting out the rest of the campaign will probably get her more votes than if she offered up some honesty.
You don't pass out from pneumonia and bounce back in an hour and a half. She has a neurological disorder.
I passed out in a store last spring and drove myself home 15 minutes later. Yes, she could and yes, she did. She may have a neurological disorder, but Sunday is not evidence of it. And neither is all the lamebrain bullshit on the internet for the past six months that some creative genius with Photoshop cooked up. She might have had a quick shot of 'roids or something at Chelsea's, but right now all you guys got is wishful thinking. IMO.
You don't pass out from pneumonia and bounce back in an hour and a half. She has a neurological disorder.
I passed out in a store last spring and drove myself home 15 minutes later. Yes, she could and yes, she did. She may have a neurological disorder, but Sunday is not evidence of it. And neither is all the lamebrain bullshit on the internet for the past six months that some creative genius with Photoshop cooked up. She might have had a quick shot of 'roids or something at Chelsea's, but right now all you guys got is wishful thinking. IMO.
You'll still be telling yourself that when she's lying in her coffin.
if her campaign were smart they'd roll her around in a hospital bed with an IV drip from event to event. Hell she can even recline in her hospital bed on stage during the debates. That's a sure fire way to make it to the finish line with no "episodes"
barefoot break dancing in the street

yoga exercise time

likes to walk barefoot through puddles

bubblegum on the sole of her shoe

broke a heel

SSAs tacked her because they heard a noise

someone spiked her "water"
In my very humble opinion everything we've been told since the Hildebeast collapsed and had to be dragged to and tossed into her van like a Mardi Gras drunk has been standard Clinton lying and denying in lieu of the truth. As usual, the pliant lefty media fluffers are on board, paused and poised waiting for her to convalesce for a few days and then come roaring back onto the campaign trail.

However, there's still several long grueling weeks ahead chock full of endless travel, rally speeches, and let's not forget the stress of preparing for and competing in three debates. I think it's fair to say things will be ratcheting up quite a bit in the final sprint to Election Day. From here on in it's the gun lap of a mile run and time to let it all hang out.

But what if Hillary physically isn't up to the task and takes another dive in the weeks ahead? They've already played the allergy card and the dehydration card and the pneumonia card, so what cards are left for them in their deck of deception if they have to spin another incident? A food poisoning card? A menstrual cycle card at her age would be scoffed at as the Joker card instead, except by the media clowns and the low information dopes in her base. Other than the slipped-on-a-banana-peel card there's not much left in that deck that I can think of anyway.

So whada they gonna do if she does go down again like a sack of potatoes? Guess they could always try to recycle the allergy/dehydration/pneumonia cards out of desperation, but it wouldn't be very presidential sounding. What, you haven't learned to swallow some liquid to keep yourself hydrated? Hmmm...your allergy made you pass out? Really? You're smarter than the doctor who advised rest for your pneumonia? Ah, but you want folks to believe you're presidential material when it comes to smarts, decision making, etc. Okay, got it.
Dream on, Blastoff. She'll be fine now that the pneumonia, which morphed from several weeks of allergies, has been treated and resolved. You know, the overheated and dehydration thing was kinda lame, when exhaustion and fever from the illness itself is all that anyone needs to point to. But once I ran a fever of 101-103 for ten solid days and even though I was drinking plenty of fluids, I got dehydrated, too. The ER pumped in a quart of fluids and I was raring to go. It can apparently happen even if you're drinking plenty, I guess.
Well you can now add to your lame list the cigar-inserter-in-chief's flu card he played yesterday, and I bet that pissed off his loving wife and her team. I hadn't thought of the flu yesterday when musing about what other cards they could play when she has another incident, but now Willie's taken that card out of their rapidly depleting deck. Hopefully for Hillary's sake her team will realize sooner rather than later that old serial sex fiend Bill has lost his ability to woo a crowd like he used to and is now a potential liability every time he opens his mouth. The flu bullshit was actually his second gaffe in a few days after slipping up with Charlie Rose when he had to correct his "frequent" response to Hillary's passing out proclivity to "rarely" instead.

Anyway, the remainder of the campaign is going to be an arduous slog for the Hildebeast so best of luck to her. She's gonna need it.
In my very humble opinion everything we've been told since the Hildebeast collapsed and had to be dragged to and tossed into her van like a Mardi Gras drunk has been standard Clinton lying and denying in lieu of the truth. As usual, the pliant lefty media fluffers are on board, paused and poised waiting for her to convalesce for a few days and then come roaring back onto the campaign trail.

However, there's still several long grueling weeks ahead chock full of endless travel, rally speeches, and let's not forget the stress of preparing for and competing in three debates. I think it's fair to say things will be ratcheting up quite a bit in the final sprint to Election Day. From here on in it's the gun lap of a mile run and time to let it all hang out.

But what if Hillary physically isn't up to the task and takes another dive in the weeks ahead? They've already played the allergy card and the dehydration card and the pneumonia card, so what cards are left for them in their deck of deception if they have to spin another incident? A food poisoning card? A menstrual cycle card at her age would be scoffed at as the Joker card instead, except by the media clowns and the low information dopes in her base. Other than the slipped-on-a-banana-peel card there's not much left in that deck that I can think of anyway.

So whada they gonna do if she does go down again like a sack of potatoes? Guess they could always try to recycle the allergy/dehydration/pneumonia cards out of desperation, but it wouldn't be very presidential sounding. What, you haven't learned to swallow some liquid to keep yourself hydrated? Hmmm...your allergy made you pass out? Really? You're smarter than the doctor who advised rest for your pneumonia? Ah, but you want folks to believe you're presidential material when it comes to smarts, decision making, etc. Okay, got it.
Dream on, Blastoff. She'll be fine now that the pneumonia, which morphed from several weeks of allergies, has been treated and resolved. You know, the overheated and dehydration thing was kinda lame, when exhaustion and fever from the illness itself is all that anyone needs to point to. But once I ran a fever of 101-103 for ten solid days and even though I was drinking plenty of fluids, I got dehydrated, too. The ER pumped in a quart of fluids and I was raring to go. It can apparently happen even if you're drinking plenty, I guess.
Well you can now add to your lame list the cigar-inserter-in-chief's flu card he played yesterday, and I bet that pissed off his loving wife and her team. I hadn't thought of the flu yesterday when musing about what other cards they could play when she has another incident, but now Willie's taken that card out of their rapidly depleting deck. Hopefully for Hillary's sake her team will realize sooner rather than later that old serial sex fiend Bill has lost his ability to woo a crowd like he used to and is now a potential liability every time he opens his mouth. The flu bullshit was actually his second gaffe in a few days after slipping up with Charlie Rose when he had to correct his "frequent" response to Hillary's passing out proclivity to "rarely" instead.

Anyway, the remainder of the campaign is going to be an arduous slog for the Hildebeast so best of luck to her. She's gonna need it.
Bill is becoming Joe Biden.
they are very worried in lefty land.........she is lying about her neurological condition...and the debates are going to be a nail biting affair for the democrats....just waiting to see if she freezes up, locks up or drops......
Just think of the angst she and her handlers will be feeling every time she appears anywhere from now on. Their lying about whatever's really wrong with her got her fat ass out of the fire, but what can they say next time? She'll be in fucked city for sure.
In my very humble opinion everything we've been told since the Hildebeast collapsed and had to be dragged to and tossed into her van like a Mardi Gras drunk has been standard Clinton lying and denying in lieu of the truth. As usual, the pliant lefty media fluffers are on board, paused and poised waiting for her to convalesce for a few days and then come roaring back onto the campaign trail.

However, there's still several long grueling weeks ahead chock full of endless travel, rally speeches, and let's not forget the stress of preparing for and competing in three debates. I think it's fair to say things will be ratcheting up quite a bit in the final sprint to Election Day. From here on in it's the gun lap of a mile run and time to let it all hang out.

But what if Hillary physically isn't up to the task and takes another dive in the weeks ahead? They've already played the allergy card and the dehydration card and the pneumonia card, so what cards are left for them in their deck of deception if they have to spin another incident? A food poisoning card? A menstrual cycle card at her age would be scoffed at as the Joker card instead, except by the media clowns and the low information dopes in her base. Other than the slipped on a banana peel card there's not much left in that deck that I can think of anyway.

So whada they gonna do if she does go down again like a sack of potatoes? Guess they could always try to recycle the allergy/dehydration/pneumonia cards out of desperation, but it wouldn't be very presidential sounding. What, you haven't learned to swallow some liquid to keep yourself hydrated? Hmmm...your allergy made you pass out? Really? You're smarter than the doctor who advised rest for your pneumonia? Ah, but you want folks to believe you're presidential material when it comes to smarts, decision making, etc. Okay, got it.
Lucky for her she's up against Trump. The only people voting for either of these 2 are nuts. Everyone else is voting for one against the other. And nothing short of one of them murdering someone in broad daylight on National television will change their vote. Hillary could collapse 100 more times, and Trump could openly call for the re-enslavement of black people, and only a handful of votes would change.
This is true. All trolling for Trump to piss you liberals off aside....I am voting for Trump because I don't want Hillary. I do think he would be better than her but he already has policy ideas I totally disagree with.

Too bad we couldn't get enough people to grab torches and pitchforks and mob on over to DC and demand a redo.
Well stay tuned. All it's gonna take is a repeat sidewalk surfing incident or another episode of her scarey face freeze-ups followed by her goofy head bobbing thing and her team will spin themselves right into the ground.
I think Trump needs to be transparent and forth coming with all of us. Its cool to review Hilary's info but lets not forget Trump has no info to review and what we have points to a lot of fraud, corruption and illegal shit.

Yes, he paid a fine already for illegal bribes...err contributions...

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