So... Leave...

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I guess the issue's been building up for a while. I haven't really bothered to do anything about it. Now I'm stuck with 80 days of leave and I basically have to use a set every month until October just so I don't hit use or lose. I didn't care about this until it was pointed out to me by the flight chief that this involves negative repercussions. I had to make a LeaveWeb account yesterday and still need to get with my supe about a time to do it. Simply put, I really, really don't want to have to go through all the steps and not be at work when I should be. There are reasons for this. Is there any way to get out of it? Sell some days? I'm an E-4 with 34 months in, so it's not like I'm reupping any time soon. Or take them on the days we normally have off?

I realize how this sounds and I'm totally serious anyway. I only ask because apparently there are several other AD people here.
Would you please provide a bit more background so some of us can better understand where you're coming from?
Would you please provide a bit more background so some of us can better understand where you're coming from?
Basically I have too many days to carry over. I don't want them. I do need to burn them, at least down to 60 come October. I really don't want to actually take them for reasons which include everything from a volatile working environment where something could easy go crazyfuck sideways without even a moment's notice to a general anxiety about not being at work when I should be. These are the primary two reasons I haven't used any up to this point. Apparently the flight realized this, since the chief called me in to explain the situation of use or lose approaching and what happens when days are lost. I was wondering if there are any ways to burn through days while still maintaining my current schedule with as few deviations as possible. I need to get rid of a total of something like 40 days by the end of the fiscal year. Using them as usual isn't... an optimal option... due to said reasons. The last thing I need is to skip a day and come back to a total CF situation in the shop and/or flight.
When people convince themselves their continued presence is what's keeping things from faling apart, it's these people who need vacations the most.
Would you please provide a bit more background so some of us can better understand where you're coming from?
Basically I have too many days to carry over. I don't want them. I do need to burn them, at least down to 60 come October. I really don't want to actually take them for reasons which include everything from a volatile working environment where something could easy go crazyfuck sideways without even a moment's notice to a general anxiety about not being at work when I should be. These are the primary two reasons I haven't used any up to this point. Apparently the flight realized this, since the chief called me in to explain the situation of use or lose approaching and what happens when days are lost. I was wondering if there are any ways to burn through days while still maintaining my current schedule with as few deviations as possible. I need to get rid of a total of something like 40 days by the end of the fiscal year. Using them as usual isn't... an optimal option... due to said reasons. The last thing I need is to skip a day and come back to a total CF situation in the shop and/or flight.
Can you take the day off and just show up at work? Is there any reg against that?
When people convince themselves their continued presence is what's keeping things from faling apart, it's these people who need vacations the most.
Simply put, we have a lot of new people, most of the older and experienced people are gone, and mistakes are costly.

Can you take the day off and just show up at work? Is there any reg against that?
Yup. I've asked about it multiple times. Apparently it's illegal to work any weapons system like that.
When people convince themselves their continued presence is what's keeping things from faling apart, it's these people who need vacations the most.
Simply put, we have a lot of new people, most of the older and experienced people are gone, and mistakes are costly.

Can you take the day off and just show up at work? Is there any reg against that?
Yup. I've asked about it multiple times. Apparently it's illegal to work any weapons system like that.
Yeah, I kind of guessed that. Telecommute? :) Just set everything up the best you can. Let everyone know you will be out and set up procedures. Get the people you trust the most and let them know you are counting on them. Trust. They are your guys, and gals, they will come through for you. Relax, you've deserved it.
So yeah... Turns out you can only go so long while known to be over use or lose before a master sergeant orders you to fix it. Not really any dice on taking it all over the weekends or anything. Still, managed to make it two and a half years without taking more time off than the minimum. Hopefully that's worth something anyway. :)
Take a freakin' vacation and chill out. Chances are the operation will still be there when you get back.

And if your supervisor doesn't like it, that's his problem. You're in the military, you can't be fired.
So I learned that the time you schedule for is inclusive of the last day. It took getting yelled at by a master sergeant and sent back home, but... now you can learn the easy way. :)

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