So Liberals.

1) $15 Minimum wage....yes, there are very few minimum wage workers, so the cost of this alone would NOT cause inflation, but as you mentioned, the surrounding jobs paying that amount now for skilled workers would have to pay their skilled workers more and the highly skilled more and so on and so forth...

but THE MINIMUM kept artificially LOW due to the minimum wage being kept so low and not rising at the same level as inflation is the main reason why ALL working Americans have not seen a rise in income compared to inflation/the cost of living....the businesses take what the minimum is, then pay their skilled worker a certain percentage above that depending on their by keeping the minimum low, they can keep the skilled worker's pay, comparably low...and THIS hurts every one of us in the middle class and has been hurting us for decades now.

As far as inflation...employee pay is only one expense for the business, just a portion of their expenses for what determines the retail price of the product to the consumer...and as with the cost of goods when they rise, the retail and what we pay will rise somewhat...depending on what is being sold, and whether material goods or services, etc and what prices workers are being paid now for the goods or service.... not all goods or services will be affected... and as with all things that make their costs rise, the business will try to cut expenses and become more efficient in other areas before raising the price when faced with crisis as these... they become better business people...they dot more eyes and cross more tees to help cover the unexpected expense...

Will that lead to more robots sooner? Maybe? But we are heading that way regardless of the minimum wage...
Sure. I'm a liberal and I'll be happy to discuss the Democrat platform. It's not binding.

Bam! How do you like them apples?

Bunch of shit o'er nothing. But, hey that is the Democrats for ya.
so who will pay for this platform?

Bullshit's free. There might be a feel good effort but it won't pass and it will be YOUR fault. The Democrats of course will be held hostage by your evil ways.

But, let's pretend for a minute. I'm already paying via taxes in state aid. It's called pay your employees.

So you don't want what is represented in the socialist democrat platform?

I just call bullshit when I see it. Do you see in any of those figures Walmart treating their employees better? I do not. You as a tax payer will continue to subsidize Wal-Mart. Fuck a platform. It's meaningless.
Really? Then why do they waste their time?

Throwing the dog a bone. It's not binding and I think at least one individual thought it would be an opportunity to be on the same page. The problem is that one individual was approaching it with integrity..............and well, the rest were fucking Democrats.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

Let's see. Those who will make $15 per hour won't be going on luxury vacations or buying fancy cars, they will most likely spend their hard earned money in the community where they live and require less social services allowing the local community to provide greater police, fire and EMT protections. At $15 per hours they can afford to attend a community colleges which is tuition free; such entry level employees can than afford to better their prospects for employment by earning a professional certificate, or an associate's degree and finishing up a degree in a tuition free public state university.

We provide 12 years of free public education to every child in America. We should be providing free early childhood education to every child, as well as free training in grades 13 & 14, wherein those not interested in a four year college can learn a trade or a the skills needed for employment in the 21st Century.

There are cost deficits and cost profits in every policy, and one must not allow ideology to bias & prejudice new ideas before they are tried and tested.
I have everything except how this agenda will be funded. Anyone?

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

Let's see. Those who will make $15 per hour won't be going on luxury vacations or buying fancy cars, they will most likely spend their hard earned money in the community where they live and require less social services allowing the local community to provide greater police, fire and EMT protections. At $15 per hours they can afford to attend a community colleges which is tuition free; such entry level employees can than afford to better their prospects for employment by earning a professional certificate, or an associate's degree and finishing up a degree in a tuition free public state university.

We provide 12 years of free public education to every child in America. We should be providing free early childhood education to every child, as well as free training in grades 13 & 14, wherein those not interested in a four year college can learn a trade or a the skills needed for employment in the 21st Century.

There are cost deficits and cost profits in every policy, and one must not allow ideology to bias & prejudice new ideas before they are tried and tested.
Again. You do not tell us who will pay!
let's discuss your platform! As I understand it you want a $15.00 per hr minimum wage. Guaranteed time off. Who will pay for this?

You also want affordable college for all, and child care for working families. Who will pay for this?
And single payer? Who will pay for this?

From where will the revenue come?

Please answer civilly and seriously. And, if you feel inclined explain how college tuition became unaffordable.

Who pays for the minimum wage employees get now? 7.25/hr. The company as part of their labor costs. Their labor costs will go up, just as the cost of produce, meat, gasoline, and electricity goes up. It's called part of doing business. Only a debauched scumbag has no problem with all other costs of doing business going up but labor costs, which actually affect other people's families in a big way, is supposed to be 'off limits'. All the companies that will be affected by a raise in minimum wage, have a look at how many have said they will stop handing out huge bonuses to 'management' because of it. NONE.

For college, the US is the richest nation in the history of the Earth by far, and we are now ranked about 25th among the nations of the world regarding education.

Educational Score Performance - Country Rankings

How exactly do all these other nations provide free college to their people but this backwards nation insists on digging the hole deeper as 25th isn't low enough, let's shoot for last place.

All things, commerce, industry, space tech, IT tech, food production, healthcare, energy solutions, all require highly educated people. We are positioning ourselves to lose all those battles in the future because those other countries understand educated people drive success on a national scale and they provide free college for their people.

It's time to get out of the 19th century conservatives. The 1880's aren't coming back.

Who pays? The people buying the products they produce, or the services they provide. And, no country on Earth pays for everyone to go to college. None. Germany has a very stringent test that you have to pass to get into college. The majority fail that test. Why do you not report ALL of the facts? Hmm? If anyone is living in the 1880's it's you.
I have everything except how this agenda will be funded. Anyone?

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.

Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.
I have everything except how this agenda will be funded. Anyone?

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.

Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.
I have everything except how this agenda will be funded. Anyone?

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.

Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: I hate to break it to ya junior, but it is you with the black and white view of the world. And that based on virtually no knowledge other than what your progressive masters have spoon fed you. Basic econ tells us, and has been proven correct millions of times throughout history, that companies don't pay for anything. You do. A company pays its workers a rate that it is willing to pay, and when government mandates a raise, or a tax, or a benefit to be given to the workers it is the buyers of that companies products who end up paying for it. Companies pass through those costs directly to the consumer.
well, the $15 an hour minimum wage would be years out, and those who buy the products minimum wagers produce would pay....just like when all other business expenses rise in cost...they are prorated and spread out in to the retail of their products sold.

College, I have no idea how that would be funded initially, but in the long term, higher paying jobs will get the gvt's money back in to the coffers via their higher salaries with higher taxes collected on the higher salaries...

Pay for maternity leave for the mother, is provided by most companies now, but for small businesses, the gvt would have to come in and help these small for it. This would not amount to much...because we only have about 4 / 5 million women each year having babies, not all of them work for small businesses that can not afford the leave with pay benefit...for our gvt taxes to come in and pay for them.

People who won't spend their own money on skills for high paying jobs will suddenly care and work hard when someone else pays it for them. What do you suppose could be wrong with that theory?
I have everything except how this agenda will be funded. Anyone?

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.

Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.


A liberal preaching economics, that's classic
And, no country on Earth pays for everyone to go to college. None. Germany has a very stringent test that you have to pass to get into college. The majority fail that test.

They are tracked in the 4th grade which direction they are going anyway.
So, since the left is clueless let me provide your answer. The poor will be punished for the 15.00 minimum by losing their jobs and paying more for their burgers and cokes and the middle class will suck up the cost of single payer and free college. And, the cost of college tuition will continue to rise. Thanks to those like care 4 all who answered and gave her opinion civilly. The rest of you liberals can join Jillian.
I have everything except how this agenda will be funded. Anyone?

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.

Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.


A liberal preaching economics, that's classic

How's that Bush Great Recession backing up your claims to knowing anything about 'economics'?

You live in memes, not reality.
I have everything except how this agenda will be funded. Anyone?

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.

Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.


A liberal preaching economics, that's classic

How's that Bush Great Recession backing up your claims to knowing anything about 'economics'?

You live in memes, not reality.

LOL, what a tool.

Yes, W and Obama had the same policies and they had the same results, a crappy economy. You're the one who thinks the same actions led to different results.

Damn, you think I support W? :lmao:

You need to take some reading comprehension courses. I stated who pays for both. Companies absorb the minimum wage hike, some of which results in higher prices but this is the case with any commodity. When gasoline goes up, the cost of transporting goods goes up and the cost of those goods goes up. All raises in prices are slowly absorbed by the economy, as has every previous minimum wage hike been. Works with all commodities including labor.

If you can't discern what I said regarding college then I can't help you. Perhaps you need to go to college.

Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.


A liberal preaching economics, that's classic

How's that Bush Great Recession backing up your claims to knowing anything about 'economics'?

You live in memes, not reality.

LOL, what a tool.

Yes, W and Obama had the same policies and they had the same results, a crappy economy. You're the one who thinks the same actions led to different results.

Damn, you think I support W? :lmao:


The Stock Market went from 6,000 under Bush in 2008 to 18,000 under Obama this month.
Unemployment went from 10.2% under Bush to 4.9% under Obama.
The national defecit per year under Bush was at 1.4 trillion dollars a year, under Obama it has been recuded yearly to 400 billion.
When Obama took office the Bush/Republican economy was losing 750,000 jobs A MONTH, under Obama we've had years of job growth and lower unemployment than under Reagan.

You people have your fantasies that you cling to, but make no mistake, they are fantasies. Reality is the opposite of what you see and believe.

So solly.
Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.


A liberal preaching economics, that's classic

How's that Bush Great Recession backing up your claims to knowing anything about 'economics'?

You live in memes, not reality.

LOL, what a tool.

Yes, W and Obama had the same policies and they had the same results, a crappy economy. You're the one who thinks the same actions led to different results.

Damn, you think I support W? :lmao:


The Stock Market went from 6,000 under Bush in 2008 to 18,000 under Obama this month.
Unemployment went from 10.2% under Bush to 4.9% under Obama.
The national defecit per year under Bush was at 1.4 trillion dollars a year, under Obama it has been recuded yearly to 400 billion.
When Obama took office the Bush/Republican economy was losing 750,000 jobs A MONTH, under Obama we've had years of job growth and lower unemployment than under Reagan.

You people have your fantasies that you cling to, but make no mistake, they are fantasies. Reality is the opposite of what you see and believe.

So solly.

It's called a recession ...

And under Obama, we've had the weakest recovery ever. Obama and W, two peas in a pod. Notice that in your economic ignorance you picked some random stats and pointed out zero different policies. Countries are far more than just which President is in office. Or in your case, whether there is a D or an R after their name
Bull crap. No company pays for anything moron. The buyers of those products or services are the ones who pay for the wages.

You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.


A liberal preaching economics, that's classic

How's that Bush Great Recession backing up your claims to knowing anything about 'economics'?

You live in memes, not reality.

LOL, what a tool.

Yes, W and Obama had the same policies and they had the same results, a crappy economy. You're the one who thinks the same actions led to different results.

Damn, you think I support W? :lmao:


The Stock Market went from 6,000 under Bush in 2008 to 18,000 under Obama this month.
Unemployment went from 10.2% under Bush to 4.9% under Obama.
The national defecit per year under Bush was at 1.4 trillion dollars a year, under Obama it has been recuded yearly to 400 billion.
When Obama took office the Bush/Republican economy was losing 750,000 jobs A MONTH, under Obama we've had years of job growth and lower unemployment than under Reagan.

You people have your fantasies that you cling to, but make no mistake, they are fantasies. Reality is the opposite of what you see and believe.

So solly.

Yes. The WEALTHIEST 1 percent have done better under obummer than at any time in the last 50 years. They have made more money, and ripped off the middle class at a rate unheard of under a repub admin. And you sit back and let it happen.
You have a black and white view of a full color world. You only see either/or in everything.

Sorry, the world is far more complicated than that. I'd suggest some economics courses at a pertinent college. Save up though, college costs a lot here.


A liberal preaching economics, that's classic

How's that Bush Great Recession backing up your claims to knowing anything about 'economics'?

You live in memes, not reality.

LOL, what a tool.

Yes, W and Obama had the same policies and they had the same results, a crappy economy. You're the one who thinks the same actions led to different results.

Damn, you think I support W? :lmao:


The Stock Market went from 6,000 under Bush in 2008 to 18,000 under Obama this month.
Unemployment went from 10.2% under Bush to 4.9% under Obama.
The national defecit per year under Bush was at 1.4 trillion dollars a year, under Obama it has been recuded yearly to 400 billion.
When Obama took office the Bush/Republican economy was losing 750,000 jobs A MONTH, under Obama we've had years of job growth and lower unemployment than under Reagan.

You people have your fantasies that you cling to, but make no mistake, they are fantasies. Reality is the opposite of what you see and believe.

So solly.

Yes. The WEALTHIEST 1 percent have done better under obummer than at any time in the last 50 years. They have made more money, and ripped off the middle class at a rate unheard of under a repub admin. And you sit back and let it happen.

Poor isaac, he laughs at this post and yet it is a FACT. A fact that poor little isaac don't like. His hero obummer is a pawn of the wealthiest one percent, and because he is they could rape and pillage far more than they ever could under a repub, and good little halfwits like isaac let it happen. And then when the facts are pointed out to them and they have no response they run and hide. Typical brain dead "useful idiot".

Hello idiot!:bye1:
The rich have never had it so good as right now. Why do they continue to cry? Why is it whenever something is introduced to help the middle class it is struck down? America hates its middle class.

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