So Some Want Trump To Withdraw Over Comments?,What About Hillary And Benghazi Lies?

:boohoo::iagree: Seriously? some rats want Trump to withdraw over his latest muslim comments? Did Democrats forget about Hillary and her Benghazi video? and along with the four people who died on her watch as S.O.S.?
So which is worse, Trump and his muslim comments, or Hillary and her Benghazi debacle (not to mention all of her other embarrassing dilemmas). :itsok::oops-28:

Reagan took a shit on the Constitution by selling weapons to Iran, and he lied about it.

Bush ignored an intelligence memo that warned of a plot to fly hijacked airplanes into skyscrapers. He didn't even follow basic defense protocols to defend the eastern seaboard of the United States. He didn't have scramble ready planes on alert. He failed to protect the nation. Over 3,000 people died.

Of course Hilary lies. She's a politician.

Trump is a moron who appeals to morons.
:boohoo::iagree: Seriously? some rats want Trump to withdraw over his latest muslim comments? Did Democrats forget about Hillary and her Benghazi video? and along with the four people who died on her watch as S.O.S.?
So which is worse, Trump and his muslim comments, or Hillary and her Benghazi debacle (not to mention all of her other embarrassing dilemmas). :itsok::oops-28:
Someone should form a committee and investigate the whole Benghazi thing.

Double Bingo.

The left doesn't care about the deaths of four men.

Deaths that were caused by HC and her grossly incompetent State Department. All the left can do is deflect to Bush time and time again.

They think because the investigations didn't find fault then she shouldn't be held accountable or be judged for her gross negligence.

Did anyone think a Govt. investigation would find fault with a Govt. entity?? I sure didn't. And I was proven to be correct.

Common sense says they were grossly negligent and that negligence got four men killed.
and when you think of all of the outlandish stuff we have heard from Prezident Bambi since day one! you could make one hell of a list of things Bush would of been either bashed or demanded impeached for if he had said what Obama said over the last 8 years.
Seriously? some rats want Trump to withdraw over his latest muslim comments? Did Democrats forget about Hillary and her Benghazi video? and along with the four people who died on her watch as S.O.S.?
So which is worse, Trump and his muslim comments, or Hillary and her Benghazi debacle (not to mention all of her other embarrassing dilemmas).
Faux equivalency.


Clinton demonstrated incompetency and, quite probably, dishonesty, in connection with the deaths of four people.

Trump demonstrated neo-fascism, arrogance, and a disconnect with Reality, regarding a highly volatile subject, and its impact upon hundreds of thousands of people.

Shrillary should not be President, for her Stolen Valor (hot Bosnian LZ sniper-fire bullshit), Benghazi, and a lifetime of political corruption and sleazy associations.

Trump should not be President, because he has outed himself, finally and nearly predictably, as a neo-fascist - he is unbalanced and he is morally unfit to lead.

The suitability (or lack thereof) of one is entirely irrelevant to the suitability (or lack thereof) of another.
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What lies? The last time she was before the hack Benghazi committee, she made them look like inquisition panel from the middle ages.
:boohoo::iagree: Seriously? some rats want Trump to withdraw over his latest muslim comments? Did Democrats forget about Hillary and her Benghazi video? and along with the four people who died on her watch as S.O.S.?
So which is worse, Trump and his muslim comments, or Hillary and her Benghazi debacle (not to mention all of her other embarrassing dilemmas). :itsok::oops-28:

Let's have 10 investigations of Trump first, and if they find nothing, as the investigations of Hillary Clinton found,

then we'll be back to even.
At the top of list of people howling over Trump's latest remarks are his GOP rivals.
we need to Ban Al Sharpton from ever speaking {well more like mumbling like a confused gorilla} on TV and public places! Weze Much Bubba Babba need to kajagoogo dem craka dissa and dat dumb dizza poopa dem Bush's !!!

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