So they are going to furlough TSA workers but spend 50 MILLION dollars on uniforms


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I swear the FED government is the worst people in business.. Why not use that money so people dont lose hours.. TSA Sealed $50-Million Sequester-Eve Deal to Buy New Uniforms | CNS News
The impending sequester did not prevent the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from acting in late February to seal a $50-million deal to purchase new uniforms for its agents--uniforms that will be partly manufactured in Mexico
And they are not even using people in the USA to make these uniforms. Obama sucks
This is a great example of government "logic." Spend a pile of money on things they aren't really needed, then cut things that hurt. I believe they want people to feel the pain of the sequester so they won't look like complete liars after their doomsday talk.

They still sent $240 million to Egypt, of all places, and that was on top of the billions in money and equipment. They don't want them to suffer any hardships, but the American people are a different story. They will make us as miserable as they can.
I swear the FED government is the worst people in business.. Why not use that money so people dont lose hours.. TSA Sealed $50-Million Sequester-Eve Deal to Buy New Uniforms | CNS News
The impending sequester did not prevent the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from acting in late February to seal a $50-million deal to purchase new uniforms for its agents--uniforms that will be partly manufactured in Mexico
And they are not even using people in the USA to make these uniforms. Obama sucks

They need to look nice when molesting 3 years olds or old women in wheelchairs.
Last minute under the radar deal right before sequester raises eyebrows...
$50 Million TSA Uniform Contract ‘Deeply Disturbing’
March 6, 2013 – Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said it is “deeply disturbing” that the Transportation Security Administration would seal a $50-million deal for new uniforms just days before the sequester took effect.
“I find it deeply disturbing that as Secretary [Janet] Napolitano is running around scaring people by saying she is going to have to furlough employees because of sequester, that she would also spend $50 million of taxpayer money on new uniforms,” Blackburn said in a statement Wednesday. “This is a classic failure in leadership,” she said. “DHS has the flexibility it needs in the sequester to cut waste, fraud, and abuse from its budget,” Blackburn said. “Instead, Secretary Napolitano is making the active decision to furlough personnel and is trying to manufacture a scenario where passengers have to wait in longer lines.”

As reported, the TSA announced last week that it had awarded a contract to VF Imagewear, Inc. for up to $50 million to produce the agency’s uniforms, which amounts to about $1,000 per employee. The deal was completed days before March 1, when the sequester was implemented.

DHS Secretary Napolitano has said airports already are experiencing delays due to the automatic, across-the-board reductions in spending, saying TSA officers will have to be furloughed. Later news reports, however, have refuted her comments about long lines at airports.


See also:

CDC Director Can’t Back Up White House Claim That Sequester Will Halt 2,050 Vaccines for Kids in MD
March 6, 2013 – Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Thomas Freiden could not say whether his agency assisted the White House in preparing an estimate on the number of children in Maryland who supposedly would not get vaccines because of the sequester spending cuts, even though the CDC oversees the vaccination program that is used throughout the states.
Freiden made his remarks while being questioned before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies on Tuesday. At the hearing, Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (R-Md.) held up a letter from the White House stating, "Dr. Freiden, I have a great deal of concern about a document that my office got from the White House that talked about the cuts that were going to occur, due to Republicans, in affecting children. And I'm going to read their quote about vaccines for children. It says, in Maryland about 2,050 fewer children will receive vaccines due to reduced funding [through sequestration] for vaccinations of about $140,000. Did the CDC assist the White House in preparing that estimate?" “I would have to get back to you on that,” Frieden said.

Harris appeared stunned that Frieden could not say whether his agency had been the source of the White House claim. “You, as the director, don’t know if you assisted the White House in preparing an estimate that was distributed to every member of Congress?” Harris asked. Frieden again claimed he did not know whether the figure came from the CDC. “On that specific number, I would have to give you an accurate answer,” Frieden said, before being cut off by an angry Rep. Harris. In a set of state-by-state “fact-sheets,” the White House claimed to be laying out the specific negative impacts of the sequestration spending cuts. In its Maryland paper, the White House claimed that 2,050 children could go without immunizations.

“In Maryland, around 2,050 fewer children will receive vaccines for diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, whooping cough, influenza, and Hepatitis B due to reduced funding for vaccinations of about $140,000,” the White House said. The administration has made several dubious claims about the effect of the sequester, including claims that teachers would be laid off, janitors at the Capitol would have their pay cut, and air travelers would face extreme wait times due to furloughs of security personnel.

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First, Olympic uniforms made in China - now this...
U.S. Border Patrol Uniforms Manufactured in Mexico
March 25, 2013 - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has granted uniform contracts to VF Imagewear, Inc., an apparel company that relies on manufacturing sites in Mexico for a “significant percentage” of its occupational garments.
The latest contract with the company was awarded on Dec. 20, 2012, to make “uniform and insignia items” for the CBP at an estimated cost of $6,157,997.57, and a ceiling of $8 million. The CBP, which is responsible for protecting America’s borders, told that items from VF Imagewear, a subsidiary of VF Corporation, are manufactured in a number of locations, “including Mexico.” “There are no domestic preference regulations or statutes applicable to DHS/CBP that would prohibit the manufacture of uniform items in Mexico,” the CBP said. “In fact, United States obligations under International Agreements require that the Agency accept items manufactured in Mexico.” “Consistent with the foregoing, VF is permitted to provide items manufactured in Mexico under the current contract,” the agency said.


According to the company’s 2012 annual report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), “VF operates manufacturing facilities in Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East.” “A significant percentage of denim bottoms and occupational apparel are manufactured in these plants, as well as a smaller percentage of footwear,” the report says. Occupational apparel refers to uniforms made by VF Imagewear. The company supplies uniforms for a variety of industries, including transportation, hospitality, food service and for the NFL, MLB and Harley-Davidson.

Manufacturing for Major League Baseball uniforms, however, occurs in the United States, according to the annual report. VF Imagewear also maintains websites for the uniform programs for the CBP, the Fire Department of New York City, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the National Park Service. “These websites provide the employees of our customers with the convenience of shopping for their work and career apparel via the Internet,” the report states.

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Granny says, "Dat's right - dey ain't bein' uniform `bout the sequester cuts...
Lawmakers Demand Answers on $50-Million, Sequester-Eve TSA Uniform Deal
March 29, 2013 – Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and John Mica (R-Fla.) have sent a letter to the administrator of the Transportation and Security Administration John Pistole, demanding answers regarding the $50-million uniform contract the agency sealed just days before the sequester budget cuts took effect.
First reported by, the TSA awarded the contract to VF Imagewear on Feb. 27, two days before $44 billion in automatic across-the-board spending cuts, known as the sequester, began being implemented on March 1. By Mar. 4, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was warning of long lines at airports due to furloughs at the TSA because of the budget cuts, which are actually reductions in the increase in spending – more money total will be spent in 2013 than in 2012. “The rationale behind the timing of TSA’s uniform contract and other uncertainties surrounding the contract award raise concerns,” wrote Chaffetz, the chairman of the House Subcommitee on National Security, and Mica, the chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations.

The lawmakers sent a letter on March 28 to Pistole, asking for documents related to the uniform contract and a committee briefing on the issue “as soon as possible.” (Letter to Pistole.pdf) “Recent news stories state that the TSA ‘agreed on a deal [in February] worth as much as $50 million to buy new uniforms for rank-and-file agents, despite concerns that imminent budget cuts would result in furloughs and 90-minute flight delays,’” Chaffetz and Mica said. “Just days within the enactment of sequestration, Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano commented on sequestration’s effects on airport security operations,” they said.

On March 4, Napolitano said, "We are already seeing the effect on the ports of entry, the big airports for example. Some of them had very long lines this weekend." "Look people, I don't mean to scare, I mean to inform," she said. "If you're traveling, get to the airport earlier than you otherwise would. There's only so much we can do with personnel and please don't yell at the customs officers, the TSA officers. They aren't responsible for sequester." The oversight committees are asking the TSA if “any consideration” was made to delay the uniform contract in light of the impending sequester.

In addition, Chaffetz and Mica want to know: the total anticipated value of the contract; if it includes a “Buy America” provision; the current uniform allowance for TSA employees; how much the TSA has spent on uniforms per year since 2010; and what percentage of the uniforms are made in the United States. “ome reports indicate that VF Imagewear’s uniforms are partly made in Mexico,” Chaffetz and Mica said. (Letter to Pistole.pdf) As previously reported, the TSA confirmed to that the uniforms will be "manufactured in the U.S. and Mexico." "TSA's contract with VF Imagewear for TSO uniforms, which has some manufacturing facilities in Mexico, complies with the law," the TSA said.


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