So What Are These Imaginary TOP SECRET Nuclear Documents That The FBI Couldn't Ask For But Had To Wait Almost 2 Years To Take From Trump?

This is the purpose of this raid.
They trick ignorant libtards into thinking Trump did something wrong again....even though we eventually proved he did nothing wrong in their last few hoaxes. This is all Democrat voters have. Fraud and false accusations:

I guess that makes you smarter than Trump. Why are you following someone dumber than you?
Yep....Trump is stupid because he's trying to follow the law and do what they want.
That's stupid as fuck.
I'd put tanks around my home and dare these motherfuckers to try to get in.
Yep....Trump is stupid because he's trying to follow the law and do what they want.
That's stupid as fuck.
I'd put tanks around my home and dare these motherfuckers to try to get in.
Until he provides a plausible explanation for having this stuff in first place we can only assume he was up to no good. The ball is in his court now. What do you think he going to say to make this all seem like a big misunderstanding?
Whatever they were, the Lord of the Lies should not have had them, period, end of story! Bigly!!!
And, when asked by the National Archives, he refused to turn them over. Bigly!!!!!!!
Course that's total horseshit.
Trump's lawyers said those motherfuckers knew everything he had and simply told them to secure them. Bigly.
Every bit of this was precipitated by Trump being a one man crime wave. He really needs to come up with a legitimate reason for stealing this stuff and quickly.
What stuff?
According to the DOJ they haven't produced a list of items.
The only fucking thing you have is a shitload of the usual speculation by the corrupt leftist media.
What stuff?
According to the DOJ they haven't produced a list of items.
The only fucking thing you have is a shitload of the usual speculation by the corrupt leftist media.
Debating established reality is a thing of fools and schizos.
It relates to your claim it is a mistake for Team Biden

Team Biden is having a great week.
In addition to a glowing jobs report, agreement on the new Climate Change bill and Trump taking the Fifth…..
They got a raid on Trumps compound yielding Top Secret documents

Not only is Team Biden celebrating, but mainstream Republicans are celebrating Garland taking care of their Trump problem for them
So Team Biden is counting on this raid galvanizing Bidenistas who are so far gone with TDS, that they will think this is a good thing? Obviously there will be those, but it's not like they were undecided voters for the upcoming Trump-Harris matchup.

The new Climate Change Bill? You mean the reduction of inflation bill, or are you embarrassed to call it that?
Debating established reality is a thing of fools and schizos.
You got that right. You have this fantasy created for you to munch on and it tastes good....but it's a nothing-burger once again.

What's amazing is the way you switch off your common-sense totally when it comes to Trump.
You have this horrible feeling in the back of your neck that they're pulling yet another fast one on you.

People like you have some core reason why you trust corruption.
I don't know what it is in your case.....but I think you're just like the Nazi civilians in Germany that looked the other way while they were putting Jews in concentration camps and executing them. If you think hard enough you can justify any illegal or immoral act.
You got that right. You have this fantasy created for you to munch on and it tastes good....but it's a nothing-burger once again.

What's amazing is the way you switch off your common-sense totally when it comes to Trump.
You have this horrible feeling in the back of your neck that they're pulling yet another fast one on you.

People like you have some core reason why you trust corruption.
I don't know what it is in your case.....but I think you're just like the Nazi civilians in Germany that looked the other way while they were putting Jews in concentration camps and executing them. If you think hard enough you can justify any illegal or immoral act.
Save it. You've already shown yourself to be delusional. You might want to pause and reconnect with reality. Your boy stole some stuff that wasn't his and may be in deep doo-doo. That's reality. Now we have only to wait for his excuse.
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What is a nuclear document?
Are they nuke that expired within 24 hrs after they were issued?
Are they technical diagrams of bombs?
Was Trump trying to build a nuke reactor and start a war against the Democrat Party from his home?
Was he selling secrets to the Chinese, like Bill Clinton did?
Maybe he was planning to blow up the DNC

Save it. You've already shown yourself to be delusional. You might want to pause and reconnect with reality. Your boy stole some stuff that wasn't his and may be in deep doo-doo. That's reality. Now we have only to wait for his excuse.
The funny thing is....I worked with COMSEC while in the Army. I was a trained COMSEC Custodian.
And I know this is a total load of crap.
They count on you ignorant folks not to know what's going on.

They could tell you that Trump stole the Nuke Football and you'd believe it....never knowing that the football becomes obsolete or expires at a set time. And I guarantee it isn't 18 months after he leaves office.
When we gave out keys during deployments ,or codes to people for secure phones, they expired on a set schedule.
There is nothing Trump could have that is worth a shit this long after he left office.
There is no nuke information that the president could have that wasn't fully accounted for before he left the White House for the final time.

The only thing urgent about this is the overly aggressive manner in which they pulled off for this an attempt to manufacture the impression that Trump did something really wrong.
And you dupes fell for it......once again
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Maybe he was planning to blow up the DNC

He could do that buy dropping leaflets on them with this picture on it.

The reason this keeps happening is because the Dems have been trying to set up Trump since he won the nomination.
Jan 6th is just plan C. Russian Collusion was plan B. This is plan D.

These criminals shouldn't be allowed in government because they cannot be trusted anymore.

they haven't been trustworthy since Kennedy was in the WH, if then...
The funny thing is....I worked with COMSEC while in the Army. I was a trained COMSEC Custodian.
And I know this is a total load of crap.
They count on you ignorant folks not to know what's going on.

They could tell you that Trump stole the Nuke Football and you'd believe it....never knowing that the football becomes obsolete or expires at a set time. And I guarantee it isn't 18 months after he leaves office.
When we gave out keys during deployments ,or codes to people for secure phones, they expired on a set schedule.
There is nothing Trump could have that is worth a shit this long after he left office.
There is no nuke information that the president could have that wasn't fully accounted for before he left the White House for the final time.

The only thing urgent about this is the overly aggressive manner in which they pulled of this an attempt to manufacture the impression that Trump did something really wrong.
And you dupes fell for it......once again
If you were a COMSEC Custodian you know how Secret Documents are supposed to be reported and stored.

You know what would have happened if you were caught storing any of those documents in your basement.
Yeah ... I've been on the other side of this ... it surprises people how fast I could get a dozen sheriff's deputies on someone insisting they do what I tell them to do ... it's called power ... I guess you have none ... if you want power, I suggest cleaning up the potty-talk ... makes you sound the commoner you are ...
Fuck you.

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