So What Should the Dimocrats Motto for 2018 Be?

What are good Dimocrat Mottos for 2018 (multiple selection)

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
A good wave of any color needs a few mottos that bring into focus just exactly what they stand for:

For the GOP it would likely be some variation on 'It is morning in America again'.

But the Dims cant run on the recent economic success because few Americans buy the notion that the current economy was caused by Obama.

So I offer the following list as a means of getting the ball rolling.
After watching shows like Family guy and liberal WHATZITS throwing anything and seeing what sticks, we are supposed to despise and ridicule America, and question and split hairs. Lets question the questioners. It goes both ways. For instance, did anyone get to vote on your city/state becoming a sanctuary for Mexicans? When did that happen? A lot of us missed that going to show up on the family guy? In a humorous way or not?
They should make some dictator/Trump connection. Like...

"Do you want Kim Jong Eric making America 'tard again?"
A good wave of any color needs a few mottos that bring into focus just exactly what they stand for:

For the GOP it would likely be some variation on 'It is morning in America again'.

But the Dims cant run on the recent economic success because few Americans buy the notion that the current economy was caused by Obama.

So I offer the following list as a means of getting the ball rolling.
lol good job!
Any candidate will have to distance themselves from Hillary.

"Private email? What the hell is that?"
A good wave of any color needs a few mottos that bring into focus just exactly what they stand for:

For the GOP it would likely be some variation on 'It is morning in America again'.

But the Dims cant run on the recent economic success because few Americans buy the notion that the current economy was caused by Obama.

So I offer the following list as a means of getting the ball rolling.
I prefer to go with GOP positions. PROVEN GOP positions.
  1. We hate Trump! ------The entire world hates Trump, so what?
  2. Save a carees, and killa baby ----How about "Children are Target Practice
  3. Republicans are rapists! ------ Republicans, let's elect rapists
  4. Raise taxes! ---- But not on billionaires and corporations.
  5. Hand in your guns and we wont burn you and your family alive --- To all non whites
  6. Carbon Dioxide *IS* a pollutant! ----- We love dirty air and dirty water.
  7. Close Gitmo and bring AQ here to America! ----- Bring back Torture!
  8. MS-13 are people too! ---- Only the white ones and none of them are white.
  9. Free guy-liner to all males entering high scrool --- Why learn how to spell school?
  10. A microphone in every home and a Spy in every party! --- To see if they stand for the anthem.
  11. Kill a cop now! and a cracker is a twofer! ---Points for shooting unarmed blacks.
  12. We love poor desperate blacks and browns, and we will keep them that way! -- OK
  13. Republicans are racists! -- And proud of it!
  14. Chthulu is on our side! ---?
  15. America MUST BE PUNISHED TODAY! --- Unless you are white.
  16. Laws are for little people! ---Our laws are for blacks, browns, gays, women and Muslims only.
  17. Trump is a Nazi! -- Make it mandatory to stand when you salute him.
  18. Republicans are too white ------ You can never be too white. So 10% of the GOP must go!
I think that kind of clears it up. Have the GOP run on those and you can get every Republican in America to vote. I guarantee it.
A good wave of any color needs a few mottos that bring into focus just exactly what they stand for:

For the GOP it would likely be some variation on 'It is morning in America again'.

But the Dims cant run on the recent economic success because few Americans buy the notion that the current economy was caused by Obama.

So I offer the following list as a means of getting the ball rolling.
Gee, I wonder what gave them THAT idea?


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