So What Would Biden’s Call for a Ceasefire Accomplish?

Israel has been committing acts of terror and genocide against Palestinians, including the people of Gaza for decades. Hamas is a response to an illegal, brutal occupation.

Yeah, you've already made it clear you were rooting for the butchers who beheaded Israeli babies.
They're Jews, so that makes it all ok.
In the coming months the most the Palestinians will have left is the West Bank, but that will even look different going forward, since the Israelis now more than ever, will never be able to have any trust whatsoever in any kind of Palestinian leadership.
Face it, it's over for these people having any chance of ever having their own land now. They truly blew it, and it's irreversible.
Once the dust has settled in the coming months or years, the best thing to happen for all would be to work towards relocating the people to other backwards Islamic hellholes.
Yeah, you've already made it clear you were rooting for the butchers who beheaded Israeli babies.
They're Jews, so that makes it all ok.
In the coming months the most the Palestinians will have left is the West Bank, but that will even look different going forward, since the Israelis now more than ever, will never be able to have any trust whatsoever in any kind of Palestinian leadership.
Face it, it's over for these people having any chance of ever having their own land now. They truly blew it, and it's irreversible.
Once the dust has settled in the coming months or years, the best thing to happen for all would be to work towards relocating the people to other backwards Islamic hellholes.

The census data showed they owned more than 2%? Awesome!
Jewish organizations, not individual Jews, owned only 6% of the land. Individual Jewish refugees owned practically nothing. They were dirt poor, coming out of WW2 Europe. So under your own metric of who legitimately "owns property" and has the right to remain in the land, the Jews fail. They were all living in Kibbutzim. They were "squatters" LOL!
Israel knows there are no timeouts in war. They also know that Joe Biden is rarely right. Other than the money we will provide, there really isn't any good reason for Israel to pay attention to anything our nincompoop in chief says. MAGA

These Evangelical rednecks don't care. Palestinians are A-rabs, and the Israelis are the supposed "CHOSEN PEOPLE OF THE LORD", hence they can slaughter everyone with impunity. These hillbilly, 700 Club Christians worship the Jews and want to start armageddon ASAP, to be raptured up to the clouds with baby Jesus. They're a bunch of sickos.

65% of Americans want a ceasefire while it gets 0 votes in the Senate, 0 in the White House, & a handful in the House of Reps. This is one of the largest gaps on any subject between “the people” and the government.
We can safely say: Israel runs the US government.
You're an ignorant dolt, ignoring history. Jewish terrorists and thugs, like the Irgun and Hagana and other militant Zionist groups, were terrorizing Palestinians before 1948, that is a well-documented fact. The Zionists planned from the very beginning to ethnically cleanse the land of Palestinian Muslims and Christians and that's what they did. It's all well documented, the problem is that you get all of your information from FOX News and Ben Shapiro.
Fuck head, no Jew has been in Gaza since 2005.
They could have used those billions in aid to create a popular Med resort, instead they spent it on terrorism.
Fuck head, no Jew has been in Gaza since 2005.
They could have used those billions in aid to create a popular Med resort, instead they spent it on terrorism.
They control everything that goes in and out. They control the water, electricity, the airspace, the sea, and don't allow anyone to leave without going through a lengthy process, to get a permit visa. Once a person leaves they can't return to their families, they have to stay out of Gaza forever. Very few people get the permit to leave and return. It's almost impossible to get out. You're in support of a Jewish supremacist apartheid state that has imprisoned a whole population of people (2.3 million human beings) in a giant concentration camp. You're not a disciple of Jesus Christ, you're a demon. ZioNazi.
65% of Americans want a ceasefire while it gets 0 votes in the Senate, 0 in the White House, & a handful in the House of Reps. This is one of the largest gaps on any subject between “the people” and the government.
We can safely say: Israel runs the US government.
These Zionist Evangelicals don't care. These right-wingers claim to be American patriots, but they serve the Jewish ZioNazi State of Israhell. They'll sell their mothers for "Israel".
Jewish organizations, not individual Jews, owned only 6% of the land. Individual Jewish refugees owned practically nothing. They were dirt poor, coming out of WW2 Europe. So under your own metric of who legitimately "owns property" and has the right to remain in the land, the Jews fail. They were all living in Kibbutzim. They were "squatters" LOL!

Jewish organizations, not individual Jews, owned only 6% of the land.

I agree, they owned much more than the Arabs owned.

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