So, when did "Replacement" begin?

I think it began with the student loan program. Millions of kids who routinely worked summer jobs to pay for college no longer had to. They bought into the notion promulgated by the colleges and the government that their time was better spent studying than working. This opened the floodgate for immigrant labor. The fruits of that program are the disaster seen today in student debt, and whole industries taken over by aliens.

The student loan program had another darker purpose. Many kids left college for working careers based on their summer job experience and potential pay, and because they enjoyed the work, especially the building trades. This was a great loss to the colleges and the student loan program was a remedy for those losses.
I grew up near vegetable farms and Hispanics, mostly Mexican, worked the fields. That was in the 1960's and they are still working there today. I don't think student loan programs had anything to do what you "think"
Replacement is happing even with the Hispanics that came before the current lot.....You hardly hear of it but places that use a lot of Hispanic labor like the poultry industry in my AO are shutting down, laying off, then hiring/training the new crop of Hispanics at at lower wage and opening back up.

I've seen this cycle at least three times at one place. The first time they got shed of all the American workers that had been there since it opened in the 1970s. At least 1/3rd were black.

We really need immigration reform and pass laws with real teeth that stand on the necks of those that hire illegals and gives out felonies and prison time.
Such operations remove the skill from the meat cutting trade. Assembly line workers make a simple cut or two and the carcass passes to another unskilled worker who make another simple cut.
I worked as a retail meat cutter for 15 years. It was a great occupation that required many skills. I loved it. We received whole chickens packed in ice, beef by the quarter, whole lambs, bulk fish packed in ice. Pork products were broken down however into 'primal' cuts. Nothing was prepackaged.

During the final years that I worked as a meat cutter some of these low-skilled worker products were finding their way into our shop. The writing was on the wall that the whole industry would soon be downgraded regarding skills and wages, and employing only immigrants.
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Indians weren't here first lol.
They migrated from the south and displaced others.

This argument is so tiresome. Nearly EVERY NATION on the planet was determined via conquest and war or internal strife.

Why the white American is the only one held to account for it is absurd
Yep. The Indians who come to THIS country never lived here. Liberals pushing this are basing their "right" to be here over native whites, solely on RACE. They will tell you they have a right to our land because of their RACE.
I grew up near vegetable farms and Hispanics, mostly Mexican, worked the fields. That was in the 1960's and they are still working there today. I don't think student loan programs had anything to do what you "think"
Many such large vegetable farms only exist because of cheap immigrant labor.

Immigrants replaced students as summertime laborers in the building trades, thanks to those student loans. Many of those immigrants then went on to become tradesmen themselves, replacing the white kids that did so before them.
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Such operations remove the skill from the meat cutting trade. Disassembly line workers make a simple cut or two and the carcass passes to another unskilled worker who repeated yet another simple cut.
I worked as a retail meat cutter for 15 years. It was a great occupation that required many skills. I loved it. We received whole chickens packed in ice, beef by the quarter, whole lambs, bulk fish packed in ice. Pork products were broken down however into 'primal' cuts. Nothing was prepackaged.

During the final years that I worked as a meat cutter some of these low-skilled worker products were finding their way into our shop. The writing was on the wall that the whole industry would soon be downgraded regarding skills and wages, and employing only immigrants.
Yeah, my BIL was a meat cutter with 40+ years of experience. He worked for a local butcher starting when he was 14 then went to a grocery chain when the owner died.

He said by the time he retired he was not much more than a meat slicer for folks that wanted a pre-packaged cut done-up a certain way.

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