So Which of these are conspiracy theories?

which of the following are verified and true conspiracy theories?

  • The Diamond Market scammers

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • High over-head charities

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • DoD suppression of UFO information

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Chicom infiltration of the USA media, political system and Universities

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Obama initiated Spy-gate monitoring of then Candidate Trump in violation of our laws onspying on US

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
People toss the phrase around 'Conspiracy Theory' like it implies it is ridiculous or false.

But which of the following are Conspiracy theories?

The International diamond trade is a monopoly that inflates the price of diamonds using their influence to remove diamonds from the market in several ways and to drive up demand with advertising. Few people realize that diamonds are generally regarded as less valuable per karat than Burmese rubies, or that there are many clear gems that have more clarity and a higher refractory index (so they sparkle brighter) like Moisanite or even white saphires and cubic zirconium. But people will still buy multi thousand dollar engagement rings and marriage bands when there is no real reason to other than the artificial impression people have that this is what you are 'supposed' to do.

Charitable services are very often working with very high overhead costs, like 80 -90% of all donations going to over-head and not going to the cause of the charity. Instead of charging them with fraud, the politicians have decioded to join the game as well and have their own 'pet' charities that probably kick back some of the mullah to the pol.

The US DoD suppressed information about UFOs for decades, but finally admitted that not only do they have dramatic radar video of UFOs, and have generally considered them 'off world' vehicles, but they actually do have some materials from crashed UFOs that they have lied about all this time.

The Communist Chinese have used their Army to set up corporations that work for them, and they use an intricate and confusing web of these shell businesses to evade detection and public recognition. They are currently supplying the BLM and ANTIFA radicals with military grade explosives, automatic weapons and give them situation intell and train them as operatives to carry out their attacks on normal Americans.

Liberal, sexually perverse Catholic bishops have been engaging in orgies around the USA, many of them homosexual orgies and some of them heterosexual. Priests that were pedophiles have been hiden and moved around to evade the arrest of these priests untill John Paul the Great found out about it and put the kebosh on it. But when Pope Francis became Pope, he not only looked the other way again, but promoted and shielded bishop Makarik of Washing who was among the worst offenders.

The communist infiltration of our press is quite apparent now, with most of them refusing to be critical of the Marxist BLM and ignoring ANTIFA, often insisting ANTIFA doesnt exist. They are willing traitors to our nation.

President Obama dredged up a squad of intelligence people to spy on Trump in violation of numerous laws.
People toss the phrase around 'Conspiracy Theory' like it implies it is ridiculous or false.

But which of the following are Conspiracy theories?

The International diamond trade is a monopoly that inflates the price of diamonds using their influence to remove diamonds from the market in several ways and to drive up demand with advertising. Few people realize that diamonds are generally regarded as less valuable per karat than Burmese rubies, or that there are many clear gems that have more clarity and a higher refractory index (so they sparkle brighter) like Moisanite or even white saphires and cubic zirconium. But people will still buy multi thousand dollar engagement rings and marriage bands when there is no real reason to other than the artificial impression people have that this is what you are 'supposed' to do.

Charitable services are very often working with very high overhead costs, like 80 -90% of all donations going to over-head and not going to the cause of the charity. Instead of charging them with fraud, the politicians have decioded to join the game as well and have their own 'pet' charities that probably kick back some of the mullah to the pol.

The US DoD suppressed information about UFOs for decades, but finally admitted that not only do they have dramatic radar video of UFOs, and have generally considered them 'off world' vehicles, but they actually do have some materials from crashed UFOs that they have lied about all this time.

The Communist Chinese have used their Army to set up corporations that work for them, and they use an intricate and confusing web of these shell businesses to evade detection and public recognition. They are currently supplying the BLM and ANTIFA radicals with military grade explosives, automatic weapons and give them situation intell and train them as operatives to carry out their attacks on normal Americans.

Liberal, sexually perverse Catholic bishops have been engaging in orgies around the USA, many of them homosexual orgies and some of them heterosexual. Priests that were pedophiles have been hiden and moved around to evade the arrest of these priests untill John Paul the Great found out about it and put the kebosh on it. But when Pope Francis became Pope, he not only looked the other way again, but promoted and shielded bishop Makarik of Washing who was among the worst offenders.

The communist infiltration of our press is quite apparent now, with most of them refusing to be critical of the Marxist BLM and ignoring ANTIFA, often insisting ANTIFA doesnt exist. They are willing traitors to our nation.

President Obama dredged up a squad of intelligence people to spy on Trump in violation of numerous laws.

All of them have been openly discussed OUTSIDE of conspiracy forums for years. Even the UFO thing has been given credibility by major media for decades.. In THAT case, you just got a bunch of "UFO" truthers making it all LOOK like a conspiracy..

Nobody creates more conspiracies than the US Govt.. They do this all the time by INCOMPETENCE and deflecting questions.. Like the missing flight recorders from the 9-11 plane that went down in Penn. Or the missing front door from the Waco compound or the makeshift morgue at Waco that "lost power" and destroy coroners evidence. The stupidity and incompetence is JUST ASSUMED to conscious and deliberate.. But govt is actually that inept..

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