Sweet Willy
- May 20, 2009
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- #21
Willy you are full of crap. As for foreign aid we spend about 7% of our budget on it. It isn't the problem.
You're probably just ignorant. We've spent a TRILLION dollars to build an army for Israel and that army, one of the best on the planet just happens to be exactly where we have been fighting for 15+ years and not a single soldier, not an airstrip, not a base. Nothing. Now Israel may be more than willing, maybe not. Maybe we have tied their hands, in any case, for that kind of investment, when we're begging the rest of the world to mobilize for us, we don't get to use ANYHTING we PAID for?
It has been a monumantal waste of money for us. Great for them. Not so much for us. I used to think we would need that military someday. That has come and gone. They didn't show for us and the amazing thing is that Americans fucking jumped up and down when France balked but nearly no one so much as raised a whisper about our fully armed, filly capable allie, sitting next door to the fight with their thumb up their ass protecting their own.
Fuck that.