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So, you want to boycott Israel...

"At least 12 more European governments published online guidance warning their citizens and businesses about risks involved in trade and other economic links with illegal Israeli settlements on Thursday and Friday, bringing the total number of countries to publish such advice to 17.

"The statements warn businesses about the economic, legal and reputational 'risks' of economic ties with illegal Israeli settlements and state that firms should be aware of the 'possible abuses of the rights of individuals' such transactions may contribute to.

"The announcements are part of a wider effort coordinated among European states prompted by lobbying by civil society organisations such as the European Coordination of Associations for Palestine and MEPs, who have been arguing that governments should do more to prevent European firms from trading with or providing services to illegal Israeli settlements.

17 EU members take action against corporate complicity with Israeli crimes | BDSmovement.net

Why would you think doing business with an illegal military occupation of Palestine shouldn't be treated the same way as White South Africa?

Yet the same countries have also started to arrest BDS movement followers for ANTI SEMITISM and RACISM, even INCITEMENT TO RACIAL AND RELIGOUS HATRED. Which is why the movement has ground to a halt in Europe, it has been hijacked by white supremacists and neo Marxist so they can exercise their anti semitic Jew hatred openly.
"The largest mainline Protestant church in U.S has divested from British security company G4S over the key role it plays in Israel’s military occupation and the prison system at which Palestinians are held without trial and subjected to torture.

"The General Board of Pension and Health Benefits (GBPHB) of The​ US​ United Methodist Church has instructed ​the​ managers ​of its $20bn fund ​to sell all shares in G4S​.​
"The news follows a decision by the Gates Foundation to divest from G4S and the opening of an official UK government investigation into the company’s activities in Palestine/Israel. G4S recently announced at its shareholders meeting in London that it plans to end its activities inside Israel’s prisons, albeit not until 2017.

Largest US Protestant Church divests from Israeli prison contractor G4S | BDSmovement.net
Don't bother, they stopped the boycott since it's also Jewish invention as well.
Another Jewish invention:

"Hasbara Trolls are generally quite polite at first. They pop up when someone is critical of Israel and it’s policies or interests.

"They target, write, engage, educate and insult. From my research it seems that there is some kind of hierarchy of trolls, they have leaders who tell them targets and guide them with their spin.

"Most work voluntarily but some are paid for by wealthy sponsors. They track topical keywords and persons using public websites such as topsy.com.

"Problems arise if one rejects the explanations being offered by the trolls, then their troll nature becomes apparent very quickly as they resort to smears and abuse."

A Guide To HASBARA TROLLS | Pragmatic Witness
Well,we know one thing for sure. It wasnt missile technology.:lol:
It wasn't DIME technology either:eek:

"GAZA CITY – The Palestinian Health Ministry has accused Israel of using the Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) in striking the Gaza Strip.

"'Medical teams have registered injuries consistent with those caused by DIME and other banned weapons,' health undersecretary Youssef Abul Resh told a press conference in Gaza City's Shifa medical complex Sunday.

"'Israel has mercilessly targeted Palestinian civilians leaving many of them with life-threatening injuries and future handicaps,' he said.

"Israeli authorities were not immediately available to comment on the accusation.

"Renounced Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert has also accused the Israeli army of using internationally banned weapons in its ongoing offensive against the Gaza Strip.

"He told a press conference in Gaza City that examinations of the bodies of the victims had shown that they had been subjected to internationally banned weapons.

"Gilbert added that these weapons cause major damage to the bodies, especially the limbs."

Officials accuse Israel of using DIME explosives | MidEast | Daily Sabah

Sounds like some greedy Jews are planning their next arms bazaar?

A 6 year old report that has no basis in actual facts as shown here

Dense Inert Metal Explosive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In July/August 2006, doctors in the Gaza Strip reported unusual wounds caused by Israel Defense Forces attacks against Palestinian targets, claiming that they were from a previously unknown weapons. A lab analysis of the metals found in the victims' bodies was reportedly "compatible with the hypothesis" that DIME weapons were involved. Israel denied possessing or using such weapons, and an Israeli military expert said that the wounds were consistent with ordinary explosives

No mention of them being illegal weapons anywhere but on ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA sites. So who decreed them illegal ?
From your link's references:

"DUBAI: Around 40 Palestinians were killed after Israeli tank shells exploded at a United Nations school in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

"Eyewitnesses said two tank shells exploded outside the school, causing shrapnel injuries to people on either side of the building.

"Hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge in the building to escape the fighting between Israeli soldiers and Hamas fighters.

"After the explosions, several bodies lay scattered on the ground amid pools of blood. Several dozen people lay wounded, hospital sources said.

Israeli forces locked in combat in Gaza have been accused of using 'unconventional weapons' during their operations. In an interview with Iran’s Press TV, Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who arrived at Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital as a volunteer, said Israelis had used a tungsten alloy weapon that could generate pressure waves powerful enough to sever limbs.

“'I can tell you that we have clear evidence that the Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy,' he said.

"He added that those in the proximity of an explosion of a weapon of this type were 'cut in pieces'. 'Almost all of the patients we have received have these severe amputations. They seem to have been affected by this kind of weapon,' Dr. Gilbert observed."

"Dr. Gilbert pointed out that Israel first used DIME weapons in the 2006 Lebanon war."

The Hindu : International : 40 die in Israeli strike at school
What technology have Jews stolen from Palestinians?
"The newspaper publishes a detailed list of Jewish industrial and commercial enterprises which have been 'aryanized' since 1933. The list, which is reproduced by French newspapers, limits itself to the most important Jewish concerns and does not include tens of thousands of smaller Jewish firms which have passed into the hands of less wealthy Germans."

Industrialists Who Backed Hitler Got Seized Jewish Property, Nazi Paper Reveals | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

When Jews drove over 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948, they took possession of tools, machines, techniques, and methods of organization they had no legal right to.

Jews then passed a series of laws which prevented the rightful owners of that technology from returning to their homes.

So no actual link to Israel and the Jews apart from the one in your fantasy world

By the way the arabs evicted were done so legally under the then customary International laws. You see they could have been shot as enemy combatants instead seeing as they were hostile internal enemies.
Prove it.
Then prove how Jew terrorists who resorted to ethnic cleansing became entitled to keep the homes, businesses, and bank accounts they had stolen.
It wasn't DIME technology either:eek:

"GAZA CITY – The Palestinian Health Ministry has accused Israel of using the Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) in striking the Gaza Strip.

"'Medical teams have registered injuries consistent with those caused by DIME and other banned weapons,' health undersecretary Youssef Abul Resh told a press conference in Gaza City's Shifa medical complex Sunday.

"'Israel has mercilessly targeted Palestinian civilians leaving many of them with life-threatening injuries and future handicaps,' he said.

"Israeli authorities were not immediately available to comment on the accusation.

"Renounced Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert has also accused the Israeli army of using internationally banned weapons in its ongoing offensive against the Gaza Strip.

"He told a press conference in Gaza City that examinations of the bodies of the victims had shown that they had been subjected to internationally banned weapons.

"Gilbert added that these weapons cause major damage to the bodies, especially the limbs."

Officials accuse Israel of using DIME explosives | MidEast | Daily Sabah

Sounds like some greedy Jews are planning their next arms bazaar?

A 6 year old report that has no basis in actual facts as shown here

Dense Inert Metal Explosive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In July/August 2006, doctors in the Gaza Strip reported unusual wounds caused by Israel Defense Forces attacks against Palestinian targets, claiming that they were from a previously unknown weapons. A lab analysis of the metals found in the victims' bodies was reportedly "compatible with the hypothesis" that DIME weapons were involved. Israel denied possessing or using such weapons, and an Israeli military expert said that the wounds were consistent with ordinary explosives

No mention of them being illegal weapons anywhere but on ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA sites. So who decreed them illegal ?
From your link's references:

"DUBAI: Around 40 Palestinians were killed after Israeli tank shells exploded at a United Nations school in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

"Eyewitnesses said two tank shells exploded outside the school, causing shrapnel injuries to people on either side of the building.

"Hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge in the building to escape the fighting between Israeli soldiers and Hamas fighters.

"After the explosions, several bodies lay scattered on the ground amid pools of blood. Several dozen people lay wounded, hospital sources said.

Israeli forces locked in combat in Gaza have been accused of using 'unconventional weapons' during their operations. In an interview with Iran’s Press TV, Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who arrived at Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital as a volunteer, said Israelis had used a tungsten alloy weapon that could generate pressure waves powerful enough to sever limbs.

“'I can tell you that we have clear evidence that the Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy,' he said.

"He added that those in the proximity of an explosion of a weapon of this type were 'cut in pieces'. 'Almost all of the patients we have received have these severe amputations. They seem to have been affected by this kind of weapon,' Dr. Gilbert observed."

"Dr. Gilbert pointed out that Israel first used DIME weapons in the 2006 Lebanon war."

The Hindu : International : 40 die in Israeli strike at school

Press TV. Story has been picked up by a few news providers, but they all reference Iranian Press TV.


you might need this
"The newspaper publishes a detailed list of Jewish industrial and commercial enterprises which have been 'aryanized' since 1933. The list, which is reproduced by French newspapers, limits itself to the most important Jewish concerns and does not include tens of thousands of smaller Jewish firms which have passed into the hands of less wealthy Germans."

Industrialists Who Backed Hitler Got Seized Jewish Property, Nazi Paper Reveals | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

When Jews drove over 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948, they took possession of tools, machines, techniques, and methods of organization they had no legal right to.

Jews then passed a series of laws which prevented the rightful owners of that technology from returning to their homes.

So no actual link to Israel and the Jews apart from the one in your fantasy world

By the way the arabs evicted were done so legally under the then customary International laws. You see they could have been shot as enemy combatants instead seeing as they were hostile internal enemies.
Prove it.
Then prove how Jew terrorists who resorted to ethnic cleansing became entitled to keep the homes, businesses, and bank accounts they had stolen.

Not that Herr George really cares about the Arabs, but they make perfect pawns for him in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Those Arabs who actually owned their own property and businesses didn't flee from Israel, but stayed and they and/or their descendents are citizens of Israel. I wonder if Herr George realizes that the Jews who had to leave the other Middle East Countries were the ones who had plenty of assets and property, and were happy to escape with the shirts on their backs. In fact, if Herr George could get away from his computer for a while, he will find loads of Iranian Jews right here in Los Angeles who had to flee after the crazy Ayatollahs came to power, and they can tell him about all they had to leave behind in Iran. At least the Iranians who came here with practically nothing, whatever their religion is, were able by dint of hard work to make successes of their lives in America and didn't depend on subsidized housing.
A 6 year old report that has no basis in actual facts as shown here

Dense Inert Metal Explosive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In July/August 2006, doctors in the Gaza Strip reported unusual wounds caused by Israel Defense Forces attacks against Palestinian targets, claiming that they were from a previously unknown weapons. A lab analysis of the metals found in the victims' bodies was reportedly "compatible with the hypothesis" that DIME weapons were involved. Israel denied possessing or using such weapons, and an Israeli military expert said that the wounds were consistent with ordinary explosives

No mention of them being illegal weapons anywhere but on ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA sites. So who decreed them illegal ?
From your link's references:

"DUBAI: Around 40 Palestinians were killed after Israeli tank shells exploded at a United Nations school in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

"Eyewitnesses said two tank shells exploded outside the school, causing shrapnel injuries to people on either side of the building.

"Hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge in the building to escape the fighting between Israeli soldiers and Hamas fighters.

"After the explosions, several bodies lay scattered on the ground amid pools of blood. Several dozen people lay wounded, hospital sources said.

Israeli forces locked in combat in Gaza have been accused of using 'unconventional weapons' during their operations. In an interview with Iran’s Press TV, Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who arrived at Gaza’s Al Shifa hospital as a volunteer, said Israelis had used a tungsten alloy weapon that could generate pressure waves powerful enough to sever limbs.

“'I can tell you that we have clear evidence that the Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy,' he said.

"He added that those in the proximity of an explosion of a weapon of this type were 'cut in pieces'. 'Almost all of the patients we have received have these severe amputations. They seem to have been affected by this kind of weapon,' Dr. Gilbert observed."

"Dr. Gilbert pointed out that Israel first used DIME weapons in the 2006 Lebanon war."

The Hindu : International : 40 die in Israeli strike at school

Press TV. Story has been picked up by a few news providers, but they all reference Iranian Press TV.


you might need this
What's your point?
Hasbara never lies:lol:

Israel is using weapons to kill their enemies?
Tell me it ain't so?

Don't you know that the two-bit anti-Smites and the losers in life who need a scapegoat just wish that the Israelis do nothing and let their enemies murder them until there are no Israeli Jews left. Then their new friends can comb the world and kill the remaining Jews for them.
Israel is using weapons to kill their enemies?
Tell me it ain't so?
It ain't so.
Israel is killing civilians as part of its belligerent occupation of Palestine.
In case you didn't notice, every two or three years Israel finds an excuse to test their weapons in Gaza. They do that because Hamas is not Hezbollah. Expect a big arms bazaar to be held in the Holy Land as soon as the killer Jews perfect their wares.
Krupp made excellent steel:

"The German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung has published figures showing that a handful of German industrialists who financed Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s rise to power are the chief beneficiaries, together with Economics Dictator Hermann Goering, of confiscation of Jewish enterprises.

"The newspaper asserts that virtually all confiscated Jewish property fell into the hands of the richest German industrialists, namely, Krupp, Kirdorf, Stinnes, Klockner, Mannesmann, Friedrich Flick, Otto Wolf and Goering

Industrialists Who Backed Hitler Got Seized Jewish Property, Nazi Paper Reveals | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Jews produce economic gains in Palestine by following principles similar to those the Krupps employed during WWII

It's called Capitalism
What technology have Jews stolen from Palestinians?
"The newspaper publishes a detailed list of Jewish industrial and commercial enterprises which have been 'aryanized' since 1933. The list, which is reproduced by French newspapers, limits itself to the most important Jewish concerns and does not include tens of thousands of smaller Jewish firms which have passed into the hands of less wealthy Germans."

Industrialists Who Backed Hitler Got Seized Jewish Property, Nazi Paper Reveals | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

When Jews drove over 700,000 Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts in 1948, they took possession of tools, machines, techniques, and methods of organization they had no legal right to.

Jews then passed a series of laws which prevented the rightful owners of that technology from returning to their homes.
Sooo...nothing, in other words.
Israel is using weapons to kill their enemies?
Tell me it ain't so?
It ain't so.
Israel is killing civilians as part of its belligerent occupation of Palestine.
In case you didn't notice, every two or three years Israel finds an excuse to test their weapons in Gaza. They do that because Hamas is not Hezbollah. Expect a big arms bazaar to be held in the Holy Land as soon as the killer Jews perfect their wares.

Yes, yes!
And I presume all of the Ketushas fired on S'derot for the last three years, with NO retaliation from the IDF, were mere figments.
Carry on...Jews need idiots like you to spur on Jewish Innovation!
Palestinians find it difficult to study when greedy Jews come knocking on their roofs.
I heard your argument in the 1960s about Blacks in Mississippi.
Are you racist?

The race card? In this context? Seriously? The fall back tactic of the liberal....
I dont recall any argument about blacks in Mississippi. Care to post it?
Are you confused about racist Jews?

"The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) published reports documenting racism in Israel, and the 2007 report suggested that anti-Arab racism in the country was increasing. One analysis of the report summarized it thus: 'Over two-thirds Israeli teens believe Arabs to be less intelligent, uncultured and violent. Over a third of Israeli teens fear Arabs all together....

"'The report becomes even grimmer, citing the ACRI's racism poll, taken in March 2007, in which 50% of Israelis taking part said they would not live in the same building as Arabs, will not befriend, or let their children befriend Arabs and would not let Arabs into their homes.'[13]

"The 2008 report from ACRI says the trend of increasing racism is continuing."

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George, you want to talk about Jewish racism, start your own thread. This one is about the Jewish technology THAT YOU USE EVERY DAY.
Israel is using weapons to kill their enemies?
Tell me it ain't so?
It ain't so.
Israel is killing civilians as part of its belligerent occupation of Palestine.
In case you didn't notice, every two or three years Israel finds an excuse to test their weapons in Gaza. They do that because Hamas is not Hezbollah. Expect a big arms bazaar to be held in the Holy Land as soon as the killer Jews perfect their wares.
Oh, shut up, you stupid son of a bitch.
Israel is using weapons to kill their enemies?
Tell me it ain't so?
It ain't so.
Israel is killing civilians as part of its belligerent occupation of Palestine.
In case you didn't notice, every two or three years Israel finds an excuse to test their weapons in Gaza. They do that because Hamas is not Hezbollah. Expect a big arms bazaar to be held in the Holy Land as soon as the killer Jews perfect their wares.

Yes, yes!
And I presume all of the Ketushas fired on S'derot for the last three years, with NO retaliation from the IDF, were mere figments.
Carry on...Jews need idiots like you to spur on Jewish Innovation!
Some of us remember where Sderot came from:

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza."

Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel is using weapons to kill their enemies?
Tell me it ain't so?
It ain't so.
Israel is killing civilians as part of its belligerent occupation of Palestine.
In case you didn't notice, every two or three years Israel finds an excuse to test their weapons in Gaza. They do that because Hamas is not Hezbollah. Expect a big arms bazaar to be held in the Holy Land as soon as the killer Jews perfect their wares.
Oh, shut up, you stupid son of a bitch.
Don't shoot, D'Man.
I can take a hint.
Israel is using weapons to kill their enemies?
Tell me it ain't so?
It ain't so.
Israel is killing civilians as part of its belligerent occupation of Palestine.
In case you didn't notice, every two or three years Israel finds an excuse to test their weapons in Gaza. They do that because Hamas is not Hezbollah. Expect a big arms bazaar to be held in the Holy Land as soon as the killer Jews perfect their wares.

Are you saying that if Hamas hadn't rained rockets down on Israel, then Israel would still attack Gaza???
It ain't so.
Israel is killing civilians as part of its belligerent occupation of Palestine.
In case you didn't notice, every two or three years Israel finds an excuse to test their weapons in Gaza. They do that because Hamas is not Hezbollah. Expect a big arms bazaar to be held in the Holy Land as soon as the killer Jews perfect their wares.

Yes, yes!
And I presume all of the Ketushas fired on S'derot for the last three years, with NO retaliation from the IDF, were mere figments.
Carry on...Jews need idiots like you to spur on Jewish Innovation!
Some of us remember where Sderot came from:

"Sderot was founded in 1951 as a transit camp for Kurdish and Persian Jewish immigrants, who lived in tents and shacks during the Jewish exodus from Muslim countries before permanent housing was completed in 1954.[6]

"It was built on lands belonging to the Palestinian Arab village of Najd[7] and is located a few miles south of the village's ruins.

"On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were driven out[8] to Gaza."

Sderot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, it used to be called Najd, and now it is called Sderot.

Hamas launches rockets, Israel does nothing
Hamas launches more rockets, Israel does nothing
Hamas launches more rockets, Israel bombs a Hamas facility
Hamas launches more rockets, Israel bombs another Hamas facility
" " " " " " "
Hamas launches dozens of rockets daily, Israel finally commits to a full scale attack and deluded terrorist supporting lefties like George start whining.

Fuck you and all the other lefties who want Israel to sit and do nothing while rockets rain down on her civilians :)

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