Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Countries with socialized medicine have lower infant mortality rates and higher life expectancies than the United States. Health care in those countries is less expensive than in the United States. Health care in the United States is more expensive than in other affluent democracies because much of the money spent on health care goes to health insurance companies.


US spends most on health care but has worst health outcomes among high-income countries, new report finds​

Jacqueline Howard
By Jacqueline Howard, CNN
5 minute read
Published 12:01 AM EST, Tue January 31, 2023

The United States spends more on health care than any other high-income country but still has the lowest life expectancy at birth and the highest rate of people with multiple chronic diseases, according to a new report from The Commonwealth Fund, an independent research group.

The report, released Tuesday, also says that compared with peer nations, the US has the highest rates of deaths from avoidable or treatable causes and the highest maternal and infant death rates.

“Americans are living shorter, less healthy lives because our health system is not working as well as it could be,” the report’s lead author, Munira Gunja, senior researcher for The Commonwealth Fund’s International Program in Health Policy and Practice Innovation, said in a news release. “To catch up with other high-income countries, the administration and Congress would have to expand access to health care, act aggressively to control costs, and invest in health equity and social services we know can lead to a healthier population.”

People in the US see doctors less often than those in most other countries, which is probably related to the US having a below-average number of practicing physicians, according to the report, and the US is the only country among those studied that doesn’t have universal health coverage. In 2021 alone, 8.6% of the US population was uninsured.

“Not only is the U.S. the only country we studied that does not have universal health coverage, but its health system can seem designed to discourage people from using services,” researchers at the Commonwealth Fund, headquartered in New York, wrote in the report. “Affordability remains the top reason why some Americans do not sign up for health coverage, while high out-of-pocket costs lead nearly half of working-age adults to skip or delay getting needed care.”

I'm not against socialized medicine if we were to mimic the French system, but we'd also need to make some other changes. First of all, we'd have to stop being the world's police and reduce the military a lot. Second, we'd have to stop subsidizing the use of corn syrup in everything and ban a lot of the same substances that aren't allowed in food in Europe. We'd probably also have to find a way to push more of the public to exercise.

Part of the reason the French system works is because their public is healthier than ours overall. This was true even before they put into place their modern healthcare system. Since we have a rather obese population with a high incidence of things like diabetes, converting to a socialized system would be rather rough in the beginning.

All that aside, the French system is one of the better ones also because of its private sector. They have access to cheap care for basic needs but can still go to a private hospital for something time-sensitive. That's the ideal. Public systems are cheaper but tend to be less prompt, whereas private systems are faster but more expensive.
Greed by insurance and big pharma, I can agree with you on. However, the insurance scam would have a lot less power if the government didn't force us to have it (whether it's the feds or state governments).
Just like auto insurance, we are paying for those who don't have it.
How many countries in the world are waiting in line to adopt the US healthcare model?
Big Pharma also would have less power if we could buy foreign drugs, but again, government prevents that.
I agree.
Sorry to hear that, but what makes America great is not the government nor insurance nor healthcare. Freedom does. If we ever truly lose that, then health will be a lesser worry.

That being said, if you really want to fix healthcare in this country, you have to get every state to allow people to pay for healthcare without the insurance middleman. That's a lot of what drives up costs here. And when most states require you to use insurance and do not allow paying a doctor in cash or without insurance in general, it's not really a free market to begin with.
Do we really have freedom when we have to pass through gun detectors to enter schools, sporting events, amusement parks, etc.? You`re absolutely correct regarding healthcare. I don`t know of any other developed country where people tolerate health insurance companies. Insurance companies have never cured anyone of anything. We`re the suckers of the world.
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.

'60 Minutes' publicly releases transcripts of interview at heart of its dispute with Trump

Allowing their use in any OP as a "legitimate" source of information here proves the Left lean of this forums ownership.
Posts like this with their only source being MSM should be immediately moved to Badlands or Satire. The Left MSM is nothing more than propaganda disinformation.
Last edited:
'60 Minutes' publicly releases transcripts of interview at heart of its dispute with Trump

Allowing their use in any OP as a "legitimate" source of information here proves the Left lean of this forums ownership.
Posts like this should be immediately moved to Badlands or Satire. The Left MSM is nothing more than propaganda disinformation.
Sure, FOX sure isn't.....................

Fox News Heavily Edited Trump's Barbershop Interview ...​

Straight Arrow News › Media Miss
Oct 25, 2024 — CNN claims Fox News edited Donald Trump's barbershop visit in the Bronx, omitting his rambling comments and false claims.

It Seems Fox News Edited Trump Interview to Help Him ...​

The New Republic › breaking-news
On Sunday, an interview with Donald Trump aired on Fox News, and online commentators saw clear issues on the broadcast that suggest some heavy edits.
What a stupid thing to say. If you want to pay your doctor without insurance, then go ahead. Most can't afford that.
Are libs really this dumb? ^^^

He’s saying that the very existence of insurance, even for very routine things, is driving up the cost of them - and thus people need insurance to pay the costs inflated BY insurance.

The few things that are not covered by insurance come down to an affordable level.
We became great by helping those that couldn't help themselves. Sure, you can't help everybody, and you should make sure those getting help actually need it, but heartless disregard is not what this country was built on.
We became great by encouraging and rewarding the most talented and intelligent among us to achieve great things. Now, libs are so eager to “equitize” everyone that we have the top public school in the country (TJ) concerned that not enough blacks and too many Asians were acing the admissions test, so they eliminated the admissions test - and this better Asians students were kept out.

In another shameful example, several high schools in a liberal county suppressed the news of the top students who were Merit Scholars in order to impede their acceptance to Ivy universities and give a better chance to worse students.

A country does not become great by giving out welfare, wasting taxpayer money, and cutting corners so that less capable kids can go to Ivy colleges. A country becomes great by allowing their best and brightest to achieve their highest potential.
Sorry to hear that, but what makes America great is not the government nor insurance nor healthcare. Freedom does. If we ever truly lose that, then health will be a lesser worry.

That being said, if you really want to fix healthcare in this country, you have to get every state to allow people to pay for healthcare without the insurance middleman. That's a lot of what drives up costs here. And when most states require you to use insurance and do not allow paying a doctor in cash or without insurance in general, it's not really a free market to begin with.
absolutely correct. before insurance a routine visit to the Doctor was less than $10, now insurance is paying hundreds for the same visit. and yes, I understand inflation.
It's weird to think about, but race relations in the 1890s were better than they would become in the 1910s and 1920s. Things were moving in a good direction in terms of improving standard of living up until certain groups like the KKK heightened tensions between blacks and whites.
Politeness was the rule in culture in the 1890's. Victorian age. Life reflected the arts of the year ime. Neoclassical virtues. Wasn't it Nilhilism And Dadaism that grew out of the early 1900's clearly a sign of disturbing trends in society. And most of all a lack of respect like what is happening now.
We became great by helping those that couldn't help themselves. Sure, you can't help everybody, and you should make sure those getting help actually need it, but heartless disregard is not what this country was built on.
Monoculturalist answered you in post #653

Private charities funded by private donations are the only way to do it

Which means defund the NGOs that receive tax dollars
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
That would be significant in a democracy which we are not - we are a Constitutional Republic wherein our rights are not subjected to majority rule . The reason the Founder Fathers REJECTED DEMOCRACY was identified by Isabel Paterson in 1943:

"Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey.

A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)
two lies in one sentence, good for you.
National Public Radio, October 22, 2024

Why education is becoming a bigger divide in politics​

Well, we're talking about the education line, and whether or not you have a college degree seems to be one of the biggest predictors of how you're going to vote. If you have a college degree, more likely than not, you're voting Democratic. If you don't, more likely than not now, you're voting Republican. And that's a pretty big shift from what we had seen, you know, in the 1980s or '90s, even the early 2000s.

That would be significant in a democracy which we are not - we are a Constitutional Republic wherein our rights are not subjected to majority rule . The reason the Founder Fathers REJECTED DEMOCRACY was identified by Isabel Paterson in 1943:

"Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey.

A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)
Isabel Paterson was a reactionary crank, of no significance. Once can see that in her preposterous quote about public education.

The "Founding Fathers" were intelligent and well educated for their time. Nevertheless, they were richer than the average American. Many owned slaves. We should not look to them for humane opinions.

The United States' government is a representative democracy. There is no contradiction between a republic and a democracy. A republic is not led by a monarch. A democracy is led by the voters. Nazi Germany was a republic. The UK, with a figurehead king, is a democracy.

I have been trying to find the origin of the quaint cliche, "The United States government is a republic, not a democracy." As best as I have been able to tell it originates with the John Birch Society. When the Birchers realized that the reforms of the New Deal were popular with the voters, they decided that it did not matter, because the United States is not a democracy.
I agree. That's what charities and fraternal organizations are for. Voluntary help is the key, rather than coercion by government via theft (taxation).
You have a childish understanding of what theft is.
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